Electrovoice EV ZLX 12

  • Hi KPA friends,

    got a pair of EV ZLX 12 in my studio. Have to say that I am very impressed as they are very light, do not hiss, no ventilator, sound very good at low volume and high volume. The guitar sounds through the KPA have all the balls and sparkle I need for my purposes (not metall player..). Also recorded music sound very pleasant. It come with a DSP that allows to adapt to different situations (as wedges, PA etc) and also can manipulate the frequencies a bit for different applications (playback, live, vocals, techno). Compared to my Behringer B212D they sound much better as there is more clarity and punch. The Bs sound very nasal in comparison. For 370 Euro per speaker I think it is a very good deal. Compared it in the shop also with some RCFs (more expensive) that I did not like at all (due to kind of mid focussed sound). Search completed successfully. Keep them.

    Cheers Sacapuntas

  • Hi KPA friends,

    got a pair of EV ZLX 12 in my studio. Have to say that I am very impressed as they are very light, do not hiss, no ventilator, sound very good at low volume and high volume. The guitar sounds through the KPA have all the balls and sparkle I need for my purposes (not metall player..). Also recorded music sound very pleasant. It come with a DSP that allows to adapt to different situations (as wedges, PA etc) and also can manipulate the frequencies a bit for different applications (playback, live, vocals, techno). Compared to my Behringer B212D they sound much better as there is more clarity and punch. The Bs sound very nasal in comparison. For 370 Euro per speaker I think it is a very good deal. Compared it in the shop also with some RCFs (more expensive) that I did not like at all (due to kind of mid focussed sound). Search completed successfully. Keep them.

    Cheers Sacapuntas

    Does it have 2 inputs? I mean can it be used as a monitor for KPA and the signal from PA simultaneously? And can it be used as amp for passive version of the ZXL112 if one has both of them, I mean connecting the KPA into this active ZXL and then output link to passive ZXL?

  • I got one myself when I first bought the KPA. I needed something good and affordable and they work perfectly. I play mostly through headphones for practice at home but when I play live these do so well. Which setting are you using when you use it as a monitor? (Monitor, Pole, stack)

  • I had a chance to compare some dance and rock music through the ZLX112p, dxr8, drx12, and a K10 at my local guitar center this week.

    The ZLX is a very good sounding speaker - it keeps up with the others easily. And, the off axis response fills a room as well as the other speakers. The EV version of "flat response" sounded a little more pulled back in the mids than the Yamahas. It sounded like it had more low end than the dxr8 or K10. The lows were comparable to the dxr12, but with a difference in the mids and low mids. Neither was necessarily "better" than the other. Light EQ could likely be used to make them sound pretty much the same as each other. It had very transparent highs, too.

    I think this a really good value, compared to the same size speaker from Yamaha and QSC ( you could buy a stereo pair of EVs for about the same advertised price as one of the other two speakers). If I wanted a stereo rig, two EVs would make a great rig.

    I was specifically looking for something as small as practical, though ( I have a Bose L1 for my "normal size" rig). So, I ended up with the dxr10. Hey, EV - I bet you could sell MANY zlx110p speakers, if you offered them :)

  • Finally got this EV ZLX12p on my hands and had a change for a quick test. I am a newbie in guitar (let alone FRFR stuff) so I don't have any experience to compare it to :) We had a RCF 310A at our rehearsal place so I kind of compared this to it. So, here's my few cents (not a review really):

    + ZLX is very loud! Was louder and bigger sounding than RCF even with the less volume.
    + Sounds amazing. A lot of punch and very clear sound. Though, the RCF sounded awesome also.
    + Didn't notice any hiss or rattling or anything like that. Not at all. I used my ZLX on the floor in a monitor position with the MODE set to 'Live' and LOCATION set to 'Monitor'. All the other eq settings where left untouched.

    - Was physically just a bit bigger that I expected it to be. This is not really a con, is it :)

    We have rehearsals later today, so I am able to seriously test it in real band use also. I'll return with my notes after that. Also next week, we have rehearsals with the band in which I play bass, so few notes of bass+KPA+ZLX coming soon  :)

  • Just played the last rehearsals for the gig in saturday and oh boy was that a joy! I have a Matrix GT1000fx with my KPA and today I had Mesa 4*12 as a cab and this ZXL12p as a monitor. ZXL did good! Very good! We played metal (2 guitars, bass, synths and pretty hard hitting drummer) and ZXL was totally loud enough, thats for sure :) Clear and punchy! Never been this good sound in rehearsals :thumbup:

  • I'd love to hear more reviews from owners of these ZLX12p's.
    Yesterday I tried to go to my local Guitar Center to compare the DXR10 with the ZLX12p, but they didn't have any DXR10's :( They did have one ZLX12p but with nothing to compare it too, I didn't even bother trying it out. Hopefully I can track them both down somewhere else, or maybe someone will do a video shootout between the two. I know the Atomic CLR seems to be the ultimate setup for the Kemper and I'd love to have one, but with such a HUGE price difference between the ZLX12p, the DXR10 and the CLR i'm still on the fence as to what to do.

    Edited once, last by Evil_Mopars (May 4, 2014 at 1:31 AM).

  • The EV ZLX12p are just amazing. Have them now for almost 2 months. Amazing clarity, punch, bass, sound great at low and high volume. No hiss, no ventilator.. just great. I would have paid much more for them but luckily enough they are ver affordable. IMHO the best deal in town. The only disadvantage: they are not small.

  • Funny you mentioned the size diego, when I first saw it I was like "WOW, this thing is kinda big" LOL
    But for $200.00 US dollars less than the Yamaha DXR10's I could probably live with it if I wasn't giving up anything sound wise.