Problems with Sorting by Amp Name (random ordering)

  • Hi,

    I have firmware 2.0.1 installed

    I found it a bit annoying to manage all my collection of profiles because of this issue:

    I sort all profiles by Amp name, e.g. there could be 5 different amps each of them could include about 5-6 profiles (in the best case)


    it's ok, I can scroll thru them using buttons, etc... from Mesa from 1 to 5 and from Laney 1 .....
    When I hear any profile I like I make it Fav.

    For example I like Mesa #3, I make it Fav

    Once applied all the order of Mesa gets messed up (probably Laney's also)
    i.e. there's no more
    Mesa 1,2,3,4,5
    now it looks like

    Mesa 2,3*,1,4,5

    after I make any other of them fav
    it gets messed up again like

    Mesa 3*,4,2*,5

    Probably there's some logic in there but this is not the logic I expected

    and every time I make a profile fav. I have to scroll thru all the amp profiles again as they all are in different order

    might be someone know the solution

    thank you

    Edited once, last by dee (August 13, 2013 at 5:30 AM).

  • I completely agree on this point, I was going to open a thread too.

    And I suggest you also to change the title, since this problem is even wider: when you order by Amp there is in general a 'casual' ordering within the same Amp, and every time you change something on one profile the ordering change again!
    For example, for every Amp I put in the name some characters to identify the type of profile, but this ordering is not workng whn I sort b Amp.

    Another annoying thing is that changing the Sorting and/or filter method often makes you loose the Amp you are working on in that moment and the KPA restart from a completely dfferent profile, sometimes hundreds of Amps fistantbfrom the on visualized in the new sorting criteria. So, for example, if I'm on Sort by Name using a Fender Bassman and I change in Sort by Amp the KPA most of he times shows another profile.

    I believe that the filtering and sorting criteria would be greatly improved by Kemper Team in the near future :rolleyes:
    Pleeeaseee, for such crazy maniac :cursing: of the ordering like me and due the incredible number of profiles to manage, this should be a must to be solved as soon as possible in my opinion...

  • Pleeeaseee, for such crazy maniac :cursing: of the ordering like me and due the incredible number of profiles to manage, this should be a must to be solved as soon as possible in my opinion...

    Absolutely agree,
    I believe it's a high priority issue

    as Sorting by Amp Name is the fastest way to manage/compare different profiles with different names/dates and remove/rename/fav within one Amp
    But unfortunately it seems to be rather useless at this moment

    P.S. the title is renamed

  • we're taking a look at this.


    Thanks a lot Don, in other words, regardless of the sorting option, what happens is that only the first sorting algorithm level works, leaving the others levels without a particular logic.
    So when you order by Amp, or by Author, within profiles with same amp names or same authors name, I believe all of us expect a second level of sorting by Name, instead there is a randomic ordering that change everytime you save a profile.

    Also, another important thing that doesn't work well are the strange "jumps" between profiles moving between the Filter Option.
    An example: I am on "All Rigs" option sorted "by Name", I select a profile "CleanHiwattCustom", by And44, then I decide to better search between And44 profiles and I switch the Filter on "Current Author", I then move the Browse knob and the current rig "jump" without any logic to "TonekingCrunch", instead the expected behaviour is to remain on the original selected rig "CleanHiwattCustom".
    I hope the example is clear... let us know your findings, and thanks for the attention :thumbup:

  • well, you gave us a very good desription of the issue, so thanks to you, too. :)

    Sorry, but I feel somehow strange ?(
    To me all of the above isssue still remains as they are in 2.1!!
    I'm sure of this... so what's happened!?!?!?

    Problems of random jumping of the actual rig changing view... still there
    Problems of wrong sorting name when I sort by Amp, by Author etc... still there

    Can you help me? :S

  • Problems of random jumping of the actual rig changing view... still there
    Problems of wrong sorting name when I sort by Amp, by Author etc... still there

    Can you help me?

    I have tested 2 fixes for now

    1) when you sort by amp
    and make any rig favourite, the order of the rigs within an amp is not changed

    it was

    2) I tried to reproduce your problem when you told us that when you fixed the "cursor" on one rig while sorting, e.g. by the Amp
    and then changed the sorting type, e,g to by the name, the "cursor" moved to the random position instead of staying on where it was before

    actually this is the one


    Another annoying thing is that changing the Sorting and/or filter method often makes you loose the Amp you are working on in that moment and the KPA restart from a completely dfferent profile, sometimes hundreds of Amps fistantbfrom the on visualized in the new sorting criteria. So, for example, if I'm on Sort by Name using a Fender Bassman and I change in Sort by Amp the KPA most of he times shows another profile.

    in the last version there's no such issue

    at this moment I have about 300 profiles, last time it was about 900... but not sure if it affects the fixes

    Just tried another of yours comments


    For example, for every Amp I put in the name some characters to identify the type of profile, but this ordering is not workng whn I sort b Amp.

    For example
    I sort by an amp, all rigs within the amp are ordered alphabetically
    so I have

    - a1
    - a2
    - b1
    - c1

    Now I want b1 to be the first and c1 to be the 2nd

    I add an underscore in front of the names,
    so now I have

    - _b1
    - _c1
    - a1
    - a2

    turning off and on does no change the order and the "cursor" is still there

    and yes, forgot to mention I have this version 

    the only problem I found with jumping so far is

    I was on one profile "A", I started importing some new of Ola's, once imported the cursor was still on the "A" but when I start switching by left-right buttons it moves to the Ola's rigs 
    they were not even close with the "A"

    Edited 7 times, last by dee (September 1, 2013 at 4:55 PM).

  • 2) I tried to reproduce your problem when you told us that when you fixed the "cursor" on one rig while sorting, e.g. by the Amp
    and then changed the sorting type, e,g to by the name, the "cursor" moved to the random position instead of staying on where it was before

    No, this problem doesn't happen when you change Sorting type, but when you change View type :!:
    Try it and tell me, the pointer to the actual rig is always lost :(

  • For example
    I sort by an amp, all rigs within the amp are ordered alphabetically

    Sorting by Amp is a little improved, but still there are a lot of cases where it doesn't work properly.
    This picture spoke by itself , all of these rigs are tagged with the same Amp "Bogner XTC" ... but ...
    [Blocked Image:]
    The first two rigs are not in the correct order.
    Still needed some work by Kemper Team ;)