Posts by Vinny

    Am I being a bit stupid here, but these are 2 entirely different things?

    Rig volume is volume per rig, used to balance volumes between rigs and master is the global volume. This is the same as a multi channel amp where you have a volume per channel and overall output level.

    Why would you want to combine these? Quite happy to be shown I'm being stupid... ;)

    i think the request is to set knob dedicate to rig volume, and control only that parameter. So the user does not have to go into the rig menu to adjust the rig volume.

    I agree. Kemper is great but can be improved especially with the mids.

    This is more the request that is need if there is room to improve. But i think to subjective. I dont know if this is actual limitation or only in the ear of the user. But if you want Kemper team to look at this. Give them objective data and not only what you think you hear.

    For example a problem statement such as this.

    "The profile created by sound engineer under optimal condition. The profile analyze at 95% accurate to the original amp signal chain recording.

    Attach example of spectrum analysis of the original amp signal chain and the Kemper profile signal output. The chart show a missing high mid frequency when the profile is compare to the original amp."

    Then if the example is validate by Kemper team they will decide if 95% is ok. Or if they want to improve this.

    Again this is only example. I have no idea if the mid can be improve. The profile sound perfect to me. :)

    I totally agree with this concept. I had this thought ages ago.

    Why not have a device that we could store a limited amount of rigs in, non editable, just the rigs that we've fine tuned for ourselves, our own personal signature tones.

    i disagree with the 'non-editable' at least for performing. We need to be able to edit rigs in a live situation.

    Eh, they just sounds better. They've got a better sonic dough, if you will.

    Oh, and also the wahs sound better IMO.

    On the other hand, I don't like its reverbs AT ALL, modulations are inferior and the, maybe I can't use them cause no matter how I tried everything came out absurdly squeezed.

    And of course when I plug in my Strymon stuff it crushes both of them without breaking a sweat ^^

    if you could tell ckemper what feature to improve with the delay. What would you ask for? Maybe even he is listening. :)

    There's at least one company (maybe, or maybe not, listed) I know for sure has a working profiling amp that they've had in development for the past 5 years. Their tech works exceptionally well (reportedly), and they're currently refining their ecosystem, OS, and end user experience. They are in no hurry to rush it to market until the whole package - out of the gate - is a total slam dunk. [I know this because I have a friend there working on the project, and he likes to facetime me at 3am when drunk and talk about things he shouldn't.]

    • They're looking to totally dominate the profiling landscape within 18 months of launch. They are absolutely going to have a closed system - one that operates in the ways similar to what I've already detailed.
    • And here's the kicker: 3rd party manufacturers won't have to port existing algorithms, or code new algorithms to run on their OS, because the platform will run it's FX engines as zero latency AU plugins, meaning you can run; not only profiles created on the platform, and profiles purchased through the platform store, but amp emulator plugins, and any AU based FX plugin you already own - running like insert slots on a DAW, programmable, and switchable from the pedal based surface. Similar to the Stage and Helix.
    • As well as a mobile app for full GUI control of all onboard settings as well as naming functions too detailed for the inefficient button and wheel/arrow combo right there on your phone or tablet.
    • The whole thing has been running fairly stable on a custom array of outboard RISC based chips (idk the exact details on that part) while they've been waiting for an ARM chip fast enough and robust enough to make the whole thing work in a cheap, energy efficient as well as real estate efficient form factor.
    • And with Apple's new M1 breakthrough, it won't be long till there's a non-apple, multi-cored ARM chip on the market capable of powering the whole unit. - It'll be affordable too, possibly a $999 list $799 street price point. They're coming for it all.
    • I don't know the full details on inputs, outputs, fx loops, midi, ADAT et al, - except that based on the company's history it'll have

    i wonder who could be this company? :)

    From another forum....

    Is this something for the Kemper II? Or just a rumour from competition?

    Text from the above post in case some of this truncated in the link...

    "The Axe-Fx III models are extremely accurate. The Kemper has it's own vibe which a lot of people like. It's characterized by lots of midrange compression. You can replicate this on the Axe-Fx by setting the Output Compression type in the Amp block to Feedback and dialing in ~6 dB of compression. Adjust to taste.

    The distortion of the Kemper is smoother than a real amp as well. You can replicate this by decreasing the Power Amp Hardness."

    By the way Vinny, didn't mean to call you out or anything with the comment about the Headrush. I legit was trying to save you some money if the UI and touchscreen was the selling point for you haha :) because I used to have a Headrush and those pedalboards have amazingly fun and easy to use UI. I ended up liking the tones from my KPA much more but, I still miss the touch screen and how fun it was to make a rig! Lol. 8o

    All good mate. Happy with the Kemper and not looking for a Headrush or QC for that matter. But looking forward to the K2! Please, ckemper this will be the best!

    Most benefit for me with QC is the light weight. But i cannot see to spend $1600 USD to save 5 lbs/2.3kg. Touch screen is nice but for a floorboard this is less interesting.

    Still the QC is only beginning and much upside to improve the software. We will see with future versions.

    If it's really about the touchscreen and easy to use UI for you, just get a Headrush and get a bigger and more colorful screen, more UI features, more features on the physical unit and an expression pedal for almost $1000 cheaper than the QC lol. Of course, I wouldn't recommend it if you already have a KPA.

    No, not for me but for me this is some advantages over the Kemper - smaller, less than half the weight of the Stage. a design that is more intuitive and easier to navigate the menu. If the tone is acceptable and price range is close some user will prefer this over the KPA. I am happy with the Kemper but i hope they consider some of this features for the Kemper 2.