need help setting up your Wah in the Profiler? do you own a rare Wah? let me know.

  • Apologies in advance (if this post rambles off topic), but I just wanted to say thanks for the settings!

    When I first demo'd the wahs (using the presets that shipped with my Kemper) I was massively underwhelmed with the sounds I was getting. They were freaking HORRIBLE. I felt like some kid at GC playing through a DigiTech wah. Total crap sound IMO.

    Now after using the wah settings in this thread as a starting point, I feel that I could nearly ditch my two wah pedals and just use the Kemper.

    My previous gripe was that the reverbs sucked (no realistic spring reverb). Now the new spring reverb is released, and I feel I could ditch my outboard Fender 6G15 since the Kemper sounds as good without the tone suck or volume drop. -Same thing with the wah after finding these settings! Everytime I find something good to complain about it gets fixed. ;)

  • Yup, that's Kemper alright. 8o

    Hey, I found the factory wahs fantastic compared to the modeller ones I'd used in the past. The POD's (including the HD model) fit the description you provided perfectly. Super-harsh to the point where you think your head's gonna be ripped off. Just goes to show that we're all different, thank God, but when it comes to things Kemper, there're many things we all can agree on. [Blocked Image:]

    I found the Kemper factory settings gratifyingly-smooth compared to what I was used to; quite "analoguesque", in fact. IIRC I wasn't mad about one of the presets, but that's probably only because I was seeking something smooth I could lock in as a permanent, all-Rig wah. One of either Kemper 01 or Kemper 02 was what I settled on, and I thought it as great. There was no preset collection to download at that point, FWIW.

  • I must admit I was totally underwhelmed by the factory Wah presets and thought I was going to need to keep an old school wah pedal in front of the KPA. However, when I found this thread and downloaded the presets I was blown away. No need for a physical Wah anymore.

    The only thing I am still not totally comfortable with is the sweep of the pedal. I’m using the Mission EP1-RJM (same as the KP but Black) and the sweep of the effect doesn’t quite feel like the real thing. I would live to see something added to the Expression pedal configuration that let you tailor the sweep for Log/Linear.

  • Yeah, many have requested such behaviour, WTG, and it's a logical need IMHO.

    I take it you didn't come from L6 POD-style wahs, 'cause I can't imagine anyone's not being impressed by the factory ones, particularly the smooth one I originally chose, had they not had to live with the God-awful rasp that that company came up with.

    I reckon that those coming from true-analogue wahs might've been underwhelmed 'cause they mightn't have had their expectations tempered by experiences such as the one I described.

  • I'm with Wheresthedug on the request to be able to tweak the taper. I prefer an audio taper pot in my wah, and I like the majority of the effect to be near the end of travel toe down position.

    I will admit I'm a somewhat hardcore analog tone junkie...and my "reference" pedal is my late 80's crybaby with a retrofit Roger Mayer board and wiring.

  • Hey guys,

    I was wondering what happened to the Vox Big Bad Wah (by user DownedAviator) "profile". Are there already any settings available that i missed?
    As i`ve been struggling to find a wah setting that fits Satriani songs like "Wind in the Trees", " The Souls of Distortion", "Surfing with the Alien" etc. a new wah setting based on the Big Bad Wah might help out ;)
    If some of you have another advice on which wah setting might fit Satriani´s wah sound I´d be really grateful for your input.

    Greets and thanks for all the work you guys have been doing 8)

  • Hey guys,

    I was wondering what happened to the Vox Big Bad Wah (by user DownedAviator) "profile". Are there already any settings available that i missed?
    As i`ve been struggling to find a wah setting that fits Satriani songs like "Wind in the Trees", " The Souls of Distortion", "Surfing with the Alien" etc. a new wah setting based on the Big Bad Wah might help out ;)
    If some of you have another advice on which wah setting might fit Satriani´s wah sound I´d be really grateful for your input.

    Greets and thanks for all the work you guys have been doing 8)

    This guy made a preset that I use exclusively, now. I'm pretty sure @Monkey_Man added it to the wah settings presets linked in his sig.

  • Guys, some info from Mothership, Mr CK in this case

    I have changed the Volume Pedal towards more logarithmic. The modification will be available in the next firmware update. I opted against an adjustable curve for now, as I think there can be an optimum curve for all purposes, without the need to fiddle around. I am exited to hear what you think.

    Concerning the wah curve: I checked our wah against my analog cry baby. To me both behave the same. The curve is fully logarithmic as well.

    Please check the linearity of your pedals using the bargraph on the respective pedal page. Some pedals, like the Yamaha FC-7, require to set Pedal Type 2, as its connection is reversed.

    I have asked Mr CK to consider giving us more types of curves for the volume pedal, as well as expression pedals, as well as the option to select them. Please support the feature request for adjustable tapers for expression pedals in the Feature Requests forum. It would be great to have different curves, imho, and would tie in well with this database of wah pedals. Think appropriate curves for different wahs :)

  • Actually that Vox - Old Modded comes fairly close Nicky, especially in combo with the Almost Joe rig mentioned above. Not bad at all. Thanks for the suggestion!

    No worries, Gaz. This leads to the obvious question:

    Do we in fact need a Big Bad Wah approximation if in fact the Old Modded is so close?

  • "Need" is an interesting word when it comes to any effect or pedal, isn't it? Would it be nice to have? Sure, like it would be nice to have better OD pedals. Are we ok without them? Sure. So do we need the Big Bad Wah? Of course not. And the only way to tell if it's better would be to have it and compare. So it still would be nice if @DownedAviator would kindly upload what's required to make this happen. If he needs help, I'm sure there are many out there to aid him.

    Gary ô¿ô

  • No worries, Gaz. This leads to the obvious question:
    Do we in fact need a Big Bad Wah approximation if in fact the Old Modded is so close?

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  • Well, I just don't want the collection to become bloated with similar / much-of-a-muchness settings, figuring that this would be more useful and better value for the community.

    I mean, when you choose a preset appropriate for what you're doing, you (in many if not most cases) tweak it a little, right?

    My concern is that it not be allowed to "degenerate" into an exhaustive, sprawling database of any / all / every conceivable preset that's tiring to audition and leads to indecision - "I like this one, but that one and this other one are so-similar too... which should I use?".

    I'm reluctant to risk turning a "compact-but-powerful" community resource into just another run-of-the-mill collection. Look at how folks' music playlists have evolved over the past 15 years. What were once tasty-and-inviting journeys have morphed, in many cases, into sprawling "lists" that if anything are now less likely to get a look-in than they might've been otherwise.

    Hope this makes sense. Just my HO with the community's best interests in mind...