Posts by LH

    The RIG is before the jack 1/4" ?

    everything can be justified...

    I think i get what you mean, but still i believe you got something mixed up there.

    As described, the "Rig" is the whole Signal Chain. Try to see it as follows: You have your traditional Valve-Amp, Effects and Cab on your stage, ready to use it. When you choose a different "Rig", the Kemper acts as if you would remove all your gear from the stage and get a new Amp, Effects, Cab, etc. on there. Therefore, even the first Input Jack of the signal chain (reflected by the Input Settings) changes and is part of the whole thing that is called rig. The Rig-Menu however still manages the whole thing. Regardless of whether you carried your Marshall or Fender to the stage. So it would not make sense, that this menu is part of the signal chain.

    paddyc what you said is correct, but I don't think this is the current problem here.

    You said the Butterslax 3 is clean and this is definitely NOT the case for me! So there must be something wrong.

    Please don't take offense, but I want to ask again if you made sure your cables/guitar etc. is not at fault?

    I recently checked out the Butterslax profiles on rig exchange. Those with numbers 3 or above are definitely not clean ^^

    Check them out! If they are clean on your profiler, we need to continue searching.

    Are you sure everything in front of the Amp is OK? Guitar, Cable, etc.

    Yes (if it's not a clean profile obviously ^^; EDIT: Didn't read the "Ch3". So probably a distorted profile :D)

    Another thing you should check is the Clean Sense. This can have a big impact. You can find a lot of info on that in the reference manual and on this forum.

    Hang in there, I'm sure it will work out for you!

    I am at work right now I will check it but as far as I remember Monitor Cab Off is 'checked' from global output settings. Is that right ?

    Well, it depends on which output you use. If you are using the monitor out then yes, that setting will disable the cab-block for that output and make the sound very harsh when not connected to a "traditional" guitar cab.


    about two weeks ago i finally bought the Stageclix Jack v4 wireless system.
    So far, i did some testing at home, used it at one rehearsal and played a gig with it.
    Overall, i really like this system and think i will keep it.

    Here are my 2 cents so far:

    I tested it against my Line 6 Relay G30 with the cable tone setting at 5 Meters (middle position). I could not really hear any difference.
    When switching the cable tone setting off on the G30, there was audible difference between the two, though i did like the Stageclix better (with the G30 with cable tone off, the high frequencies are rather prominent, which does not sound as good or natural to me).
    Interestingly, i also noticed a quite obvious sound difference when compared to a cable. Though, this difference was the same when comparing the cable to the G30.
    However, i could not say that the cable sounded 'better' or 'worse'. Using only a cable, the sound had more highs. The Stageclix and the G30 (with cable tone activated) had more warmth in the highs and mids.
    Overall, i did like the stageclix and the g30 with cable tone activated best. Between the stageclix and the G30 there is no difference in sound that would make me choose one over the other.

    When i did the first test of the Stageclix at home, i was pretty disappointed with regards to range. As soon as i had walked through two rooms (about 10 meters), i already got very bad dropouts. There were about 2-3 walls between me and the receiver at that point. However, when i took it to a (small open air) gig i had no problems at all. I did not test the limits of the system, but i was able to freely walk through to the front of house (about 20 meters) without experiencing any dropouts. I think that, as long as you have no obstacles like walls etc. between the transmitter and receiver, you will have decent range without problems.

    Ease of use:

    That is where the Stageclix really shines. You just plug the powercord and guitar cable into the receiver and the transmitter into your guitar and you are good to go. No fumbling around with a bodypack on your belt or your guitar strap and a cable that is always either to long or to short. Especially when you change guitars this is way easier to use than a body pack. Just take it out of the first guitar and plug it into the second one.

    The Plug holds tight within the socket and is designed in a way that it fits nearly all types of guitars. So far, i tested it on a Stratocaster, an LP, a Junior-Style and an Ibanez S-Style.
    And there's another cool thing: You do not have to make sure that you always have some batteries with you. You just plug the transmitter into the receiver and it charges the battery pack. In about an hour it is fully charged and i was able to play the whole gig without recharging, with plenty of charge left (i do not remember the exact state of charge, but i probably would have been able to do some 6 hours more of gigging).

    There is one thing, though, that i did not like about the handling of the transmitter: It does not have any way of automatically cutting the signal when you unplug it from your guitar (like, e.g. the Line 6 Relay G10). You can turn the transmitter on and off quickly by using the built in button, which is easily accessible in most cases, but when you forget to turn it off, then you will hear the usual pops and cracks.

    I think it is a great system that does not harm your sound and is super easy to use on stage. Whether you will have problems with range will depend on the sourroundings and the place, where the receiver sits. I would say, that as long as you have a direct line of sight to the receiver and do not plan to walk to the other side of a football stadium you won't have problems. I did not have any dropouts with my Relay G30 at any gig and i think it will be the same with the Stageclix. The fact that it sounds as good as the G30 and is much easier to use (for me and my applications that is!) makes it a system that works really well for me and will possibly the system that i use from now on (though i will keep my G30 in case i get problems with the stageclix after all).

    - Sounds as good as a Relay G30
    - Super easy to handle
    - Charges when plugged into the receiver

    - Tending to have dropouts earlier than other systems when walls or other obstacles are between the transmitter and receiver
    - Does not cut the signal automatically when unplugged

    I hope this is helfull to some of you.
    If you have any further questions, please let me know.


    Hi there,

    i somehow forgot about this topic a bit, as i had many other things to do in the past year. However, my interest in a new wireless system was revived a few days ago. After doing a lot of internet research (again! :D ) i am very interested in trying out the stageclix jack v4, as it seems to tick every box for me. Good Sound, easy setup, digital and future-proof, no need to fiddle around with a beltpack on my guitar-strap.

    So, i thought i'd bump this thread again and check if someone made any new experience with this system in the meantime.

    Otherwise, if i will buy this system, i will report about my verdict.


    Why should they abandon their principles?

    Since then, the forum at-large has come to accept that the company has a policy much like Apple's. If a company breaches its M.O. then it sets a precedent and is expected to adopt the new behaviour from that point onwards.

    Thanks for your statements

    However, i have to object somehow :D

    I understand their principle of not giving away too much information and i do see the benefits of this strategy.
    However, i think my thoughts do not contradict this principle.

    Take the spring reverb for example.
    A long time, many users have asked for a spring reverb. I remember that at some point, the kemper team said that the spring reverb is on their to-do list but they will not give any more info. We would know about the release date when they will release it.
    Afterwards, the frequency of requests for a spring reverb decreased (at least in my perception).

    So when this is possible, why not do the same regarding an editor?

    Hey guys,

    i know, mostly everything about this topic has already been already said by now, but somehow i feel the urge to share my 2 cents about it as well ^^
    I do understand both sides on this topic (though i would personally really appreciate an editor), but there is one thing that bothers me a bit and i think this is a reason that justifies the constant 'beating of a dead horse':

    Scenario 1: The Kemper Team is already working on an editor. I would understand that they do not want to give too much info or even a release date, as everyone would complain if they can't meet that goal. However, in this scenario, i do not understand why they do not just say: "Listen Folks, we are developing an editor, but we can't say when it's finished as it is a lot of work. When it's ready, we will release it"
    This way, we could stop constantly wishing for an editor, as we knew that one is coming.

    Scenario 2: The Kemper Team has reasons to not develop an editor. In this scenario, i do not understand why they do not just state these reasons and just close this topic. If they would say: "Because of reason XY we do not develop an editor." Then everyone wishing for an editor could decide wether he still wants to use the kemper with the knowledge that it will never get an editor or if he wants to start looking for a different device.

    In either case, why not just give a short statement about this issue? Apparently it is an (if not the most) important topic within the kemper community. Why can't they put these tiring discussion to rest by stating their opinion?

    And this is why i do understand why this topic is constantly brought up. Of course, they know about the issue. But this is the whole point of demonstrations/petitions. Showing how important the topic is and annoying someone until he gives a statement. And as long as there is no clear statement, every new discussion/request/petition might be the pivotal argument for kemper.

    I would appreciate to discuss these points/this opinion with you guys.

    EDIT: Bought the System. First experiences in post 8 of this thread.

    Hey there,

    does anyone have experiences with the Stageclix Jack V4 wireless system?

    It sounds really interesting. Good range, small transmitter, easy rechargeable battery....

    Here is why i am interested:

    Currently i am using a Line 6 Relay G30.
    I like it a lot. It sounds like a cable to me, it has a very reasonable price, it is totally straightforward...
    The only thing i do not like is the beltpack transmitter. Don't get me wrong here, i think it has one of the nicest beltpack transmitters out there (standard jack input, small, etc.). I just do not like beltpack transmitters in general. No matter where you put it, it always causes some problems. Currently i am using a leather pouch to fasten it to my guitar strap. When playing, it is really comfortable. But changing guitars is a hassle. When you want to switch guitars between songs you practically need a second receiver, second pouch, and second cable. And all the cables have to be custom fitted to the respective guitars so that they are not to long or to short (i use different straps on all my guitars and they are not the same length either.)

    Recently, my father bought the Line 6 Relay G10 wireless system. I really like it. Small transmitter that eleminates the need for a puch, cable, etc., easily rechargeable...
    But, for my intendet use (on stage), the range is a bit too small and the receiver does not feel very sturdy.
    Hence, the Stageclix seems to be a good alternative. The only downside i can find is that it does not seem to be suitable for rack-mounting.

    I would be happy to hear about your experiences/thoughts/opionions...


    Maybe we should produce an eau de toilette for guitarists.
    It will smell like a new guitar case :D


    and beer.

    Or Kemper could make one that will smell like whatever you want it to.
    You just profile a certain smell and use it for your Kemper-eau de toilette :D:D

    In Slot 4 einen Grafik-EQ einhängen, neutrale Einstellungen lassen und Volume auf + 3dB - +5dB setzen.

    Hierbei ist allerdings zu bedenken, dass damit auch die Verzerrung erhöht wird.
    Soll nur die Lautstärke ohne Änderung des Sounds erzielt werden, sollte man den Grafik-EQ besser in den X-Slot packen.
    Ist natürlich reine Geschmackssache. Als Booster davor, kann man so auch den Sound etwas andicken für's solo.

    Übrigens gibt es dafür auch einen Boost-Effekt ("Pure Boost") der einfach nur das Signal anhebt (sofern nach dem Amp geschaltet).
    Hier hat man dann natürlich keine EQ-Möglichkeit mehr.

    Also wenn das bei dir so ist ist das sehr komisch bei mir ist das so wie ich aben geschrieben ich hab das rig volumen auf 0DB und denn master auf 2DB die Outputled leuchtet sehr oft rot. Drehe ich denn Denn Master aber nun auf 5DB und das Rig volumen auf -10DB bleibt die LED grün und leuchtet ganz selten mal rot:

    Also deine Aussage trifft bei mir zu 100 Prozent nicht zu

    Eigentlich bestätigst du damit exakt das, was ich beschrieben habe.
    Erst hast du das Rig-Volumen auf 0db -> LED leuchtet Rot
    Dann hast du das Rig-Volumen auf -10db -> LED leuchtet grün

    Eine Verringerung des Rig-Volumens bewirkt also, dass am Output keine Übersteuerung mehr angezeigt wird.

    Die Tatsache, dass du gleichzeitig das Master-Volumen erhöhst hat nur den Effekt, dass du den Lautstärkeverlust ausgleichst, den du durch das absenken des Rig-Volumens erzeugt hast.

    Probier mal folgendes:
    Stell das Master-Volumen direkt auf 5db und lass es da.
    Dann vergleichst du die beiden Einstellungen des Rig-Volumens. Nun wird sich die Output LED genauso vehalten wie vorher: 0db Rig-Volumen = rot, -10db Rig Volumen = grün

    Zur Überprüfung kannst du das Master-Volumen auch einfach mal sehr leise stellen (z.B. -15db).
    Obwohl der sound aus dem lautsprecher sehr leise ist, wird die Output LED bei Rig-Volume=0db rot leuchten und bei Rig Volume=-10db grün.