Powerage era ACDC tones.. Possible with kemper?

  • this is exactly what I want...but this is not the kemper, right?

    This is an intersting fact about ACY: Although considered one of the tube-amp gurus in Germany and the go-to guy when you have an old Marshall that needs some work done to it, he actually records all his videos with the KPA.

    And that is really saying something about the Kemper!

  • The question isn't if the Kemper can dupe those sounds... it can do that in spades. The question is can you play like the Young Bros. Like a great amp, the Kemper will bring out the guitarists true sound. Depending on the player this can be great or not so good.
    Maybe the question should be, can the Kemper make me sound my best? Absolutely! !!!


  • As a recording tool the Toaster is absolutely perfect to me, minimum same quality as the microphoned amp, and often even better by using the inbuilt options. If hitting some live stages again I would´nt hesitate a second choosing one or two of my Bloody Rockas and 4x12 cabs. Over, and out! :D:D:D ...

  • The question isn't if the Kemper can dupe those sounds... it can do that in spades. The question is can you play like the Young Bros. Like a great amp, the Kemper will bring out the guitarists true sound. Depending on the player this can be great or not so good.
    Maybe the question should be, can the Kemper make me sound my best? Absolutely! !!!

    I´m here with Rod, as everyone can get the same quality sounds with the toaster, playing skills come more and more to foreground. And it´s nothing new or amazing as 10 guitar players will sound absolutely different when using same rigs. One will sound like hell, other like shit, others will no be able to play cool with that rig ............ and that´s the cool thing on the toaster. No fear everyone would sound the same now .............. or ever ........... ha ha ha ......

  • As a recording tool the Toaster is absolutely perfect to me, minimum same quality as the microphoned amp, and often even better by using the inbuilt options. If hitting some live stages again I would´nt hesitate a second choosing one or two of my Bloody Rockas and 4x12 cabs. Over, and out! :D:D:D ...

    You still carry 4x12 cabs yourself? Hats off!! :thumbup:

    To me the beauty of the profiler is the opposite: to have THAT sound in a compact size that can accompany me regardless of stage size, regardless of how long the way from the car to the stage etc.

  • Not really carrying 4x12 cabs as I´m not playing live since years now. But would carry´em again for sure if playing live again. I love the burning air when a 100W amp is pumping rock´n´roll to the crowd, and the bootlaces of the chucks are waving in the 4x12 storm ... :thumbup:

    Did never try the toaster with a power amp, as there´s no need for that to me.

  • Not really carrying 4x12 cabs as I´m not playing live since years now. But would carry´em again for sure if playing live again. I love the burning air when a 100W amp is pumping rock´n´roll to the crowd, and the bootlaces of the chucks are waving in the 4x12 storm ... :thumbup:

    Did never try the toaster with a power amp, as there´s no need for that to me.

    Ah, but you should. And then watch the bootlaces waving in the amplified KPA storm (preferably Yamaha DXR or Atomic CLR). :D
    And there's nothing that replaces playing live. You should go for it again.

  • Ah, not wanting that in the moment, heard it smells different than back in the smoking times where no fog machine was needed ........... ;)

    Kiddin aside, had to many male chickens as band mates, don´t need that anymore! :D

  • Wanted to first say thanks to ACY for uploading this movie. Bit late with the grats as I must admit I hadn't actually been back on the forum until my Kemper arrived, the wait was killing me :)

    ACY you suggested to pick up one of the Marshall profiles as a baseline, the choice on the rig exchange and commercial offering is pretty overwhelming. Can you suggest one or even better point me to the patch featured in your demo.

    Great playing by the way, but I guess you know that anyway ;)

    Edit: Doh checked back further in the thread and saw Joptune recommend. Enjoying now :D

    Trying this through a LP standard with Burstbuckers so not ideal but this is definitely a big step forward.

    Edited once, last by Duncan (March 23, 2014 at 12:55 PM).

  • Just want to chime in as I've been looking for some nice AC/DC tones too; Waraba actually has a Dakota amp that is overdriven that sounds great in my opinion, can easily pass for some ac/dc songs. Mainly using some of TAF's JTM45 (push) profiles for this.

    Edited once, last by oozish (December 21, 2014 at 8:35 PM).

  • Just want to chime in as I've been looking for some nice AC/DC tones too; Waraba actually has a Dakota amp that is overdriven that sounds great in my opinion, can easily pass for some ac/dc songs. Also some of TAF's JTM45 profiles for this.

    Waraba, maybe you could work out a tone like on back in black for Angus, the lead tone you have on the RE is good but it doesn't really hit me as an Angus tone of yesteryear. :)

    I have very nice result with the 74 SPL profiles from TopJimi and the Schaffer Vega from SoloDallas.
    I started a thread here with more details and you can try to add a CLEAN boost instead of the Schaffer.
    if you missed it here the link :
    ACDC clips with the Schaffer Replica and TopJimi 74 SPL profile