Posts by jimosity

    I use midi to control my KPA and when I need to tune, I send it the signal to engage the tuner, but since it's set to 'mute' when active, it obviously kills my signal.
    Is there a midi command that I can enable/disable that mute of the signal when the tuner is accessed?
    Sometimes during a show I want to be able to tune while muted and sometimes I'd like to have the tuner displayed without being muted.

    I have looked over the MIDI documentation and NRPN stuff many times over the years yet I still only rely on PC/CC for midi automation.
    Several versions ago; while trying to control my KPA with NRPN (that I had captured via midiox and adjusting parameters on the panel) - I managed to figure out a few NRPN messages - but when sending those NRPN changes from my DAW to control the KPA; the results were somewhat erratic or not totally reliable.
    PC/CC always works great for me and I've done hundreds of shows with it - but I've never been able to fully trust NRPN.

    With that being said; I'm perfectly fine with assuming it's that I'm doing something wrong because NPRN is just not really clicking for me in terms of figuring out exactly what parameters I need other than trial and error and guessing about midiox messages received.

    1) Does anyone have a spreadsheet of all of the exact parameters already compiled?
    2) Are there any videos where working with NPRN is explained differently that maybe my brain can grasp a little better?
    3) If anyone is using Reaper to send NPRN; can you show me an example to make sure I'm doing it the right way?

    While I haven't had the issue of the sound cutting out completely - I have noticed two separate issues.
    I control my KPA via DAW so that my presets are switched automatically through our entire show; no changes to any songs have been made - but I recently had these two things happen at shows.
    I use performance mode. I am controlling the changes via typical midi - loading slots and then engagin/disengaging particular effects as needed in the song.
    Occasional gain level adjustment, wah Q, delay or reverb mix levels - otherwise all on/off toggling. I don't do any extended control via SYSEX.

    1) Volume drop in one particular song - its a song that has it's own preset and I experienced no other volume drops on any other songs/presets. One thing that may be unique about that preset is that I have an EQ block that I have the level set to -3db to change the EQ drastically of that preset and bring the volume lower than the overall volume. It seems that this preset having that block with a -3db on the output has caused the issue - or at least when I change it to 0; the level is back where it needs to be. Maybe it's just an issue with an EQ output effect?

    2) This one is the biggest issue for me.
    In order to do transposing down a half step; I have some performances set to -1 under the Rig settings.
    Twice this weekend; when playing a song that loads one of those presets - it changed to the preset that has the rig set to -1 and it did not actually transpose.
    I checked under the rig settings and it was still set to -1. I manually jumped to another slot and then back to it and it did as it was expected; but for whatever reason, it seemed to miss it twice (two different songs, two different shows) - can't replicate it when I go back and test it again though - so it's very intermittent - but definitely an isssue.
    These are songs that I've played hundreds of times and the transposing has always been flawless until this latest update.

    Sometimes during a gig - between songs, I'd like to quickly check my tuning but it's not quite as convenient to turn the knob to 'Tuner'
    (My KPA is controlled via DAW for all switching and I don't have a floor board of any sort on stage)
    It'd be nice to walk over and hit the 'Quick' button to engage the tuner

    This is a situation I'm dealing with now as well - using the latest 8.0.2 firmware and my KPA on Channel 16 - can't get it to respond to SYSEX but it does if I'm set to channel 1 or Omni.
    Inconvenient because I have other devices in my midi chain that can only be set to Ch1 and there are some overlapping CC/PCs that could cause the other gear to change when I don't want it to.

    I did my first gig with the Stage yesterday and during the one hour show, it got the "take a pic of this error and submit to support" message.
    During mid song, I didn't have the opportunity to take the time to get a pic, but this was with the Stage being midi controlled via DAW.
    I've used this same Reaper session to control my toaster and rack for years with no issues, so my guess is that it's something with the new firmware.
    I'm not a bit gun shy to take it back out to a show until I can go through some long rehearsals without issue.

    I know this is an old thread but it's relevant to my current dilemma.
    I'm also having midi locking up my KPA where it requires a restart to fix it. I'm assuming it's this loopback issue.
    I'm using the iConnectivity mio by the way.

    Three questions:
    1) How can I stop the loopback issue? I still want the DAW to be able to send midi back to the unit when it needs to make channel changes but I still want to leave my remote connected so I can do manual changes as well.
    (I've been able to do this when I have programmed midi changes using a third party midi controller to record my midi changes; then feed them back to the KPA via DAW...and can still use my remote.)

    2) When I'm capturing via Remote; I see normal midi changes but also lots of SYX info being captured as well.
    Could that cause an issue on playback? I'm not sure what those SYX commands are that it's capturing.

    3) When setting the 'Perform Mode: MIDI' section; does A & B have to be separate midi channels? I've got the KPA configured to Channel 16, but can I have those A&B for the pedals on 16 as well?
    Not sure if that's causing an issue or not.

    I too have been having this issue.
    I've replaced the cable with a Line 6 Variax cable (I have a patch panel with the same ends and then a short jumper to the back of the Kemper in my rack.
    I lost connection and assumed a bad cable after numerous live shows. I bought a replacement cable on Amazon -…e?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    Did about a dozen shows with it - always making sure I was very careful with it, never stepping on it, etc. Lost connection to the remote once or twice so I tried another network cable (CAT5E).
    Switched to a regular network cable and bypassed the patch panel and it's been doing fine but was shorter than I needed for a larger stage.
    I had a new CAT7 cable and started using that and again, lost connection to the remote during a show - I reached down and unplugged it and plugged it back in and it came back to life and worked the rest of the show.
    I purchased this a few minutes ago so I'll see if it does any better --…e?ie=UTF8&psc=1
    My thought is that it's totally not the cable - I'm thinking it's more in the remote connection itself.

    Nothing is connected to USB and no flash drives are connected.
    One thing of note; I do have a midi cable connected and it's running to an iConnectivity Midi4+
    In one of my bands, I use automation to do amp switching (has always worked great for many shows, but still have the remote connected for times when I need to switch back to it for the occasional song).
    This weekend however, no automation was being done, nothing was connected to the iConnectivity to have it send any signals....which makes me think that it's not causing an issue.

    Has anyone replaced it or is the answer always to send it to repair (which isn't really feasible since I gig so often).

    That's what I'm currently doing - but when I'm at a show and make a setting tweak, it'd sure be nice if it took affect everywhere that the global stack would be in use...because a quick tweak may happen mid song or between songs -- and going thru all of my presets to load / save that have that same core tone in it just doesn't work.

    You know what I'd love to see added to the KPA?
    Global Amps.
    That's the one thing that I miss most from when I was using the AxeFX.
    I often use the same core amp tones for many slots/performances with minor tweaks to effects and such...but the underlying tone is always the same.
    If I tweak one amp, I'd love for it to make that change in all of the other places where that global amp is in use.
    If there were a few global amp slots where you could assign a 'stack'- it'd sure make my life easier.
    (...I mean, an editor is still and will always be my number #1 request...but global stacks would be awfully good to have.)

    No, Locking isn't a solution since that would tie me down to one amp all over.

    "I can tell that since day one every single feature update or change we have done was driven by user input, and we are happy to follow this lead, with a constantly growing team."

    I'd just like to vote that the editor is and has always been my number one request.
    I mean, there are already implementations of the other features mentioned - why not focus on something that is completely lacking instead of tweaking existing things...I mean, in terms of priority...
    There are enough software developers in the world that it shouldn't be that hard.

    For those of you that don't need an editor...good for you...that doesn't mean there's not a need for one or we shouldn't have one.
    When your rack is quite literally 30 feet away or at the bottom of a rack along with other gear -- making tweaks to tones is quite painful, literally -- or even impossible at such a distance.
    Good for you if your Kemper sits on your desk. That's not the case for some of us.
    The constant "I don't need an editor" so there shouldn't be one responses are flat out stupid.
    Every digital guitar system has an editor except the Kemper - some better than others - but flat out saying "we don't need one" is ridiculous.
    We don't "need" the Kemper itself if we're just blurting out something outlandishly dumb.
    I swear sometimes this place feels a bit too familiar to the snobby, arrogant 'fractal forum'.

    Before being a Kemper guy; I was an AxeFX guy for many years.
    I had a Standard and an AxeFXII. Both great units...especially in routing, midi control and effects.
    I played with the FX8 for a little while and *HATED* everything about it. It was very limited in its flexibility, more like a Line 6 M13 is what it reminded me of.
    I was on the waiting list for one for a long time. I'm glad I didn't jump on it when my number came up - I would have been pissed at how stripped down it was.