Rig Manager 1.0 public beta

  • When you plug in the USB from the kemper for the first time after installing the new OS beta, is it meant to install a driver or something on your pc? I didn't notice anything, but when I plug in the USB the kemper hangs shortly after. (Not sure how long as the active rig still works and wasn't paying enough attention). Happened a couple of times ended up resulting in all my rigs getting wiped (glad I had a backup)

    If there is a driver can it be installed annually?

    System is win 8 64bit. USB 3 if that's relevant.

    Tried again this morning using a USB 2.0 port on my PC. Worked a charm, have sent info to kemper. Not an expert on this is can't say its a USB 3.0 issue, just wanted to share the info. Rig manager rocks. So easy to preview and manage profiles !

  • Rig exchange still doesn't work at all. I left it running for 6+ hours and it was still not finished and unresponsive.

    I'll try again in a couple of weeks.
    By the way uninstall leaves unnecessary files in %AppData%\Kemper Amps\RigManager. Would be good to have an option to clean this up during uninstall.

    Edited once, last by mdeeRocks (February 8, 2014 at 3:45 PM).

  • Hi,

    at first I have to say Thank you for fullfilling a long cherished dream with the Rig Manager for your profiler! Unfortunately all is working fine here instead of the linking of my PC (Win7 64bit) and my profiler (KPA-OS The Rig Manager loads the huge amount of rigs from the cloud but nothing appears at the local library :( .
    [Blocked Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img801/1673/c3ws.jpg]

    The computer itself recognizes the profiler.
    [Blocked Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img545/6207/evwy.jpg]

    The profiler is connected with a standard USB cable to an USB 2 Port.
    Have I missed anything?

    Thank you in advance for any useful hint! After a long time of waiting surely a short delay in accessibility...

    Kind regards, Torsten

  • It's automatic and it does not appear in the localy folder but there is a specific Kemper folder created.
    All your profiles are imported in this folder automaticaly. It's slow, 1 profile per second here.
    I think the RM build a unique DB file on your hard disk.

    Hmmmm, profiler in Audio settings? We will have soon a new audio interface? :whistling:

  • Torsten,

    That folder is a user defined one. You either put profiles there, or create subfolders (nesting even works) Each folder has to be individually created, and profiled drag-n-dropped into them.

    When the RM sees your KPA, it will have it's own "MyProfiler" folder at the bottom of that file tree. When you hook up the KPA via USB do you see a screen indicating that it's loading profiles?

    The Folders will look like:

    All Rigs(xxxx)
    Local Library(0)
    Rig Exchange(3816)
    Kemper(11) <--- this is the USB stick in your PC, the "shared" folder's profiles
    MyProfiler(533) <--what I have loaded

    Edited once, last by db9091 (February 8, 2014 at 4:20 PM).

  • Thank you all for your fast replies!

    No, there is no such "MyProfiler" folder in my RM. Like you can see in the small green image, there are only two entries under "all rigs": [local library(0) and rig exchange(3816)] Seems, that there is no good linking between the RM and my profiler here! But why?


    Edit: And I did use a standard USB printer cable of course.

  • Does anyone experience this?
    Every time I start my Kemper the Rig Manager screen shows and says downloading rigs. It takes like 5 minutes to finish, even nothing was changed in between. I have about 400 rigs on my kemper.

    Yeah, I have similar effect. Worked fine yesterday when rig exchange was down. Now it just hangs on downloading rigs from the Kemper and it takes about 1-2 minutes to download one rig (from the Kemper) and program is completely unresponsibe. I have use rig exchange option disabled.

    I don't have time to betatest and no burning need for rig manager, so I just uninstalled it, I'll give it another try when bugs are resolved.

  • Thank you again! The driver should be installed in the main installation of RM?! But it seems there went something wrong with it. I tried to uninstall the driver in the hardwaremanager and than to install a new driver out of the driver folder in the Kemper Amps folder.
    [Blocked Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img32/569/pcgz.jpg]

    After that the following message appeared:
    [Blocked Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img850/7706/2nue.jpg]

    I tried another method to reinstall the driver direct out of the subfolder with a right-klick on the kemper.inf-file and "install", but another negative message poped up:
    [Blocked Image: http://imageshack.com/a/img197/3694/o5wa.jpg]

    So are there any other ways to get the Kemper profiler driver installed in the right way?

    Thank you again! Kind regards, Torsten

  • So are there any other ways to get the Kemper profiler driver installed in the right way?

    Your screenshots don't look like Windows 7. Why? Just having fun with the classic design? ;)
    Anyway, maybe you should try to disconnect your Profiler, remove the RigManager software and all drivers, reboot, fresh install of RigManager WITHOUT the Profiler connected. Connect the Profiler only when setup is completed and RigManager running. Let's see if that helps.


  • Thank you Martin,

    I'll try it now and tell you after. Btw. yes, I am used to the classic windows design, maybe one more reason to tell me old (and I am used to a classic "analog" guitar sound out of my KPA :) ), Torsten

  • Hi again,

    tried to uninstall RM and removed all drivers, restarted the maschine and reinstalled a fresh downloaded RM for 64bit Windows. The result was the same like before. In the hardwaremanager is still showing a "Profiler" under "Audio-, Video- und Gamecontroller" when the profiler is plugged in. Additionally I did a fresh install procedure on my laptop (also Win7 64bit) and here it is the same: no "MyProfiler" in the RM, no chance to use the RM together with my KPA.
    Btw. it is not easy to uninstall the RM and his drivers, because there is no uninstall file.

    Thank you for your solicitousness, (I only did want to play guitar), Torsten

    Edited once, last by TorstenS (February 8, 2014 at 8:19 PM).