For 2021 : More visiwig interface, an example :

  • The RIG is before the jack 1/4" ?

    everything can be justified...

    No, the rig is completely independent from the actual signal chain. Changing the rig can change everything else in the signal chain (including input settings), but changing the input settings will not change the rest of the rig.

  • No, the rig is completely independent from the actual signal chain. Changing the rig can change everything else in the signal chain (including input settings), but changing the input settings will not change the rest of the rig.

    Good reason to put the input before ! In addition, the input can be locked, not the ring "selector" which is not a selector but mostly a definition of the chain AFTER the input.

    I put in a third picture a king of "ideal", but no dream, juste à logical placement could be nice. If you put à separator, like the third picture, it have to be their only if Input is locked.

    [Blocked Image:]

  • Algado

    Kempers definition of a rig taken from the main manual, page 20:

    'A complete signal chain comprising amplifier, guitar cabinet and potentially multiple effects is called a “Rig”.

    The signal chain of any Rig begins at the Guitar Input, passes through four effects modules, the stack section, and then followed by another four effects modules.'

  • Algado

    Kempers definition of a rig taken from the main manual, page 20:

    'A complete signal chain comprising amplifier, guitar cabinet and potentially multiple effects is called a “Rig”.

    The signal chain of any Rig begins at the Guitar Input, passes through four effects modules, the stack section, and then followed by another four effects modules.'

    OK, why not ?

    Just be more visiwig : what you see, the reality, or read more and more books... Having necessarily need of comunity, forums, etc...

    The rig "selector" is confusing, and the term "RIG" in this place is confusing too... (Definition, routing, settings but not "RIG")

  • 1) you set input (guitare gain, input or alternate input etc)

    2) in most case this section is locked (so become general)

    3) you set general purposes for the ring, routing etc..

    4) you decides effects etc...

    Not logical ;)? So I have to rebuild my logic, but it would be late :P

  • 1) you set input (guitare gain, input or alternate input etc)

    2) in most case this section is locked (so become general)

    3) you set general purposes for the ring, routing etc..

    4) you decides effects etc...

    Not logical ;)? So I have to rebuild my logic, but it would be late :P

    You are surely aware that the GUI represents the signal chain, right? Putting your ‚Definition‘ thingy inside the chain (please refer to your picture) would suggest, that e.g. the parameter „Rig Volume“ affects the signal prior to the stomp section. This is definitely not the case.

  • You are surely aware that the GUI represents the signal chain, right? Putting your ‚Definition‘ thingy inside the chain (please refer to your picture) would suggest, that e.g. the parameter „Rig Volume“ affects the signal prior to the stomp section. This is definitely not the case.

    I would like a better interface, Kemper still doesn't have a real and good Windows interface, it's rough and full of bugs (copy-paste conflicts, archive mode ignored, changes lost, dead-lock with the Head, etc etc, in one months I have found too many). Then everything can be discussed, except with the trolls, they prefer invective and corporatism.

    I gave this example, it's my proposal, but you may be right, we can then combine the two into one, it is in any case more logical.

    What is certain is that Kemper is still hazy in its semi-graphic interface, rather successful for the "head". It would be time to switch to the graphical version, with the programming rules that this entails (event, visual, touch screen, pop-up, instinctive resolution etc.)

  • i agree there are too many bugs in the Rig Manager editor and I hope they manage to get these ironed out as they can be very frustrating.

    however, other than bugs the interface is excellent. By that I mean the layout is clear and logical with no frills and gimmicks to get in the way of getting things down quickly. One of the reasons I actually bought the Toaster was the fantastic physical interface which makes setting up rigs (and tweaking them live on stage when necessary) so fast and easy. I spent a long time A/B testing side by side with helix and the lack of touch screen, drag and drop, menus etc was a massive advantage on the KPA. They hit the ball right out the park first time with the physical UI. Unfortunately, it seems to proving dito overlay a GUI on top of something that was always designed to be a physical device.

  • i agree there are too many bugs in the Rig Manager editor and I hope they manage to get these ironed out as they can be very frustrating.

    however, other than bugs the interface is excellent. By that I mean the layout is clear and logical with no frills and gimmicks to get in the way of getting things down quickly. One of the reasons I actually bought the Toaster was the fantastic physical interface which makes setting up rigs (and tweaking them live on stage when necessary) so fast and easy. I spent a long time A/B testing side by side with helix and the lack of touch screen, drag and drop, menus etc was a massive advantage on the KPA. They hit the ball right out the park first time with the physical UI. Unfortunately, it seems to proving dito overlay a GUI on top of something that was always designed to be a physical device.


  • The RIG is before the jack 1/4" ?

    everything can be justified...

    I think i get what you mean, but still i believe you got something mixed up there.

    As described, the "Rig" is the whole Signal Chain. Try to see it as follows: You have your traditional Valve-Amp, Effects and Cab on your stage, ready to use it. When you choose a different "Rig", the Kemper acts as if you would remove all your gear from the stage and get a new Amp, Effects, Cab, etc. on there. Therefore, even the first Input Jack of the signal chain (reflected by the Input Settings) changes and is part of the whole thing that is called rig. The Rig-Menu however still manages the whole thing. Regardless of whether you carried your Marshall or Fender to the stage. So it would not make sense, that this menu is part of the signal chain.