Which tube amp(s) do you still keep and use - and why?

  • Looks and sounds great!

    Thx, doesn't LOOK great though... currently making the laser frontplates and headshell :D

    I'd love to take some profiles of the amp as it really sounds good... but I don't have good mics, nor good mic pres, nor any idea what to do to make it sound good when mic'ed :D

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Years ago I sold - Engl Savage 120, 2x Engl Fast Hand Signature (Engl are really awesome!), Marshall Plexi 1966 & 1969, Linnemann & Cream Plexi Clones, Mesa Boogie Blue Angel and Nomad 45. Plus one Mesa Boogie Top and 2x12, but I forgot how its called :D
    I´ll keep my Both Marshall Amps tuned by Peter Diezel. My Engl 4x12. 2x Mesa Boogie Studio .22 and, of course, my Mesa Boogie MKIIc+. :love:

    Maybe I´m going to sell one of my Laney 2x12 Cabinets!? Hmmm, no, I shall keep them! :D But
    I´m sure to sell my Hughes & Kettner Tubemeister! I´m pretty unhappy with the Tubemeister. :wacko:

  • I just got my Kemper which is spectacular, Thank you Mr. Kemper you sir are a genius!!!. When it comes to my amps I can't see me parting with them any time soon.

    Not because the Kemper cant cut it but moreso these are so fun to play. When I get this Kemper down I will extract the DNA

    from each and every one of them!!! :D

    [Blocked Image: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Bigredhog/1.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Bigredhog/Guitars/DSC01514.jpg]

    [Blocked Image: http://i13.photobucket.com/albums/a291/Bigredhog/2.jpg]

  • I sold my modelling stuff (POD HD500 and Guitar Rig Control), when I first compared the KPA vs. HD500 I had to laugh and I couldn't imagine that I used PODs right from the beginning.

    I will keep all my tube-amps, because they are old, rare or special: Marshall Plexi from the '60s, very old Boogie MK2, Dr. Z Maz. sen., THD Univalve, Fender Blues Junior (one of the first ones), Marshall Class 5 (for holidays....), I hope I didn't forget one.... I mainly use Boogie Thiele-cabs (1x12") with EVM 12L's and rarely my Marshall cabs (V30).

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/

  • I have a Deluxe and a Blues Jr and I will keep those. After all the guitars and amps I (regrettably) sold off when I was young, I really have a problem selling anything these days.

    Although I do have a lot of modeling software I should probably round up and sell (but I probably won't) :D

    Isn't there a way I can profile my amp sims? I sure wouldn't mind having S-Gear and a couple of my other amp sims available in the KPA, that would be cool!


  • :thumbup:

    Back to the tube amps I've kept so far. One is my Egnater M4 Modular Preamp. The thing sounds great, and being modular, grants me access to a lot of different pre-amps at a relatively low cost (it can use Randall modules too). I've also kep the Mesa/Boogie 50/50 power amp that I have paired with the Egnater M4. Lastly, I have a Johnson JM-250 Head. Yeah, I know it's a digital modeling amp that happens to have a tube circuit in the pre-amp stage, but it still counts as a tube amp to me. All the factory presets sound like crap to me. I don't care for most of the higher gain models, but some of the lower gain and clean stuff is quite nice. But my favorite models are not those of other brands of amps, but those that Johnson crafted themselves. The "Johnson" models in this amp sound really good, and like nothing else. As I mentioned before, I let go of the JM-150, but only because I had the JM-250.

    I too have an Egnater M4 running through a Palmer PG5 Digist to a mixer. Sounds amazing through my new XiTone FRFR monitor wedges. I am thinking of getting Kemper as a replacement. Is that a good idea?

    Back to the tube amps I've kept so far. One is my Egnater M4 Modular Preamp. The thing sounds great, and being modular, grants me access to a lot of different pre-amps at a relatively low cost (it can use Randall modules too). I've also kep the Mesa/Boogie 50/50 power amp that I have paired with the Egnater M4. Lastly, I have a Johnson JM-250 Head. Yeah, I know it's a digital modeling amp that happens to have a tube circuit in the pre-amp stage, but it still counts as a tube amp to me. All the factory presets sound like crap to me. I don't care for most of the higher gain models, but some of the lower gain and clean stuff is quite nice. But my favorite models are not those of other brands of amps, but those that Johnson crafted themselves. The "Johnson" models in this amp sound really good, and like nothing else. As I mentioned before, I let go of the JM-150, but only because I had the JM-250.

    So the Kemper serves two main purposes for me. Capturing the sounds that are in my recordings, and allow me to use them live quite easily. The bonus purpose is allowing me to try out countless amplifiers without great expense! If I find a profile that completely blows me away, I can then hunt down one of the real amps for myself.

    I then love to use the Kemper profiles of my amps for live performances. It's much lighter, delivers consistent great sound, and it affords me access to the exact sound I used on my recordings, no matter how varied.

    I plan to keep my favorite tube amps because they are quite different from Kemper profiles when it comes to tweaking them. While the Kemper is great at capturing an amp at a given setting, it doesn't provide the same experience when tweaking gain & EQ. It's not bad, just different. So I like to keep my favorite tube amps around for those times I am recording and looking to dial in a sound for a certain song. Once I've found it, I profile it into the Kemper for safe (and portable) keeping.

    Once I got the Kemper, my plan was to sell off all of the amps and cabinets that I had but was not in love with. There was one exception that I'll discuss later.

  • I kept all of my tube amps. Not that i am still playing those, i just don´t need the money at the moment. If i would, i certainly would sell them. Also, some amps really become more valuable the older they get. I bought my Marshall 2210 for something like 250€ back in 1995. Now it´s already worth a nice holidy trip just by standing in my studio and providing me with some nice profiles... :P

  • Hi Armin,

    i keep this one out of sentimental reasons, because a home studio without a real tube amp would feel somehow strange. and this one is a gem i cannot profile properly, because
    it distorts at a volume which is insane. I.N.S.A.N.E.

    Apart from that, i have bought 12 tube amps over the last two decades and sold them all, the Kemper is all i really need.

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • I've been trading through some amps so I can profile the ones I want and then trade to get others to profile. I also like to keep one so I can play it occasionally for comparison. I traded my Dr Z Rt 66 for a Reason Sm50 to profile and will end up trading it for another amp to profile.

    "More Guitar in the Monitors" :thumbup:

  • I did only have 1 tube-ish pre-amp pedal and that's the Mesa Boogie V-twin. This pedal was the only tube guitar device I've had and is kept for comparison sake only. It's highly neglected and gathering dust as it's also too noisy for live or recording use (imho, any tips?). Recently at rehearsal I experienced on 2 occasions the no-sound bug from my Kemper so straight-away I decided it's time to get a back-up real amp. Funnily enough, I still couldn't get away from modelling as I've always used modelling gear due to lack of space at home. I managed to get a Marshall JMD102 which I actually really like and for me is a great marriage of modelling and tube hardware. The pedal board for it is sometimes hit n miss (contacts might need cleaning), but, it offers full 127 presets with midi pedal (like fcb1010). Sadly, this is where my fears regarding tube gear came true as last Tuesday something blew in it at the last minute of rehearsal and now it's at the repair shop.

    Tomorrow I'll use my Kemper again, which is the first time in a couple of weeks, but, the JMD102 has got me interested in getting another "backup" rig. I'm now contemplating another JMD102 or going full whack and getting a Marshall JVM 410H and cab. A very tough decision considering I don't have space to play at home.

  • I am keeping my Marshall TSL100 head for now, using it as power amp for the Profiler at gigs. Rehearsing is done with IEM (the other guitarist has the Profiler Powerhead), so cabinets are quiet most of the time. The Marshall will be sold as soon as i get a Profiler Powerhead.
    Not a tube amp but also not sold yet is my Roland JC-160.

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  • I kept all - and so i will!

    And there's a lot amps waiting to come to my house.

    Making Music is my hobby and i have a lot of fun spending a lot of money on it ----

    It's a totaly different question if this is practical for a professional musician.