So basically if you own a non-powered Kemper and thought you could upgrade, you can't

  • that's what i was told at the kemper booth yesterday. of course in a much more polite manner. still, fact is that they won't sell us 'old' kemper users the poweramp.

    i even insisted that i'd be willing to install it myself at my own risk. still no.

    what the fuck? i'm seriously let down (and kinda pissed off) by this. I'm sure i'm not the only one feeling this is not an acceptable solution.

    I am aware this has been discussed before, but i wanted to make a dedicated thread for this for others to share their opinion on this matter, too.

    I am also aware there are other third party solutions like the camplifier, but based on my experience with SS poweramps powering a 4x12 i am VERY skeptical about running 'just' 180W mono (as with the camplifier)


  • What really worries me most with this issue:
    They're going to sell the very same combination of KPA and power amp without any safety regulations issues. ?( So the purported problem must exist in the process of upgrading an existing non-powered unit. That sounds VERY strange to me, even more because it was always said that it has to be done by Kemper itself or by an authorized repair/service partner. Only difference as far as I can see: The combined product is called "PowerHead" or "PowerRack". But where's the problem to re-label the product after the power amp addition and send it back with the corresponding documents? That's really weird, isn't it?

  • Well, I had the Camper 212 Stereo (2x180 W) and now I play with the 212 FR-A (250W mono) and they are loud enough to turn you deaf.... At 180w RMS the Camplifier has 360W peak at 8 ohm...don't worry for a second it wouldn't be powerfull enough.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • This seems to imply some kind of modification in the hardware, although I read somewhere the claim that these new powered machines are identical to the non-powered ones...
    This is what would annoy me more, having just bought a non powered unit (but on the other hand, for new projects like the KPA, some kind of HW evolution has to be taken in account...)
    Is this issue for our early adopted KPA, or also for these new generation of units, if bought unpowered?

    I use it at home at the moment, but I already planned to experiment with some external amps/speakers, as soon as I'll be confident.
    But the powered unit are mono, right?
    So I think I'd prefer to continue experimenting with two external mono amplifiers to go stereo...

  • I love my Kemper, but there is a constant feeling of being deflated at buying it sometimes. I went for the non-powered version because I thought ok, I will buy the power amp later.

    We was told you can upgrade it down the line. A little while later - sorry, you have to send it off, but it costs a fortune. Finally, we are told we can't upgrade at all and offered the most impractical rebate ever. Yeah, sell it and get another one and we will give you some money off. What a kick in the teeth for the early adopters.

    If I had known, I would have waited and bought the powered version - too late now. My Profiling Amp now has a gaping hole in the back where the power amp was meant to go.

    There are various little things that makes me worry about the vision of Kemper, as everyone has mentioned constantly, it feeling like an unfinished product. Simple things like undo/redo that have a popup telling you they are not working (I keep pressing this, expecting it to work), performance mode and finally having to reduce your rigs to fit in software updates - it just smacks of a lack of foresight, especially if you have only just bought into this.

    Again, I absolutely love the product - but there are these little things that could have been done a lot better. Having to explain this to people who I play and record music with is quite disheartening sometimes and ultimately with a product of this price shouldn't keep happening.

  • Does anyone know if there is any difference between camplifier vs the new powered head?

    Both are ClassD amps so I think there is no difference in the sound. The powered head of Kemper does 600 watts at 8 ohms. There are 3 different versions of the Camplifier:
    Camplifier 360 (2x 180 watts at 8 ohms stereo)
    Camplifier 180 (180 watts at 8 ohms mono)
    Camplifier 290 (2x 90 watts at 4 ohms or 1x 180 watts at 8 ohms mono bridged)

  • It is the price one pays for being an early adopter. I purchased my KPA unseen and unheard when it was first available in the US. I wasn't at the time aware of any plans for a solid state amp so I can't really claim that I'm let down. Myself, I'm not disappointed about this aspect of the KPA. I'm not a fan of integrated components and I currently run the KPA through a Atomic Amps CLR cab and I'm very pleased with the result. I can't imagine a KPA amplifier and another cab would be much of an improvement. Frankly, I'd much have a dedicated foot controller or a looper than an integrated power amp. Overall I'm very pleased with my Kemper but I knew going in that it was a work in progress and to date, I have been pleased with the efforts put forth by the Kemper team.

  • Here's the full story:

    We have considered to upgrade Profilers to the powered version in our factory, as well as in several sevice centers.
    Unfortunately the safety regulations in several countries do not allow later modifications, as this is considered as a manufacturing process. Every facility needed to be certified for that, which is a complicated process. We have no idea why the rules are so rigid. Really stupid!

    This is why we decided not to upgrade the units, but to give a discount for a powered Profiler to those that have purchased their Profiler before the announcement of the powered version. The old Profiler can then be sold to a friend or on Ebay. The discount will cover the loss when the old unit is sold.

    This has some advantages:

    - You can arrange the swap without having to send the unit to us and wait days or maybe weeks for the update and parcel.
    - You get a brand new unit.
    - you can reconsider the choice of colour.

    About colour: as you might know we have not announced a white powered Profiler yet. This is because we estimate a small demand only - much smaller than for the non powered version. If some of you wants a white powered version, we will collect orders and be happy to produce a special edition.


  • Thanks for letting us know the deal, but it is literally so much hassle that I assume most people won't bother.

    The main issue of early adopters is the value of a non-powered version has taken an extra knock because of the very reason you are trying to sell it - you can't add a power amp to it anymore.

    Again, I am sticking with this product, but for most companies and customers this kinda stuff would just not wash. It was a silly example maybe, but again, trying to explain this to the various bands/guitarists that have not seen the Kemper before gets a bit frustrating.

    So there's a big hole, where you were supposed to add a power-amp, you can't do that anymore. What does this dial do? Oh that doesn't work either, and those two buttons on the face? No, they don't work either.

    The advantages that were listed - I literally do not see anything that would benefit me or anyone much.

    Having to downgrade the rig limit because of a software update tells me that there should have been more thought about the OS space and how it would affect future updates. People are still asking about core features, yet already we are having to make more space for software updates.

    To be told your £1300+ unit is no longer getting the power-amp you needed is just very, very frustrating. Being told to sell it and buy it again is a bit of a liberty ;)

    Edited once, last by EmpireNine (April 15, 2013 at 3:01 AM).

  • Having to downgrade the rig limit because of a software update tells me that there should have been more thought about the OS space and how it would affect future updates. People are still asking about core features, yet already we are having to make more space for software updates.

    I suspect that no one at Kemper expected the number of profiles that have actually been accumulated. And seriously, 1000 profiles is more than a lot. Personally, this is no limitation at all. I find that a handful of rigs is all I can realistically use in a live performance. Just my opinion.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • I suspect that no one at Kemper expected the number of profiles that have actually been accumulated. And seriously, 1000 profiles is more than a lot. Personally, this is no limitation at all. I find that a handful of rigs is all I can realistically use in a live performance. Just my opinion.

    It's not the 1000 rig limit that I am worried about - it's more each profile is what 4KB? We are already having to reduce the rig limit to allow for software updates. Just how much is really left for future updates and what that lack of foresight will do for the future before we have to upgrade again because of the tiny amount of space left on the unit?

    I don't know, it may be all fine, but after the power-amp issue I'm just wondering how it will work in the future.