Beyma 12GA50 Issue

  • I have a Powerhead model. Have been running it through an old Lopoline 1X12 cab I've had for years loaded with a 16 ohm 100W Weber Vintage 12F, worked pretty good but not too hot with the cabs so usually have them off. So, I ordered a Beyma 12GA50 and it arrived yesterday, I swapped out the Weber, put in the Beyma, hooked everything up, called up the Ford Boost profile (one of my current faves) and... buzz city. I always start low on a speaker and turn it up, so I started at about 2 or so LEDs on the collar,nbot too bad, but at 3 LEDs, wow! The low notes in particular buzzed very loudly, especially on the low note decay. Hm. Tried closed back, open back (which was marginally better), removed and reinstalled it, still all abuzz. It is definitely the speaker, not the cab or mounting screws, I damped them with my fingers and it still buzzed. - if I gently touch the outer surface of the outer cone whilst it buzzes it damps the buzz. So, I suspect either a faulty unit or damaged somehow in transit. I examined it closely under a bright light and cannot see any obvious external defects. Anybody else experience this? I have notified the seller (US Speaker) and hopefully he will allow me to swap it for another one and see if it does the same thing.

    In the meantime I have a gig coming up this weekend at a big party, first gig with the Kemper, and was planning to use my speaker cab with the Beyma driven by the Powerhead output with the cabs turned on in the KPA, and run the KPA Monitor output to our PA. Now need to use the Weber speaker, rather than the Beyma. There are not enough spare channels to allow me to use the main outputs, only have one spare input to the PA, so need to use the monitor output from the KPA. Is there anyway to turn off the cabs for the Powerhead speaker output and still leave them on for the monitor out? I looked through the manuals and didn't spot anything, anyone know if you can? I can live with the cabs turned on to the speaker can, just sounds a bit odd, can probably tweak them to get a good compromise out of both the cab and the PA, but not much time to do them all at a gig. But if there is no way I will have to live with it. Thanks for the input!

  • Monitor Cab Sim Off turns cab sim off on both Monitor out and Power Amp out. Just use one of the master outputs or Direct output set to Master Mono. Go via a DI box if using Direct out or Master Out over the jack connector with a long distance to the mixer.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Thanks for the suggestions!

    Hopefully can do a swap on the Beyma. I have never had this occur with a speaker before, it is not just annoying, it is really pretty bad!

    Sounds like using Master output as Hell-G has recommended is the thing to do in the short term (and in long term if I cannot resolve it). If I use Mater Mono mode, I assume that both Master outputs will then carry the mono signal - is that correct? So it doesn't matter which one I use? Distance is not very far, a 20 ft low Z XLR cable should be plenty.

    I will see if I can return and swap it, if not will have to try the break-in route. But thanks for the tracks link! Unfortunately it is in French so don't get the details, but looks to be a speaker break-in CD?

    Thanks again!

  • Quick update - I spoke to a fellow at US Speaker and described the problem, he agreed it should not sound that way, we will do a swap, cool thing is they sent me a return shipping label (they paid shipping back!) and are shipping out a replacement 12GA50 (they are paying for that shipping as well!), will arrive in about a week, too late for gig this Sat but before next gig 2/1. These guys rock! If you are in US and need a Beyma 12GA50 (or other speaker) I recommend them! US Speaker

    Anyway, I set up the Powerhead for Main mono out, did the Monitor Cab Off setting and will use it with the Weber and band PA for this gig, it sounds pretty good. Just need to be careful not to blow the Weber, it is only 100WRMS, and the band gets kinda loud sometimes. But will hopefully be even better with the Beyma in place.

    Thanks again for the help!

  • The 12GA50 is a whizzer speaker and doesn't need a crossover. It's very full range, but not particularly flat response. I posted about my experience with it in this TGP thread.

    Thanks, but the link is dead? Nevermind, I will search TGP myself.