FCB1010 new Firmware

  • To sum up what I heard today at the Messe:
    Xavier, the guy who makes the UnO chip, is working on an eprom specifically for the KPA.
    This eprom will enable the FCB
    - for a special learn mode
    - 2 way communication ( i.e. switching an FX on the KPA will reflected on the FCB)
    - tuner LEDs will be visible on FCB display.

    Boom. That's what I wanted to hear. As the FCB1010 is midi only, my bet is the 2-way communication will actually work with many foot controllers (including the UNO FCB).

  • To sum up what I heard today at the Messe:
    Xavier, the guy who makes the UnO chip, is working on an eprom specifically for the KPA.
    This eprom will enable the FCB
    - for a special learn mode
    - 2 way communication ( i.e. switching an FX on the KPA will reflected on the FCB)
    - tuner LEDs will be visible on FCB display.

    Excellent! Thanks for the info. :thumbup:

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • To sum up what I heard today at the Messe:
    Xavier, the guy who makes the UnO chip, is working on an eprom specifically for the KPA.
    This eprom will enable the FCB
    - for a special learn mode
    - 2 way communication ( i.e. switching an FX on the KPA will reflected on the FCB)
    - tuner LEDs will be visible on FCB display.

    This is some big news here!!!!!
    I can't believe this board isn't lit up over this.
    An integrated foot controller for the KPA, with 2 exp pedals, for under $200.00.

    Ingolf, do you know if the UNO / FCB CONTROLCENTER is going to be available(compatible) for the Kemper-FCB also?
    If so, this would be the icing on the cake :thumbup:

    Ck & Xavier, thank you :thumbup:

    This is what I call customer service "Above & Beyond".
    I would assume that this could seriously cut into potential sales of the Kemper FC.
    But CK is giving it to us anyway, so we don't have to wait.
    I don't know about anyone else, but this impresses the heck outta me!

  • I would assume that this could seriously cut into potential sales of the Kemper FC.
    But CK is giving it to us anyway, so we don't have to wait.
    I don't know about anyone else, but this impresses the heck outta me!

    I wondered about this as well. Yes, this is good for the KPA community, and likely to the detriment of KFC sales. However, it could be an overall win if it enhances the KPA.

    Go for it now. The future is promised to no one. - Wayne Dyer

  • Ingolf, do you know if the UNO / FCB CONTROLCENTER is going to be available(compatible) for the Kemper-FCB also?
    If so, this would be the icing on the cake :thumbup:

    Ck & Xavier, thank you :thumbup:

    This is what I call customer service "Above & Beyond".
    I would assume that this could seriously cut into potential sales of the Kemper FC.
    But CK is giving it to us anyway, so we don't have to wait.
    I don't know about anyone else, but this impresses the heck outta me!

    Hmm, I don't 'know' but according to the history of UnO chip support I bet the control center will be compatible.

    And + 1 for the customer service.
    I LOVE joint ventures like these! ;)

  • I have used the FCB for many years, controlling two separate sound sources, and it is so very functional and dependable! With two way communication, using the special chip for the KPA, I can't wait to use it! The pedals on the FCB are better, IMO, than the pedals on the Roland FC300, for instance, and the layout of the switches is very straightforward. This was a great idea by the Kemper team! Thank you!!!

  • In the light of last news, what do you guys thing the strategic placement of the KFC would\will be?
    At this stage, wondering whether the creation\selling of such a device would make sense from a commercial POW.

    What are your opinions on the matter?

  • In the light of last news, what do you guys thing the strategic placement of the KFC would\will be?
    At this stage, wondering whether the creation\selling of such a device would make sense from a commercial POW.

    What are your opinions on the matter?

    I can only speak for myself, but if the KFC comes out for under $499, I would sell the Behringer and buy the KFC.

    The smaller size of the proposed KFC is a big plus for me, add a larger display, ethernet connection, and pretty colored LEDs and I'm in(-:

    I dealt with a FC-300 for a few years, and I hated the size, just too big.
    The Behringer isn't much better than the FC, size wise, so I would dump it in a nano-second for the KFC.

    Plus, I prefer the separate exp pedals, to the built in ones. I know I am in the minority on this, but like I said, I can only speak for myself.
    Hey, if it wasn't so expensive, I would have a Gordius Little Giant, no exp pedals on that one(-:

    But If the KFC won't be out till Q4, then I might as well have some fun with the Kemper-FCB and a 1010.

    Edited once, last by imall41 (April 16, 2013 at 2:15 AM).

  • I would think that once the KPA can send and receive MIDI all should be fine with EVERY foot controller out there. The problem with many 'consumer' foot boards vs the pro boards is the ruggedness. The Moving parts just don't hold for example the volume threadles.. They more often fall apart. With pro boards expression pedals are left up to the user.. THE WAY IT SHOULD BE. Some of us want certain things.. Eg spring loaded pedals..or pedals of a certain size and even weight.. Sometimes we want a toe switch.. Sometimes not.. Some of us really want a shiny button that goes CLICK.. it's about customizing to suit personal needs.. And I think Kemper realizes that.. After all YOU ARE THE ARTIST! I would really like to use what feels good stepping on... I want to sometimes lean into the button or the pedal... It happens when you play live. I really just want the toughest most customizable pedal board to work with the Kemper.. And if it gets lost I should be able to just pop a cheapie and set it up in a few minutes. PLAY HARD :D:cursing::D

  • Quote

    Plus, I prefer the separate exp pedals, to the built in ones. I know I am in the minority on this, but like I said, I can only speak for myself.

    If you are using more than 1 foot controller , it is really great to have separate exp pedals, so you can have one FC with 2 pedals on the right, and the other FC with 2 exps on the left, so that you could have all 4 exp pedals together in the center....easy access.