Yamaha DXR10 review (3-week point)

  • I recenty tried the dxr12 and wow, non i'm about to sell my marshall jcm900 4x12 and behringer inuke1000 poweramp, my cab has a very bad diffusion and the g12-75 not sound for my taste and this setup works well for dynamics and overall playing but lack roundness on bass,i think this is fault of the behringer.
    I've only one question, it's just enough only one dxr10 for band rehersal?
    we don't play really loud but we have a modern sound, the ather guitarrist have diezel d moll and our music need greath dynamics in the clean parts and big open sounding modern distortion with moderate gain settings.
    obviosly i can't afford to take two dxr10, so... better 1 dxr10 or dxr12 or 2 more economic piece like the altoTs110 or similar?

  • I can see from the back view of the DXR that it can accept 'L' & 'R' input signals through the un balanced input jacks, does that mean that a single DXR can internally combine the 'L' & 'R' signals to produce a 'full' mono output from it's speaker?

    Also, has anyone considered the DXR-8 instead of the '10'?


  • I can see from the back view of the DXR that it can accept 'L' & 'R' input signals through the un balanced input jacks, does that mean that a single DXR can internally combine the 'L' & 'R' signals to produce a 'full' mono output from it's speaker?

    I don't think so, but you can slave through another DXR for a stereo setup.

    Also, has anyone considered the DXR-8 instead of the '10'?


    I think there is one user here with an 8”. Maybe he chimes in.

  • I recenty tried the dxr12 and wow, non i'm about to sell my marshall jcm900 4x12 and behringer inuke1000 poweramp, my cab has a very bad diffusion and the g12-75 not sound for my taste and this setup works well for dynamics and overall playing but lack roundness on bass,i think this is fault of the behringer.
    I've only one question, it's just enough only one dxr10 for band rehersal?
    we don't play really loud but we have a modern sound, the ather guitarrist have diezel d moll and our music need greath dynamics in the clean parts and big open sounding modern distortion with moderate gain settings.
    obviosly i can't afford to take two dxr10, so... better 1 dxr10 or dxr12 or 2 more economic piece like the altoTs110 or similar?

    I believe the general consensus here is that the 10” sounds best and the 12” can be a bit boomy.
    Also the 10" can be insanely loud, should be enough for even a louder rock band. Don't underesimate this bugger because of its small footprint.

  • I can see from the back view of the DXR that it can accept 'L' & 'R' input signals through the un balanced input jacks, does that mean that a single DXR can internally combine the 'L' & 'R' signals to produce a 'full' mono output from it's speaker?

    I've just today received a response from Yamaha to my question;

    "The DXR mixer section and amp units are the same on all four models and I am pleased to advise that they do have a stereo input which will accept both L & R signals to give you a full mono output."

    I think that this means that if I put stereo in, the speaker will produce mono from combining the 'L' & 'R' signals. At least I hope that is the case.

  • I've just today received a response from Yamaha to my question;

    "The DXR mixer section and amp units are the same on all four models and I am pleased to advise that they do have a stereo input which will accept both L & R signals to give you a full mono output."

    I think that this means that if I put stereo in, the speaker will produce mono from combining the 'L' & 'R' signals. At least I hope that is the case.

    Yep :)

  • Parting comment from Yamaha was that the DXR-10 was their recommendation for the application. But then you guys had already worked that out and told us. Cheers

  • That's interesting. I wonder if when they launched the DXR range they had in mind this particular application, and how successful it would be, particularly the DXR10, among the KPA community. They sure had a bump in sales thanks to the members of this community. Don't know about the fractal camp, but I guess it's equally suited to be used with the Axe as well.

  • That's interesting. I wonder if when they launched the DXR range they had in mind this particular application, and how successful it would be, particularly the DXR10, among the KPA community. They sure had a bump in sales thanks to the members of this community. Don't know about the fractal camp, but I guess it's equally suited to be used with the Axe as well.

    I dunno why but from scanning the forums I got the impression that Fractal users find the DXR 10 a bit 'suspicious' because it gets so much praise on the other side... ;)
    What a weird world..

  • I dunno why but from scanning the forums I got the impression that Fractal users find the DXR 10 a bit 'suspicious' because it gets so much praise on the other side... ;)
    What a weird world..

    Wow. Sad, really.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • Hi, i´m a new user with a kemper + yamaha dxr10.
    I´d like to know which settings do you have in your kemper monitor out (eq) and if someone set yamaha to FOH/MAIN (or the other option) or if someone set the bass cut of the yamaha at 100 Hz or something....
    Please, I´m interested in gig levels.
    thanks and sorry for my english :)

  • Hi, i´m a new user with a kemper + yamaha dxr10.
    I´d like to know which settings do you have in your kemper monitor out (eq) and if someone set yamaha to FOH/MAIN (or the other option) or if someone set the bass cut of the yamaha at 100 Hz or something....
    Please, I´m interested in gig levels.
    thanks and sorry for my english :)

    I'm curious, as well, regarding any EQ for mains and any other tips... I've had the DXR 12 for a few weeks but due to hand surgery :cursing: I've only played it at volume once... I'm presuming I'll set the "MAINS" output to mono and send one side to the DXR and the other to FOH.

    I have a KPA powered head and typically run a guitar cab in conjunction with the DXR. Since I do use the guitar cab (and obviously have engaged “MonitorCabOff” to switch off the cabinet )(see pg 14 of reference manual for more info) I use the "MAINS" ouput for the DXR to retain the virtual cab. Lots more info in manual to devise a system you like. :thumbup:

  • Hi, i´m a new user with a kemper + yamaha dxr10.
    I´d like to know which settings do you have in your kemper monitor out (eq) and if someone set yamaha to FOH/MAIN (or the other option) or if someone set the bass cut of the yamaha at 100 Hz or something....
    Please, I´m interested in gig levels.

    I don't use the bass cut on my DXR 10.
    It's placed like a wedge.
    On the prfiler I use the monitor out, set it to master mono.
    The monitor EQ is: Bass 0, Middle 0, Treble + 1.7, Presence + 1.2.
    This works awesome on all my gigs.

  • Hey guys! Interesting info!

    Hoping not to go off topic too much, but i have the following question.

    Was looking to get myself a DXR10 for personal use.
    However I play in a Beatles tribute band. We play mainly hotels. Small/ medium venues. The thing is the band needs a PA. We are borrowing one at the moment that consists of 2 Yamaha msr400 and an EV subwoofer.

    So im thinking, I get 2 and can use as PA. ( Note: I dont use the Kemper in the show)
    On stage there are 2 guitar amps, the bass amp and an acoustic drum set. We put all vocals and a mix of the rest through the mixer to FOH

    So big question is, would a pair of 10's cut it? No sub?

    Thanks in advance guys

  • How are the msr400's working for you? Does most of the bassist' sound come from his/her amp or the PA?

    I haven't heard the Yamaha msr400's but the DXR is a step up from them. And I haven't heard the DXR12's but have read many many people have preferred the sound of the DXR 10's to the 12's. if you went with DXR15's no question no sub needed, even with dub-style. :)

    Could you spend a bit more and get QSC's?

  • The msr400 are fine for our needs. The bass is mainly out the amp . Some kick drum goes through the pa. But you know...its the beatles not drum n bass :)

    Those qsc's are quite a bit more expensive. Not familiar with them at all either. I think i could just about do 2, ;(
    Maybe i should go with the dxr10's and add a sub later if necessary? Does that make sense?

  • I don't think you'd need the sub. And you'll love moving DXR10's around compared to the msr400's. Very much lighter.

    Funny, a guy I play with says the Beatles/Ringo is all about bass (drum that is)!!! He'll stop the tune if the drummer isn't playing Ringo's part right, and tell him the way to play it. He's a maniac.

    Edit: Full disclosure, I have a new DXR10 for sale on this website, but I have it for a good price and will have no problem selling it, so it in no way affects my comments regarding it's sound towards your use. I bought two and only opened one about ten days ago to compare it to my CLR. I could be tempted to sell both, likewise for a very good price, assuming you're in the US and I could ship it inexpensively.

    Edited 2 times, last by ur2funky (December 19, 2013 at 5:21 PM).