• You know what I'd love to see added to the KPA?
    Global Amps.
    That's the one thing that I miss most from when I was using the AxeFX.
    I often use the same core amp tones for many slots/performances with minor tweaks to effects and such...but the underlying tone is always the same.
    If I tweak one amp, I'd love for it to make that change in all of the other places where that global amp is in use.
    If there were a few global amp slots where you could assign a 'stack'- it'd sure make my life easier.
    (...I mean, an editor is still and will always be my number #1 request...but global stacks would be awfully good to have.)

    No, Locking isn't a solution since that would tie me down to one amp all over.

  • This is only a workaround, and not precisely what you request, but how about saving the stack that is your “baseline” and recall that stack preset when you want to tweak?

    And in the end, the love you take is equal to the love you make.

  • That's what I'm currently doing - but when I'm at a show and make a setting tweak, it'd sure be nice if it took affect everywhere that the global stack would be in use...because a quick tweak may happen mid song or between songs -- and going thru all of my presets to load / save that have that same core tone in it just doesn't work.

  • This is a great idea. I suggested something similar a couple years ago on here. where you could designate a stack as "global stack 1, 2,3, 4,5, etc.. and then on a different slot or performance select global stack 1,2,3,4,5 in the stack section. But if you tweak it and don't want it to be global, you can select "make local" and you can than save it as an ordinary stack that is not global. You could also have global effects for each effect type.
    Someone on here referred to it as an Alias, like the computer thing where you have an alias of a file or folder. Supposedly at some point CK or someone from Kemper had on a blog somewhere commented on possibly having such a feature. But take that with a grain of salt because that was at least a couple years ago I recall hearing someone mention that on one of these threads.
    For my uses, I have rigs set up for about 40 different songs that I use interchangeably in worship sets, 4-5 a weekend. However, I base these on four gain stages. From time to time I get fickle and it would be convenient to just swap out global stack 2 for example, when I feel like using a different profile for my edge of breakup gain stage, and not worry about which one is saved to which song-specific Rig.

  • It would be cool to have this as part of the relationship between the Browse pool and Performance mode.

    How about this system: when you create a new performance by fishing a rig out of the Browse pool, you can mark it as either "independent" (the current system) or "linked" to the original. In the latter case, any changes made to the original rig in Browse mode will propagate to all linked performances.

    When you've edited a rig in Browse mode and hit the Store button, the confirm page could include a warning: "x linked performances will be updated".

    Modifications to parameters made while in Performance mode, on the other hand, will be permanent (not subject to propagation from Browse mode), to allow these linked rigs to be customized for different songs.

    In other words:

    • changes propagate from mother (rig in Browse mode) to child (linked performance),
    • but not the other way around,
    • and only if the child still shares the original's value for the parameter in question. If it doesn't, that means the child rig was modified to differentiate it from its sister rigs (other performances linked to the same Browse pool mother rig), and you probably don't want that modification to be overridden.

    Or am I making this too complicated? :)

    Edit: a couple of examples may help.

    BROWSE      PERF
    mother      child 1
                child 2
                child 3

    Here, every change made to "mother" is reflected in all three "children".

    BROWSE      PERF
    mother      child 1
                child 2 > increased gain
                child 3

    In this case, every change made to "mother" is again reflected in all three "children", except that "child 2" always retains its modified gain value, even when the gain is changed in "mother".