Netherfall - 2 videoclip for rock lovers :D

  • We shot a couple of videos from our debut CD and they're doing great on youtube, hope you'll like them:

    Memories - a rock ballad
    Break Out - a guitar driven track

    Please note the audio of memories on youtube it's mono......I don't know why that happened but we cannot swap the audio ;( ...

    on you can listen to the previews of all the 8 tracks on the CD

    Feel free to buy the album if you like it :thumbup:'s on every major music platform (itunes, amazon, spotify, ecc.), but you may order the physical CD for worldwide shipping exclusively on our website

    Any comment / suggestion / tip appreciated, I'm the guitar player and I tracked the album in my studio.....I'd love to learn new tips and tricks and read comments from the great musicians on this forum! Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

    Edited once, last by fantasyl (March 28, 2013 at 3:13 PM).