2.3.2 Public beta

  • the official fixes are:
    - fixed: functionality Formant Shift in Chromatic Pitch
    - fixed: incorrect load of cabinet parameters
    - fixed: compatibility Uno4Kemper / BeatScanner

    So users having issues with that should report if these things are working now. I know a lot of guys had complaints about the Beat Scanner, because with the UnO4Kemper chip, holding down a footswitch would force you to enter programming mode for the FCB1010. So you could never actually enable Beat Scanner.

  • So users having issues with that should report if these things are working now. I know a lot of guys had complaints about the Beat Scanner, because with the UnO4Kemper chip, holding down a footswitch would force you to enter programming mode for the FCB1010. So you could never actually enable Beat Scanner.

    Actually it was'nt like this. Before, when you hit the tap tempo button on your FCB briefly you always STARTED beat scanner and could not switch it off, only by hitting the tap button on the profiler itself.

    With 2.3.2 for users of the UnO4K eprom V 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 tap tempo works now like before.
    Xavier already stated that a forthcoming eprom version v 1.3 will be able to make full use of the beat scanner.

  • Actually it was'nt like this. Before, when you hit the tap tempo button on your FCB briefly you always STARTED beat scanner and could not switch it off, only by hitting the tap button on the profiler itself.

    With 2.3.2 for users of the UnO4K eprom V 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 tap tempo works now like before.
    Xavier already stated that a forthcoming eprom version v 1.3 will be able to make full use of the beat scanner.

    This wasn't true for me. Beat scanner would never start when tapping the tap switch quickly...how do I know this? Because the tempo would never change no matter what I played. So what is the fix for it? Will it work as it is supposed to in 2.3.2?

    i should also state that normal tap was working for me. I'd just rather have the beat scanner option.

  • This wasn't true for me. Beat scanner would never start when tapping the tap switch quickly...how do I know this? Because the tempo would never change no matter what I played. So what is the fix for it? Will it work as it is supposed to in 2.3.2?

    i should also state that normal tap was working for me. I'd just rather have the beat scanner option.

    Ok, so it seems it was different maybe with different UnO4K eproms. In my case when trying to tap Beatscanner switched on and wouldn't go off.
    With 2.3.2 tap tempo now works as before for me. (I'm using V1.0 of the Uno4K).

  • Ok, so it seems it was different maybe with different UnO4K eproms. In my case when trying to tap Beatscanner switched on and wouldn't go off.
    With 2.3.2 tap tempo now works as before for me. (I'm using V1.0 of the Uno4K).

    So beat scanner isn't working for you? Not sure I'm following you. I can work tap tempo fine...it's beat scanner I want to work with v1.2. That's what I thought the 2.3.2 fix was for?

  • Rich, I'm on v 1.0 and right now with KPA firmware 2.3.2
    I'm back to the old tap tempo behaviour. No beat scanner for me ATM which is no showstopper for me.
    As I understand it (and it may be possible I'm talking BS here) we all have to wait for Xavier to develop a V 1.3 eprom to make full use of the beat scanner.

    Look again at this Quote of Xavier:

    About UnO4Kemper :

    indeed, the current firmware uses a long switch press to enter configuration mode, so this is not compatible with the new way of activating beat scanner. However, Timo was friendly enough to implement a fallback which makes it possible to use the beat scanner with current UnO4Kemper firmware (using short presses). This seems to work OK, as Ingolf reported here, I didn't have the time yet to check this myself.
    I will release a new UnO4Kemper version asap, which will activate configuration mode only when keeping a certain key combination pressed at startup. This will avoid "accidental" config mode activation, which Foresten reports above, and will also allow to activate the beat scanner in the regular way, by keeping the tempo switch pressed. I do realize the inconvenience of this old-skool eprom swapping, but I guess that's one disadvantage of a 10-year-old cost-effective hardware design, and IMHO I don't see 8 Euro as a huge cost for getting an update (see http://www.uno4kemper.com/uno4kemper_faq.php > "About future updates"). I don't expect further frequent updates of the UnO4Kemper firmware. Right now I'm waiting for some more technical info from the Kemper team before I do release UnO4Kemper v.1.3, exactly in order to be as future proof as possible.


    I admit this is all a bit confusing right now.
    I'll order V 1.3 when it's ready.

  • Actually it was'nt like this. Before, when you hit the tap tempo button on your FCB briefly you always STARTED beat scanner and could not switch it off, only by hitting the tap button on the profiler itself.

    With 2.3.2 for users of the UnO4K eprom V 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 tap tempo works now like before.
    Xavier already stated that a forthcoming eprom version v 1.3 will be able to make full use of the beat scanner.

    No confusion, that's exactly how it is, I just bought the newest UnO4K-chip (v 1.2).

    With 2.3.2b tap tempo works like before and beat scanner is not activated like in 2.3.1b. But beat scanner cannot be used, because if pressing the switch longer (= beat scanner activation), UnO4K will go into edit mode. This wil be changed with eprom version v 1.3, Xavier's info:

    "Next UnO4Kemper release will require keeping certain switches pressed at startup to enable configuration mode. This way you will be able to keep the tempo switch pressed for beat detection, without going into edit-mode."

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • performance mode won't work here and beat skinner works but dose not turn off infill i hit the tap button again and if i just hold if for a couple seconds it shuts off immediately upon releasing

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  • performance mode won't work here and beat skinner works but dose not turn off infill i hit the tap button again and if i just hold if for a couple seconds it shuts off immediately upon releasing

    Did you upgrade to 2.3.2b? I don't have beat scanner-activation in browse- and performance-mode and tap tempo works fine.

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/