Microkemper Pedal Idea

  • Hey guys,

    a few days ago i talked with another kemper user about how cool the kemper features are, but that the kemper seems
    more to be a tool for recording, profiling, experimenting with sound and stuff. Yes it also has the performance mode,
    but it still providing lots of features which are not neccessarily needed for playing live. As far as i know most of the
    soundshaping stuff is happening on a microcontroller and smd parts. That inspired me to the idea of how cool it would
    be to have a small device/pedal which uses a profile which i created/edited before on the kemper.
    It would provide lots of advantages for people traveling alot, playing live etc.

    - Easy to transport, no big case or rack needed.
    - With external power supply it could also be put onto a pedal/fx board, to save space.
    - You could use a seperate power supply (battery etc., depends on the power needed) so u could could plugin a headset, and play while taking a train for example.

    [Blocked Image: http://i.imgur.com/XJll2EM.png]

    Device features could (!) be:
    - Footswitch, to mute the sound and use the pedal as tuner during playing pauses.
    - Optional send/return jacks to include seperate pedals into the fx chain
    - Headphone out - for practicing silently or checking the sound
    - Main output jacks depending on what is needed
    - Power jack for external power supply
    - Display to show the name of the profile, tuning, master volume or something else. This display is just an example.
    - On Off switch, to save battery when not used.
    - USB slot for loading the profile saved by the big brother kemper

    I know it sounds like i'm dreaming to much, haha, but i would just like to know what you think about the idea. Is it realizable? Would you use it? What features would be missing?

    Thanks for reading :)

    Dr. Faust

    Edited once, last by DrFaust (February 14, 2014 at 9:52 PM).

  • Not sure if it will ever happen but I think the idea is great. Would be kool to have a midi jack and have profiles accessed through the usb. This way you could use a midi controller on foot board to switch profiles. Might not be that simple but neat concept.

  • The idea is really obvious with the advent of the Rig Manager software. It can work analogous to the Virus TI Snow - small box with minimalistic controls. Of course to fully realize this idea a software Editor is still needed.

    Smaller form factor has plenty of advantages (already discussed before): sturdiness, ease of transporting, pedal format is possible, cheaper, easier to fix, etc.

    I'd say this might be possible in a 2-3 years, given current pace of development.

  • and also one version with in-built-power-section (as f.e. the new Tom Blug amplifier). you then need only your pedalboard and a guitar cab for gigging. :thumbup:

  • Now after i've toured around for a half year with the kemper i come back to this again and can say... hey it would have been much more practical with the compact form...

    Most of the time i just plugged in the kemper on stage, tuned my guitar, chose the profile and startet playing. Most of the features we're not used live -> especially all the profiling features.
    How cool would it have been just pull out your small fx bag, plug it in and leave all mind blown with a brutal sound! haha...

    i hope this gets recognised some day :)

  • + 1

    Maybe needs an input for the Kemper foot-controller for live?

    I'd use the toaster version in the studio for recording and profiling, and I'd take the small pedal out on the road. (in these days of fly gigs, weight and space is becoming more and more a consideration...)

    Either a Kemper Micro or a compact floor unit version with built in foot switches would be a great solution for gigging where weight/bulk is a big consideration - and like a lot of people, most of my gigs are exactly that.

  • I really would like to revive the thread, as i'm running more and more into the problem of transportation during flights. Racks are very impractical for luggage, and can be expensive on some flights. Also here a small pedal that would fit into your guitar case would be perfect :-/