Posts by fantasyl

    Hi all, I'm a long time kemper profiler user, I bought a kemper player, assuming that the transpose FX / pitch would be the same as the one from the Kemper profiler. I had a big disappointment as the transpose FX is missing the SMOOTH CHORDS setting, and without it the transpose of bass and low tuned guitar is sounding quite bad.

    Attached you find some pics while I was testing the player with a BASS guitar, and a sound file with the following notes:

    open E of the player with transpose -2

    open E of the profiler with transpose -2 (with smooth chords!)

    open B of the player with transpose -2

    open B of the profiler with transpose -2 (with smooth chords!)

    This was quite disappointing, so it should be quite high on the "to do list", IMHO.

    all the various fx parameters and controls (on/off) should be assignable on a rig per rig basis and simultaneously to ONE expression pedal.

    I used to have in one of my previous rigs (maybe boss stuff) a basic rythm sound and it was really great to be able to add gain and various FXs in amount controlled by the different part of solos had different amount of FXs...and all this without patch change, nice and smooth :)

    Burkhard replied few minutes ago it could be something with the CPU-board, so it needs to be serviced :(
    Already opened a ticket with the suggested kemper service center

    PS Thanks nightlight....I hope it will take days and not weeks 8| , I know they have other stuff to do other than my unit, but as a tech myself I also know the total repair time will be 1 to 2 hour at the most...assuming their service centre have readily available common kemper spare parts :huh:

    Did you try disconnecting the power cable for about 15 minutes? Sometimes this helps... But your problem sounds serious...

    Yes, it stayed without power cable for few hours while I was taking the KPA back from the studio, and also today while I was doing some tests I had to disconnect the KPA from the mains for about 1 hour......unfortunately it didn't help :(

    Received a reply from the support, tried clearing the rig buffer and rebuilding internal database, but still no input/output working.

    Forgot to say......the input led and the master led always stayed since the problem arised (and still are) solid green, without a single variation in brightness, and both stay brightly lit even with the guitar cable disconnected.

    I guess my KPA needs to be serviced, and of course we are just in the middle of a studio recording....well I guess that will need to wait :(

    Hi all!
    yesterday while I was playing my sweet KPA (lunchbox green, no PA on board, bought from Davide - guitarnet70 here on the forum), the KPA emitted through the speaker a medium high pitched whistle (and no more sound from the guitar).
    I had to reboot the unit and after that every input on the KPA does not work, and DSP error was lit in the top right of the display. If I pressed the key over dsp error, the KPA says "snapshot saved", so I guess it's only a notification.

    The tuner (and all of the KPA) does not receive any input (front, alternative, return input)...and of course I have no output, too. Things I tried:

    1) booting with system pressed on
    2) updating firmware to latest (DSP error it's not showed anymore)
    3) front and alternative input with different cables and guitars
    4) resetting midi pedal values
    5) checking spdif option and set / unset that

    I did a search on the forum so I checked the most common stuff (yes, my input cable is in the right hole, unfortunately :S , tried profiler mode, spdif, manually setting midi volume pedal value )
    I hope to be wrong, if there are other tests I can try to restore my inputs please let me know, but I think my KPA needs tech assistance ;(;(

    PS I sent an email to the support team few minutes ago.

    I don't know if that's you know on which MIDI command the kemper turn on or off the FXs? It should be written in the manual or in the wiki.
    After that we can check in the line6 manual if you can send that command with the XTLive....I wouldn't switch effects with the foot controller anyway (I'll have one rig with fx and another without, if I'd constantly need switching between them).

    An easy solution, if you absolutely love and use only one rig, is to store 4 versions of that very same rig tweaked with different FXs to the 4 pedals A,B,C,D :)

    Yes, the XT midi configuration is very simple, IMO. PC works out of the box, and volume was working out of the box, too......
    If you want to assign a specific CC# to the exp.pedal you look the parameter name and its CC# on the manual, then assign the parameter name to the exp pedal. The KPA can use the exp.pedal when it's set on "reverb mix/level" (follow the procedure in the 1st post)....then on the KPA you can assign to exp.pedal wah or other fx.

    the PodXT live is much more limited than the FCB1010 in its midi capabilities, but if you need only to change rigs, use the pod XT live expression pedal for volume and (sometimes) wah or other parameters I think it's pretty simple to setup :thumbup:

    We shot a couple of videos from our debut CD and they're doing great on youtube, hope you'll like them:

    Memories - a rock ballad
    Break Out - a guitar driven track

    Please note the audio of memories on youtube it's mono......I don't know why that happened but we cannot swap the audio ;( ...

    on you can listen to the previews of all the 8 tracks on the CD

    Feel free to buy the album if you like it :thumbup:'s on every major music platform (itunes, amazon, spotify, ecc.), but you may order the physical CD for worldwide shipping exclusively on our website

    Any comment / suggestion / tip appreciated, I'm the guitar player and I tracked the album in my studio.....I'd love to learn new tips and tricks and read comments from the great musicians on this forum!

    Well, I've tried it and it works need to invest that kind of money on the HD500 only as a backup and foot controller......
    What do you mean by assigning rigs to 1 2 3 4?

    If I press A on the Pod I can select any rig, same goes for B/C/D can assign any rig you want to any switch - 1/2/3/4 (named A/B/C/D on the XT) via the midi map.

    Didn't try the whammy as I do not route the guitar audio from the pod to the KPA, I only connect the midi as I do not want too cables on the stage ......but If you want to use the whammy that should be absolutely possible.
    You have to check the FX loop on the KPA whether it's parallel/serial, if can be switched, and its position in the chain....if it's serial it will work out of the box, just make sure in the Pod to select the appropriate output mode....

    Good song...I don't think it's too long....and the sound is great !

    I share Andy's suggestion on the bass and kick drum, with the right technique they would "pump together" and give some more groove....beside that I hear the main vocals are......ehm......a bit "outside" of the mix (I'd lower them at least a couple of db), and the are very good in tone, but lack volume, IMHO, of course....

    just my 2 cent, I'm biased as I love a good rock mix more than anyotherkinda mix :D