Help with WahWah and FCB1010

  • Hi folks,

    Yesterday I bought a used FCB1010 off eBay (stock w/o Uno chip) and had a brief test drive with the KPA. I've been able to assign program changes to some rigs and the volume pedal (exp pedal to the right) works alright: toe-max vol and heel - tuner (I'm on 2.0 beta). However, I haven't been able to use the wahwah in some rigs that incorporate this feature. I've entered into wah settings (orange screen lit) and selected bypass@stop as someone suggested, but after activating the wah block and moving the left exp pedal nothing happens.

    I'm new to Midi and the FCB so the answer may be very obvious for most of you but after a while yesterday I could not figure it out.

    I don't have usb interface yet, and will need to make whatever adjustments on the FCB itself.

    Thanks in advance for your help and hopefully the new KPA UnO chip will make things a lot easier.


  • Maybe you need to program the wah pedal to sent midi #1 :)

    Thanks for the tip, but I'm feeling today a bit like your username (lazy...)

    How do I set the wah pedal to channel 1 using the FCB only? no editor nor usb interface yet.



  • Thanks for the tip, but I'm feeling today a bit like your username (lazy...)

    How do I set the wah pedal to channel 1 using the FCB only? no editor nor usb interface yet.



    Programming the FCB on the unit w/o editor is a PITA.
    I'd suggest using an editor ASAP or refer to the FCB manual for the very tedious programming procedure.

  • Thanks for the tip, but I'm feeling today a bit like your username (lazy...)

    How do I set the wah pedal to channel 1 using the FCB only? no editor nor usb interface yet.



    Not channel 1, but CC#1! That's a big difference! CC = continous controller. Your pedal on the FCB must send CC#1. I don't own a FCB, but there must be some advice inside the manual.

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Not channel 1, but CC#1! That's a big difference! CC = continous controller. Your pedal on the FCB must send CC#1. I don't own a FCB, but there must be some advice inside the manual.

    Thanks for the heads up!, There's a chart with programming instructions in the manual that looks like an egyptian ieroglyph but I'll give it a try this evening.



  • You will either have to program your FCB1010 to send MIDI CC#1 or in the systems menu or you can link pedals on the MIDI Settings page of the System menu and select Volume Pedal to Wah. This will map the volume to wah for any rig in which it is engaged, but will function as a volume pedal if there is no wah in the rig.

  • Right I'm not next to my FCB but ....
    Press down and hold for 3 seconds
    Press up ...
    8&9 should be lit ?
    Press 8
    Press up (8 starts blinking)
    Press up
    Press 0 then 1
    Press up
    Press 00
    Press up
    Press 127
    Press up
    Press down and hold form 3 secs

    I think I got that right ?????

  • Whoa. I bet you count cards when playing blackjack ... 8|

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • And, an excellent example of why the Kemper is easier to set up

    Hi Paul, the fcb 1010 is like any technical device, you need to learn it. Once you get it, its very easy. The stock fcb is more powerfull, than anybody would think.

    The volume to wah feature is nice, but the fcb has 2 exp pedals, so there is no need for this feature, in my opinion.

    Just my 2 cents.

    And like my wife always says: RTFM :)

  • And like my wife always says: RTFM :)

    Hahaha, It's usually accepted to say RTMF, but in this case is the f@c#ing Manual.... Jeez the chart was making me dizzy.

    I did it and works, although I will get a Uno4kemper as soon as they go on sale. I just read the manual and the feautures and it is just great how things turned out in this front... close cooperation between an independent developer serving the community to improve an already time-tested and affordable product, and Kemper being selfless (it may predate their future sales of the KFC-not Colonel's chicken...) and helping the user base to have all the options.

    My thanks to all the parties involved for making life easier for us users. :thumbup:

  • You will either have to program your FCB1010 to send MIDI CC#1 or in the systems menu or you can link pedals on the MIDI Settings page of the System menu and select Volume Pedal to Wah. This will map the volume to wah for any rig in which it is engaged, but will function as a volume pedal if there is no wah in the rig.

    This is not exactly how it works.
    Mapping volume to wah means, that the wah pedal will act as a volume pedal, if no wah effect is active.
    The volume pedal CC7 is not accessible in this mode.