Posts by Burkhard

    Normally, you should place the PoE injector or hub close to the PROFILER and connect both via a short standard Ethernet cable. Ideally you place the whole set up in a Rack and put the long Ethernet cable in the back during transportation. A simple cable tie could act as strain relief.

    Das funktioniert so nicht. Man kann nicht irgendwelchen Tastern am Stage irgendwelche MIDI-Befehle zuordnen.

    Was geht:

    Man kann beim Laden eines Slots im Performance Mode ein oder zwei MIDI Program Changes rausschicken. DAs heißt Du wählst mit den Up/Down-Tastern irgendeine Performance vor. Ob gleich ein Slot geladen wird oder erst einmal abgewartet wird, bis Du einen der fünf Slots mit den Rig-Tastern auswählst, kann man mit "Performance Load" einstellen. Jedenfalls wird in dem Augenblick, wenn der Slot tatsächlich geladen wird, ein Program Change rausgeschickt (oder zwei) und damit sollte es möglich sein, ein bestimmtes Programm im Boss zu laden.

    Oder man kann "UI to MIDI" einschalten, was primär dazu gedacht ist, einen zweiten PROFILER als Slave zu betreiben. Das löst aber einen Haufen MIDI Messages aus. Und wenn man die Up/Down-Taster betätigt werden Sysex-Nachrichten geschickt, mit denen Dein Boss schwerlich etwas anfangen kann.

    Theoretically, you could mix the right side of the MONITOR OUT with the MAIN OUT XLR set to Output Source=Master Left.

    But you need to adjust volumes and keep an eye on seperate settings like the PAD -12dB just affecting the Main Out and Monitor Cab. Off just affecting Monitor Out,.... I would not go there. Rather us the Monitor Out or Headphone Out as stereo outputs.

    You cannot freely assign MIDI functions to the Up and Down Buttons of the Stage.

    If you activate "UI to MIDI" the Stage will send all kind of MIDI messages to enable a slave PROFILER to follow Performance Mode navigation and effect controls. Performance Up/Down would trigger Sysex messages, which you can hardly translate into somethink meaningful at a third party device.

    I had been able to reproduce one case, where the parameter Bank Up/Down was somehow screwed. It appears as "Wrap On Up" but caused a kind f scrolling and return Bank 1 and Slot 1. CVhanging this setting once and returning to "Wrap On Up" fixed that isse. This might be caused by a left over of an earlier software version. These parameters have been changed recently.

    I guess, the first question is, how are you switching sounds? There are two methods: You could send MIDI control changes #47-54, which is a bit tricky regarding the values you send. Or you could send simple MIDI progam changes #1-50. I would always reommend sending program changes from a software like Logic.

    Check the MIDI In Channel set in System Settings. By default the Player receives on all 16 MIDI channels (Omni), but perhaps that has been screwed. If you don't find that setting, you might nee dto update the Player OS.

    Yes of course..Literally just going through each Reverb "preset" ...they all do it..None "sound" like Reverb. ALL other effects work great. I have some Pro-Studio profiles I've purchased that come with Reverb on them (..along with some other effects...) Those work great, but anything preexisting in the Kemper list of Reverb offerings have this out of phase funky sound...I tried stereo outs, speaker outs, headphones out, all do it. ONLY for Reverb.All other effects work as they should. I've owned multiple Kempers over the years, never had this issue.

    You are missing the point. Have you checked and followed my hint regarding DLY+REV Routing? This parameter sits in Rig Settings and is not included in any reverb presets. If DLY+REV Routing is for example set to +100%, it means, that the reverb in module REV only affects the wet portion of the delay in module DLY. If there is no wet portion, there is no reverb regardless which reverb preset you are loading. So the impact is huge.

    We share OS 7.3.2 only on special request, making sure it's really needed. OS 7.3.2 is not needed and must not be installed on hardware manufactured recently and shipped with more recent OS versions. Generaly the interim step is not needed for the Stage model.

    Rig Manager is also able to suggest and perform updates in two steps appropriately - first to OS 7.3.2, then to a current OS - if the OS installed is not even older than version 5.x.

    If you would use another PROFILER model, I would speculate, that you might accidentally activate Beat Scanner e.g. with an external switch with wrong polarity (normally closed) or unintended MIDI comands. Only while Beat Scanner is active the PROFILER detects tempo from your playing. And the Player doesn't have it.

    Is other gear involved sending MIDI Clock? The Player follows MIDI Clock.

    The level of the volume pedal controller intentionally survives Rig changes.Only if it set very low e.g. at heel and you load another RIg the level is raised to 25%, since the logic assums, you don't intend to use Wah at zero volume.

    Try to set Volume Pedal Location to "Off" in the Rig you intend to control Wah and want the last position of the Volume Pedal to be ignored.