Routing a dry signal to the built in power amp and fx to 2 full range speakers?

  • Hi all,

    I'm counting down the days til the powered head is available in Australia so I can use it touring in the Queen tribute show I play in.

    I'm wondering if it's possible to turn the time based effects off for the signal going to the power amp and just send fx to the other outputs?
    That way I could run 2 full range speakers as L/R and my usual cab in the centre for a Wet/Dry/Wet stage set up.

    Have Kemper built in a way to do this?

    Also, does anybody have any experience taking the head on plane flights as a carry on? No hassles?
    I travel all over the place with the show and plan on using the Kemper head as my fly rig.



  • Yes, you can do it, just select "Stack" as sound source for the monitor out.
    Using a travel bag you're within the hand luggage limitations, If you use a IAAF flight case you will have to check it in.

    Welcome, BTW! :thumbup:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • hi Rick.

    please downlod the "Kemper Profiler Reference Manual in English" from our website's support section.

    pages 10 and following show and explain all the output options.
    and as guitarnet already mentioned, being able to run a W/D/W setup was one of the reasons to implement this. :)
