summary of my gigs in the last three weeks:

  • Here is a little summary:
    I played during the last three weeks 19 shows with my Kemper Amp. The Kemper ran from 7 to 10 hours per show. As a backup I had a great sounding Digitech 2101 with me. You never know. ;)

    Since there were a few software problems with the volume, I decided to use as little preset change as possible.
    I used four different profiles. Mesa Boogie MKII, Diezel, Fender Deluxe and sometimes a Marshall profile.
    My signal chain was - Guitar - > Kemper -> analog volume- pedal - stagebox or from another analog volume pedal from monitor out to my monitor. (RCF NX12 SMA & db opera monitor (both FRFR)).

    Switching off my Kemper sometimes sounds a little weird for a second. Very short, but quite disturbing. That´s why I used independent analog pedals (Boss FV500). Three times I had a strong click on my monitor output. After restart it was good. Twice I had to restart several times because of my Kemper wont boot up.
    Otherwise everything was perfect. All in all it´s very reliable and all my LED are working :D Sound was really awesome! ery easy to handle, also on stage.
    I could leave my amp at home, but took their sound with me.
    Next year I'll just have to take my in ear monitoring with me, because I´ll use the local PA crews monitors.
    Amazing – My guitar, my Kemper – and ready :D
    [Blocked Image:]

    Edited once, last by blitzkidz (October 15, 2013 at 6:37 PM).

  • Thanks for sharing your experience. The bugs affecting reliability made me decide to get a backup amp. Ofcourse, the kemper is a great box and I already have my speakers ready to gig. My band's first gig is 1st november, 30min set with 3 other bands and we're 3rd on. I'm really not sure atm which of my rigs to use. Your post is encouraging though.

  • Wow, 19 shows in 21 days - that's quite the gig schedule! Congrats on a bunch of great shows and great tone with your KPA.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.

  • thats the reason why I posted it, because my Kemper runs very reliably. despite heat, cold, dust and moisture. but I'll always have a backup with me. I also had a backup with me with my tube amps (Digtech 2101).
    Yesterday I installed the new FW and tested a few hours. I think the bugs are now fixed. everything run very stable. No volume loss in performance mode. No more noise when switching off. also the pedal control is great now!

    BTW: I really looking forward to the Kemper footswitch :D I hope it´ll be the smalll one, and I can put it into my rack. :)

  • thats the reason why I posted it, because my Kemper runs very reliably. despite heat, cold, dust and moisture. but I'll always have a backup with me. I also had a backup with me with my tube amps (Digtech 2101).
    Yesterday I installed the new FW and tested a few hours. I think the bugs are now fixed. everything run very stable. No volume loss in performance mode. No more noise when switching off. also the pedal control is great now!

    BTW: I really looking forward to the Kemper footswitch :D I hope it´ll be the smalll one, and I can put it into my rack. :)

    I'm the same way - I have always brought a backup rig to gigs. Any amp can fail, so it's just professional to be prepared.

    I'm going to load the new FW today as well. I've got several shows coming up, and want to make sure everything is set correctly so it all goes smoothly. As far as the footswitch goes, just remember that the smaller it is, the less control you get. I was waiting for the Kemper FS for awhile, but instead decided on the FCB1010 w/Uno4Kemper chip. I am so glad I did. The FCB does everything I need, it's cheap, and most important, it's available now. Even if the Kemper FS does someday materialize, I don't think I'll get one. I have all I need with the FCB.

    PRS Singlecuts
    Kemper PowerHead/Remote

    Quote from skoczy

    When you turn the knob on KPA, you wake up the captured souls of tube amps living inside.