Issue when switching off check for beta versions

  • Hi there,

    i think i found a small bug in rig manager (version
    I wanted to turn off the option, that rig manager also checks for the latest beta OS versions.
    So i unchecked the option in the preferences menu. Instantly, i got this windows 'not working'-sound that always plays when you click on something that is not available or does not work currently.
    After i got this sound, the preferences window stopped working and i was not able to click on 'cancel' or something else.
    Also i noticed that in the task bar, the name of this tab changed to something like "revert to release version".
    This issue appeared consistently.

    After i disconnected my profiler, the same procedure works fine.

    Can anyone else reproduce the problem?
    Or might this even be intentional?

  • I tried the procedure you have described and could not reproduce it.
    Although after I uncheck this option, Rig Manager's windows is unresponsive for short while.
    I cannot drag it, I cannot click File menu (I can but nothing happens/appears).

  • I have the exact same issue. Switching off the option for beta drivers freezes Rig Manager. From what it looks like, as soon as I uncheck the "Also check for Beta Releases" box and click on the OK button, a secondary window opens up in the background hidden by the Preference message box and none of the buttons work after. I have to use Task Manager to stop Rig Manager.

    System info:
    Win 10 64bit Pro Anniversary Edition
    Rig Manager v1.6.39.12600
    FW 5.0.3 (last beta release which was elevated to Release)

