Two effects in one slot!

  • The routing is extremely limited and rigid compared to other devices. Just because the "slots" are hard coded doesn't men they have to always route that way. Its a DSP based CPU and signals could be routed any way they like...but they don't allow it.

    I would like to see extra "virtual slots" with a virtual route/insert selector that lists ALL the possible locations pre and post.

  • musicman65 - I agree totally and would add the possibility to offer different signal path - parallel, serial and maybe semi-serial (like TC) within the effect route. Then you may have -as example- delay and reverb parallel to each other which means the one does not corrupt the other.

    @ liulululi - sorry I did not want to make any joke on you - I do think your idea is absolutely serious but I really liked the comment from Ingolf - for me it was a lead for a CN-Joke...

  • quite right, Robrecht

    musicman65 - I agree totally and would add the possibility to offer different signal path - parallel, serial and maybe semi-serial (like TC) within the effect route. Then you may have -as example- delay and reverb parallel to each other which means the one does not corrupt the other.

    please at least read the manual before requesting features that have been implemented since day one. :P

    "Delay/Reverb Balance
    “Delay/Reverb Balance” is a unique parameter that allows continuous control over the routing of the delay and reverb. For this parameter to work as expected, you will need to have both delay and reverb “Mix” set to a value other than zero.
    At the center position, the delay and reverb are simply set in a serial configuration; this means the reverb comes after the delay, and both the dry and delay signals are fed in equal amounts to the reverb. This is pretty much what you would expect in the first place.
    Now, when you turn “Delay/Reverb Balance” more to the left, you will notice that the delay reflections will vanish from the reverb; at fully left position, only the dry portion of the delay gets reverberated. Now, the delay and reverb are working in a parallel configuration. You will hear delay reflections and a reverb tail, but the delay signal doesn’t feed the reverb.
    As you turn the “Delay/Reverb Balance” more to the right, the opposite happens: the delay reflections keep their reverb tail, but the dry signal loses its reverberation and becomes completely dry. This will emphasize your instrument, as the reverb will not appear until after first delay reflection.
    With “Delay/Reverb Balance” set all the way to the right, you can also get an interesting fourth configuration: set reverb “Mix” set to maximum, and instead of hearing a repeating relay reflection, you hear a repeating reverb tail. These reverb repeats can then be controlled by delay “Feedback” and “Time”. So, in this configuration, the delay module becomes a pre-delay to the reverb, offering all the features of the delay such as feedback or tap tempo."

  • Ok, yes, thats with reverb/delay...

    Original suggestion was made to have two different effect in one slot to increase the amount of possible effects in a signal chain:
    different effect combinations of effects that have not necessarily nothing to do with
    each others. Of coarse that means also more parameter pages, thats "side effect" ;)

    (all that without having to do new version of KPA with more slots, or buy two of them, or to add other devices to KPA:s loop sacrificing also one slot, or put something between KPA and poweramp....)

    I think you get the idea? :thumbup:

  • Robrecht & DonPetersen - shame on me, obviously I've missed to read this - but now one issue concerning the fx (it is nothing in relation to the abilities of the Kemper in general) is solved for me, thanks!

    @Liulululli - sorry, you're right, this is OT and I'll stop with this right away...

  • Quote

    please at least read the manual before requesting features that have been implemented since day one. :P

    "Delay/Reverb Balance
    “Delay/Reverb Balance” is a unique parameter that allows continuous control over the routing of the delay and reverb."


    Good point. I'm aware of the Delay/Reverb Balance. That's an example of what would be nice throughout the slot architecture instead of being hard coded to post amp delay and reverb. Take a look at Roland's chain editor in their modelers. The effects are programmed normally but the signal chain can then be arranged from input to output in any order you like. I do like the series/parallel aspect in the delay/reverb balance...very nice.