Michael Wagener Rig Pack

  • Don't want to be a killjoy, but I did ask him this months ago. At the time, it was a pretty emphatic "No" - at least in regards to Artist profiles. Maybe he's had some time to think this over since, possibly for his own personally branded profiles but do understand that reamping is one of his side businesses and I can't imagine him wanting to cannabalize that. And secondly, the profiles have no DRM and are effortlessly pirateable - if you could tie a profile to an individual KPA (technically doable, this) ... I can imagine the screaming on the forums!

  • I wonder if the concern is around copy protection. Someone could take the purchased profiles and share them with others for free.
    The plug-in companies like waves work around this through iLock or registration processes.

    Interesting topic and discussion.
    Hope to hear some wagener profiles in the future.


  • I think the biggest strength here, other than Michael's excellent ears in the process, is that his profiles are mixes of multiple amps and/or (multi-mic'ed?) cabinets. It's an approach I have a great fondness for.

    I would love to have the ability to mixdown multiple profiles into new profiles.

    As far as protecting one's profile IP, it seems that most profiles are pretty unique. It might be easy to change tags and the editable parameters, but the rest of the file would still match the original, and could obviously be shown to be a direct duplication. I have not found piracy to be prevalent in the community, and the profile prices are so reasonable the point is nearly moot.

  • Am the I only one who thinks people are reading WAY to much Into this video and what he's saying? I'm gonna chop this up to things that are "never gonna happen"... As I've said before... I'll be happy to eat my words, but I would Bet my last paycheck this is never gonna happen.... He was being polite on camera and put on the spot in a sense... Come on guys.... Seriously....

  • Am the I only one who thinks people are reading WAY to much Into this video and what he's saying? I'm gonna chop this up to things that are "never gonna happen"... As I've said before... I'll be happy to eat my words, but I would Bet my last paycheck this is never gonna happen.... He was being polite on camera and put on the spot in a sense... Come on guys.... Seriously....

    You can even see it in his face I think. That "yeah, no, not gonna happen but I´ll say yes because this would be an awkward situation if I wouldn´t say yes" expression :D

  • You can even see it in his face I think. That "yeah, no, not gonna happen but I´ll say yes because this would be an awkward situation if I wouldn´t say yes" expression :D


    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Am the I only one who thinks people are reading WAY to much Into this video and what he's saying? I'm gonna chop this up to things that are "never gonna happen"... As I've said before... I'll be happy to eat my words, but I would Bet my last paycheck this is never gonna happen.... He was being polite on camera and put on the spot in a sense... Come on guys.... Seriously....

    Start eating. :)

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (April 12, 2014 at 4:48 PM).

  • Agreed, I'm not holding my breath for a Wagener rig pack. It could happen, but I would be pleasantly surprised if he did release one. What's in it for him? Most people don't jump at the chance to give away their work for free.
    In my wildest dreams he would release some re-created signature rigs from bands he worked with in the 80's and 90's. While I'm dreaming, maybe Bob Rock would release a Metallica Rig Pack too!  :thumbup:

    "Heavy Metal does have a message for the rest of the world: Fuck You!" -Sebastian Bach

  • Am the I only one who thinks people are reading WAY to much Into this video and what he's saying? I'm gonna chop this up to things that are "never gonna happen"... As I've said before... I'll be happy to eat my words, but I would Bet my last paycheck this is never gonna happen.... He was being polite on camera and put on the spot in a sense... Come on guys.... Seriously....

    hehe i hope you are wrong . It always seems you can read ALL PROS MINDS outhere . Maybe you are some kind of vident :) , i knew already some producers in my life, that sold millions of albums , and they were always common mortals and generous, i wouldnt see strange Michael Wagener offering some rigs to the comunity !

  • hehe i hope you are wrong . It always seems you can read ALL PROS MINDS outhere . Maybe you are some kind of vident :) , i knew already some producers in my life, that sold millions of albums , and they were always common mortals and generous, i wouldnt see strange Michael Wagener offering some rigs to the comunity !

    Lol... Think what you want bro, doesn't matter to me, I'm flattered you think I'm a mind reader though :). Keep holding your breath! :) because lord knows, ALL THE PROS are just DYING to give away their work for free!