how do you guys set up your effects?

  • I'm new so I'm just starting to set up effects on my uno kemper. My question is, A- thru- X. what do u find the best? I have an overdive on A then chourus-B flange-C Wah-D which only leaves me X, which I like for an eq boost but, need it for delay. Which leaves me missing a control for reverb and other things. Is there something I'm missing, or is this it? I like to be able to switch more effects in and out?

  • In a Kemper:

    A wah (controlled by additional expression pedal)
    B compressor if needed
    C vibrato
    D noise gate
    X octaver
    Mod chorus

    In a FCB1010:

    I use A expression pedal to controll overall volume 40%-100% and B expression pedal to mix delay from 0-80%.
    Upper row on FCB are vibrato, octaver, modulation, reverb and tap for delay.

    In a Kemper I have locked all effects except compressor and noise gate.

    In a FCB I have UNO v.1.0.2.g


  • On my FCB1010 with Uno4Kemper:
    top row: B C X Mod Delay
    Pedals: Wha Volume

    On my Kemper:
    A: Compressor on clean & crunchier stuff (if needed), noise gate on gainer stuff (if needed)
    B: A place for pre-amp boosters/distortions.
    C: A place for pre-amp modulations: phasers, tremolos and so on.
    D: The Wha slot (maybe a whammy sometime), activates on touch

    X: Anything post-amp processing: Pitch, EQ
    Mod: Post-amp modulations: Choruses, micropitch
    Dly: Delays
    Rev: Reverb, usually always on with just a touch of room/ambience

    This gives basically that only the A slot and the Rev is not controlled from the 1010, and for me the A is either on or of in a patch, never needed to switch on the fly.
    The same goes for the reverb since I don't use it as an FX per se, YMMV.

  • Unfortunateky delay mix is only possible with the FCB UnO not with the UnO for Kemper.

    Hi - I've been struggling to sort out all these little FCB1010 programing details (like above).... I even asked Xaivier if there was a comparison chart but he didn't think it was warranted - but seems like I keep uncovering information... is there an online resource or good thread besides the manual(s)? I'm a Midiot so hard for me to even phrase my questions in technical terms so a layman's chart would be awesome...

    I got my FCB1010 yesterday, waiting for Uno4 Kemper chip to arrive - but seems like the regular Uno chip (w/ an editor) might better sense for some of the things I want to do.


  • First try the UnO for Kemper.
    It's very well thought out and if you don't plan to simultaneously control other gear with the FCB it's the perfect partner for the profiler
    Not being able to use Delay mix on the pedal was no biggie for me.
    I simply program different delay mixes in performance slots.

  • Thanks for the input - much appreciated! I got that UNO 4 kemper on way - I just wish I had a comparison chart so I could sort out what each chip can/can't do... from what I've discovered so far, the UNO 4 kemper is basically pre-programmed but not compatible with any editor, so things like the delay mix, using the stereo foot switch connections, sending two CC msgs with one button, can't be programmed. Whereas the regular UNO chip you have to use an editor to get it up and running but probably has more flexibility once you've done that.

    I'll forge ahead with the UNO 4 Kemper altho I really like being able to squash two pedals at once for spot leads - cuts way down on the tap dancing and obviously smooth since you stay in the same preset. There are lots of distractions on stage when I play (zombie dancing girls, devil bunnies, etc.) so like to make it fool proof...

  • Unfortunateky delay mix is only possible with the FCB UnO not with the UnO for Kemper.

    thanks great ideas. I don't need the volume pedal, could I use that for delay or reverb? go from zero to however much I might need? would I lose the tuner on the volume pedal? Thanks for the time on this stuff.

    Hi - This is from the UNO4Kemper manual

    "Remark : the Wah pedal can also be configured to adjust other parameters besides wah, but that
    configuration is done at the Kemper side, not at the floorboard side." Since I don't have the chip yet to experiment with not sure what "other parameters" it refers to... ?(