I'm really looking forward to more stomp box OD och distorsion models

  • Will have to disagree on this as many also do(and i also had/have many of the models that are reproduce in Kemper).

    A few months back i took my Kemper to a friends house who as an Axe II to do a face of,the od section of that unit blow Kemper to pieces.
    It was really the only thing i was really jealous about the axe because in terms o amp tone even my friend preferred the Kemper due to some amazing profiles on the unit. [size=12]

    "blew it to pieces" hehe... very dramatic...

    Before the Kemper Profiler existed, I had an AxeFx, made a lot of patches for it and was quite active in their forum.
    What I find amusing is this: people constantly complained about the OD/Dist/Fuzz effects of the Axe - to the point of calling them unusable.

    but back to the Profiler:
    What you have to keep in mind is: not every stomp will sound good with every profile - just like the way it is with tube amps & pedals.

    The key is to balance the stomps gain and volume controls against the profiles gain. These three are highly interdependent - as it should be.

  • "blew it to pieces" hehe... very dramatic...

    Before the Kemper Profiler existed, I had an AxeFx, made a lot of patches for it and was quite active in their forum.
    What I find amusing is this: people constantly complained about the OD/Dist/Fuzz effects of the Axe - to the point of calling them unusable.

    but back to the Profiler:
    What you have to keep in mind is: not every stomp will sound good with every profile - just like the way it is with tube amps & pedals.

    The key is to balance the stomps gain and volume controls against the profiles gain. These three are highly interdependent - as it should be.

    Yeah ,maybe not the best expression :) But it was much higher quality no doubt about it.

    My experience with the Axe Fx is really just the second and most recent version,in my country this kinda of stuff is pretty rare mainly because the price of the Axe in most European countries is pretty absurd i guess(not a lot of people are willing to spend so much on a digital unit i suppose).

    So i don't know how it did sound on previous versions,but my friends Axe II od section sounded pretty spot on compared to the real life pedals it emulates(it kinda a surprised me really).

    Like i said i understand that the philosophy behind Kemper is much different than the Axe Fx one and that is what makes such a big success(and i love this philosophy,don't get me wrong),but i was kinda disappointed when i first bought the unit and heard the quality of the od stomp boxes.For me it's not up to the standards in relation to everything else available in the unit.

    Even more because before i bought the Kemper i used a lot of dirt pedals with my tube amps,i loved that approach and those tones(still i sold everything after getting the Kemper,that pretty much says how happy i am with the unit).

    Like i said before by this conversation im also getting the feeling this is not a priority or even something to be consider to change in the future,again i understand that and i also agree that there might be more other urgent maters to take care in development.

    Ps : It's also not a deal breaker,i use something similar to Will Chen approach.If i need more gain il use a different profile,and only in last resort il use the Green Screamer(but it's really on last resort only).


    Edited once, last by Jcaster (September 23, 2013 at 6:31 PM).

  • Like i said before by this conversation im also getting the feeling this is not a priority or even something to be consider to change in the future,again i understand that and i also agree that there might be more other urgent maters to take care in development.

    we consider every suggestion that is voiced in this forum. :)
    that doesn't guarantee future development in the area in question, but we take user feedback very seriously.

  • "we consider every suggestion that is voiced in this forum"

    new features : profile the pedal => insert profile in slot A/B/C/D and shazam ! a rig exchange dedicated to legendary stomps, modern or vintage ;)

  • I know I should have added 'reasonable' :D

    It's a good idea, but would require the same amount of processing power as running two amp profiles at the same time.

    Huh? Why? Dirt boxes exist in the KPA right now. I presume they are programmed using a complex set of parameters which define the gain, pre/post EQ, tone stack freq, etc. Could not those parameters be automated through a profiling type of process? I guess what you are implying is the results would not be as close to the original as is the case with the amp profiles due to the way the code is written? Oh well. I presume we have a pretty definitive answer on whether or not we will ever be able to profile dirtboxes to rub with amp profiles. Not until the Kemper II ;)

  • Huh? Why? Dirt boxes exist in the KPA right now. I presume they are programmed using a complex set of parameters which define the gain, pre/post EQ, tone stack freq, etc. Could not those parameters be automated through a profiling type of process?

    the models of the stomps were created by CK, not through an automated process.

    I guess what you are implying is the results would not be as close to the original as is the case with the amp profiles due to the way the code is written?

    I'm not implying anything.

    Oh well. I presume we have a pretty definitive answer on whether or not we will ever be able to profile dirtboxes to rub with amp profiles. Not until the Kemper II ;)

    anything definitive you'll hear will come from CK. Try not to presume too much. ;)

  • the older Muffs are notorious for having very large tolerances in component values and even the transistors are all over the place.
    on top of that, take any two guitar players and ask them about their favourite BM.
    no two of them will likely agree. :)

    choices had to be made, and it's impossible to please everyone.

    Well, but given the very mixed feelings people express about the distortion stomps in general and the Muff in particular, it sounds to me like the current implementation doesn't even please someone ;) And somtimes choices can be wrong and should be questioned as you did with the Green Screamer. That particular stomp now sounds pretty much spot on to a version of the original that is regarded higher by many Kemper users as the previous one - or so it seems. Just do that for the Muff and all those people who use a Kemper to play Gilmourish tones will be thankful.

    Sure, vintage Muffs are all over the place but there is a kind of general concensus how a "triangle","Rams Head" or "Russian Green" is supposed to sound. I've played many boutique versions of Rams Head and triangles and they do sound remarkable similar - that even goes for the cheap chinese Mooers clone. So if you model - say - a BYOC Large Beaver you are good to go.

  • ah, fizz(y) :D
    one of those words that means many things to many people.

    are you aware that there's a offset between the modeled tone control and it's real world counterpart?
    (this will be fixed in a future FW)

    2.5 on the Green Scream is noon on the TS and noon on the Green Scream is all the way up, 5 o'clock, on the TS.
    past noon, nothing happens on the Green Scream's tone control.
    as always, use your ears, not your eyes. ;)

    i am sorry that i am this late to the show, i did not recognize that this almost forgotten thread exploded like that ...
    thank you for this humorous answer, don. :D you are absolutely right. but since i am not the only one, the stomps in the KPA sound "fizzy" to me.
    let me explain. could you please check out one of the live videos of the young oli brown from england on youtube? he uses the frog extensively!
    and the volume knob! and while i am able to get a good versatile sound with the stomp, it sounds to my ears somehow artificial, somehow like
    those bumblebee distortion pedals of the eighties. but maybe i have only to tweak a little? but alas! where to start and where to finish?! thanks

    My occupation: showing teenagers the many hidden secrets of the A-minor chord on the guitar.

  • Well, but given the very mixed feelings people express about the distortion stomps in general and the Muff in particular, it sounds to me like the current implementation doesn't even please someone ;) And somtimes choices can be wrong and should be questioned as you did with the Green Screamer. That particular stomp now sounds pretty much spot on to a version of the original that is regarded higher by many Kemper users as the previous one - or so it seems. Just do that for the Muff and all those people who use a Kemper to play Gilmourish tones will be thankful.

    Sure, vintage Muffs are all over the place but there is a kind of general concensus how a "triangle","Rams Head" or "Russian Green" is supposed to sound. I've played many boutique versions of Rams Head and triangles and they do sound remarkable similar - that even goes for the cheap chinese Mooers clone. So if you model - say - a BYOC Large Beaver you are good to go.

    just curious,
    how do you feel about the Hoof?
    I haven't played one (yet) but the adjustable scoop/boost for the mids should be able to cover a lot of ground sonically and make it a relatively versatile Muff.



    on a related note, I'm quite surprise that there isn't more praise for the Plus DS. I love that stomp! ;)

  • just curious,
    how do you feel about the Hoof?
    I haven't played one (yet) but the adjustable scoop/boost for the mids should be able to cover a lot of ground sonically and make it a relatively versatile Muff.



    on a related note, I'm quite surprise that there isn't more praise for the Plus DS. I love that stomp! ;)

    I'll chime in if you don't mind, just watched this youtube video about the Hoof and found it very tasty :)


  • Just do that for the Muff and all those people who use a Kemper to play Gilmourish tones will be thankful.

    I have to agree on that, I know at least 3 people, other than me, that are trying to figure out something good with the actual Muff implementation of the KPA, with no good result.
    Just as example, searching for a "good" sound for "In The Flesh" song, after many trials, I ended up using a profile of Andy44 with already a profiled stomp in it (the 2some)...
    I believe that an addition/correction in this area can really make happy a lot of people here. So, let's hope you will take this in consideration... :rolleyes:

    Edit: corrected the quote from "Garrincha"

  • how do you feel about the Hoof?
    I haven't played one (yet) but the adjustable scoop/boost for the mids should be able to cover a lot of ground sonically and make it a relatively versatile Muff.


    on a related note, I'm quite surprise that there isn't more praise for the Plus DS. I love that stomp! ;)

    Yes, I agree on that, it seems a very very versatile stomp! The sound seems very good too.
    And for the Plus DS, I love that stomp too ;)

  • I like Plus DS a lot too.

    I find that when I use it on high gain profiles, it sounds EXACTLY like just turning up the gain on the profile. Which is cool.

    So much so that I was wondering if the existing OD stomps are the "computation bass" from which all profiles are formed; like a profile is formed from filters applied on various combinations of the OD stomps. I know... Too much time spent noodling, thinking about random stuff...

  • I have to agree on that, I know at least 3 people, other than me, that are trying to figure out something good with the actual Muff implementation of the KPA, with no good result.
    Just as example, searching for a "good" sound for "In The Flesh" song, after many trials, I ended up using a profile of Andy44 with already a profiled stomp in it (the 2some)...
    I believe that an addition/correction in this area can really make happy a lot of people here. So, let's hope you will take this in consideration... :rolleyes:

    Sorry for the late comment on this but I have a Diceworks Fuzz Epic that does, among other things that it does very well, the Gilmour Muff tone. It does the regular Muff but it has two toggle switches that are actually labeled with positions O and C for original and Cornish modified. When you engage the Cornish settings it basically takes the woof out of the muff sound and the result feels like an eq adjustment to the lows and mids. One toggle affecting more lows and the other reaching more into the mids (both decreasing) - both are similar however. I cant speak technically on it but ive wondered if they are actually placed in different spots within the circuit. The pedal has some choice/carefully matched old transistors that lend their mojo but I think if were going to not use my actual pedal I would be experimenting with eq dips of the lows and mids and trying them pre and/or post the muff effect. I might also consider lowering the muff drive and stacking it with a tame treble booster to help cut through if needed. It can get complicated because you've also got the amp drive to consider and I've found when doing these elaborate stacks that the front panel drive knob can dramatically change the feel between compressed and very open with a very slight nudge when you are sitting just barely above 0 gain.

    "Tone is in the fingers" is not a necessary response to anything that I might type on any internet forum threads. Thank you.

  • I have to agree on that, I know at least 3 people, other than me, that are trying to figure out something good with the actual Muff implementation of the KPA, with no good result.
    Just as example, searching for a "good" sound for "In The Flesh" song, after many trials, I ended up using a profile of Andy44 with already a profiled stomp in it (the 2some)...
    I believe that an addition/correction in this area can really make happy a lot of people here. So, let's hope you will take this in consideration... :rolleyes:

    not my quote, it's from Garrincha