PodXT Live...a great KPA controller

  • Hi there,
    if anyone is looking at a cheap KPA controller.......I think a great solution is the Line6 Pod XT Live....I just bought it as

    a) price for used unit is less than a standard midi controller with exp pedal
    b) it's a decent backup rig in case my main KPA rig has problems
    c) you can use the exp pedal for volume or for wah depending on patches
    d) the wah and other fx activate when you touch the pedal and go away when you stop moving....sick, I love it!!!

    Some tips for you to activate the exp pedal to control the wah
    1) press the edit button and spin clockwise till the last page
    2) press the soft button under "ASSIGN" and choose "1 TWEAK / 2 VOL
    3) press the soft button under "TWEAK" and choose "Reverb Mix" Parameter

    Now on the KPA you can choose stuff to assign to EXP1 (wah, fx, etc), and you can choose to deactivate the pedal at the heel or toe position, or when not moving the pedal (my fav setting!)

    https://www.netherfall.com Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

    Edited once, last by fantasyl (March 27, 2013 at 7:42 PM).

  • ?? really asked alot if you can use the pod x3/xt and everytime everyone answerd that its just possible with the pod hd500 ...

    can you assign rigs to 1 2 3 4 ? And can you use the inbuilt whammy?

  • Well, I've tried it and it works wonderfully.....no need to invest that kind of money on the HD500 only as a backup and foot controller......
    What do you mean by assigning rigs to 1 2 3 4?

    If I press A on the Pod I can select any rig, same goes for B/C/D ........you can assign any rig you want to any switch - 1/2/3/4 (named A/B/C/D on the XT) via the midi map.

    Didn't try the whammy as I do not route the guitar audio from the pod to the KPA, I only connect the midi as I do not want too cables on the stage ......but If you want to use the whammy that should be absolutely possible.
    You have to check the FX loop on the KPA whether it's parallel/serial, if can be switched, and its position in the chain....if it's serial it will work out of the box, just make sure in the Pod to select the appropriate output mode....

    https://www.netherfall.com Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Can you do both PC and CC change? How difficult is the xt midi configuration? I got rid of fcb1010 cause it was a pain to program. Just keeping an eye on a easier solution.

  • Yes, the XT midi configuration is very simple, IMO. PC works out of the box, and volume was working out of the box, too......
    If you want to assign a specific CC# to the exp.pedal you look the parameter name and its CC# on the manual, then assign the parameter name to the exp pedal. The KPA can use the exp.pedal when it's set on "reverb mix/level" (follow the procedure in the 1st post)....then on the KPA you can assign to exp.pedal wah or other fx.

    the PodXT live is much more limited than the FCB1010 in its midi capabilities, but if you need only to change rigs, use the pod XT live expression pedal for volume and (sometimes) wah or other parameters I think it's pretty simple to setup :thumbup:

    https://www.netherfall.com Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • I don't know if that's possible....do you know on which MIDI command the kemper turn on or off the FXs? It should be written in the manual or in the wiki.
    After that we can check in the line6 manual if you can send that command with the XTLive....I wouldn't switch effects with the foot controller anyway (I'll have one rig with fx and another without, if I'd constantly need switching between them).

    An easy solution, if you absolutely love and use only one rig, is to store 4 versions of that very same rig tweaked with different FXs to the 4 pedals A,B,C,D :)

    https://www.netherfall.com Looking for European and USA tour dates - worldwide festival / opening slot with international rock/metal acts - if you run or know a well established booking agency PM me!

  • Sorry to bump an old thread but has anyone managed to use a POD XT Live to turn effects on and off or activate the tuner when the volume is turned off like a POD HD500?

    I'm considering buying one but wanted to know if this was possible.

  • Even after scouring the XTL manual, I couldn't find a way to change the MIDI number that the stomps put out, and they didn't match the Kemper's A,B,C,D,X, Mod, so stepping on the XTL stomps did nothing.
    I didn't want multiple versions of the same profile just to activate a stomp, so I ended up giving the XTL to my son-in-law.

    Oddly enough, I'm able to configure the stomps on my old Digitech RP-12 - I have them set to toggle Kemper's A,B,C,D,X
    So I can switch between the 5 profiles in a Performance, up/down through performances, use the expression pedal for a Wah & the stomps.

    I rename the RP's bank/patch to the Kemper Performance Number + Profile Name, which is a lot better than just a number like on the FCB1010.

    The only issue is it doesn't seem to save the RP stomp's off/on status when I save the "patch", so if the profile has a stomp lit (and I want to turn it off) I have to step on the RP stomp twice.
    Basically, once to "activate" the stomp on the RP, then the second time to turn it off, which turns off the stomp on the Kemper. After that the on/off works as normal for that stomp (until I change to another profile).
    If the Kemper stomp was off and I want it on, the RP stomps work fine (since it was off to begin with).

    It might be due to the me using the shortest-named RP Algo (so line#2 isn't cluttered with text) ...and that particular algo doesn't have access to those stomps natively, so I can't set them on when saving a patch ...which now is just used for storing the Kemper profile name.

    It's not really an issue for me, since more often than not, the Kemper stomps that are active in my profile settings typically stay on.
    The ones that are off, get activated as needed, so it all works out in the end

    Not a bad solution for something that was forgotten in the back of the closet for 10 years :thumbup:

  • Line 6 Pod X3 user (ex-user?) here. I've found that the only controls that actually work are the bank switches. FX switches don't work, and, at least on the X3, sometimes do unnatural things, like go back to PC#1, but... not always. Delay toggles reverb, and reverb toggles delay.

    I've gotten so I set up presets in performance mode for each song, save them later on in the performance list, and look them up when I need them. Because the X3 only has 4 buttons per "bank," I copy the settings for each performance rig to PC 1-4 (for the first song), PC 5-8 (for the second song), and so forth. It's tedious, and makes so songs technically overlap in the Kemper's settings, but it works until I get a proper controller in a couple months, and allows me to set up a set list in about 20 minutes.

    This is where I wish Kemper had desktop software for this.

    Guitars: Parker Fly Mojo Flame, Ibanez RG7620 7-string, Legator Ninja 8-string, Fender Strat & Tele, Breedlove Pro C25
    Pedalboard: Templeboards Trio 43, Mission VM-1, Morley Bad Horsie, RJM Mini Effect Gizmo, 6 Degrees FX Sally Drive, Foxpedals The City, Addrock Ol' Yeller, RJM MMGT/22, Mission RJM EP-1, Strymon Timeline + BigSky
    Stack: Furman PL-Plus C, Kemper Rack