two expression pedals with no volume pedal

  • I want to have one expression pedal for Wah and the second for controlling different parameters depending on what rig I use. wah and pitch...wah and mod speed...etc etc

    I have the wah on pedal problem but on pedal two I can only have control volume.
    also, when I assigned pedal pitch to a rig expression pedal 1 controlled both the wah and pitch at the same time.
    How do you get expression pedal 1 to handle the Wah and expression pedal 2 to control other effects?

    I've searched the web and the wikpa with no joy.
    please help me out here

  • uhm........can't help you here because I use external expression pedals, i.e. linked to a pedalboard which has its own pedal ports. but did you try to invert the destiny of the pedals? you said that P1 controls the wah and P2 only the volume. did you try to invert them so to make P2 control the wah and P1 other things.

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

    "Rock in Ecclesia" - new album on iTunes or Google music

  • No, inversing the order won't solve the problem. You can only assign Pedal 1 to WahWah and pedal 2 to Volume. All the other choices there in the System menue page 4 are switches.

    And this is why you don't need to assign the WahWah any further - because there can only be one. The Volume pedal can be set up in the Rig menue page 3.

    The Manual does not provide a clear answer:

    Quote from Manual page 57

    The PEDAL 1 INPUT is routed to the wah stomp effects, as well as a few others, including the phasers and flangers. Pedal 2 represents the Volume Pedal that can be found in the RIG menu. You can configure both pedal inputs on page 3 of the SYSTEM menu.

    Except some wrong info: these settings are at page 4. (But who cares?)

    Well, I am not quite shure what "delay mix" and "reverb mix" might be. These would only make sense if they are pedals, not switches. But as far as I understand it it is not possible to addign two pedals the way you want to do it. This whole chapter of controlling parameters with pedal is - ähem, IMHO - quite a bit underdevelloped in the Kemper Amp.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

    Edited once, last by fretboardminer (April 9, 2013 at 2:15 PM).

  • All of this could be avoided if Kemper were to implement expression pedal assignment by rig rather than globally.

    Or left to your choice (global or local) like in all the other parameters with the wonderful Lock button.

    But even then you would still be left with a very restricted number of CC adresses. Not to mention: having two parameters assigned to the same pedal - maybe even each of them in different direction. And don't even dream of freely designable response curves for expression pedals...
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • I didn't realize how limited the KPA is in this regard!
    So am I correct in understanding that if I want to have a Wah pedal in a rig then I can't have a Pitch Pedal in the same rig unless I want he same pedal to control both effects? I'd have to have a switch to turn the Wah effect off instead of using the Stop and Bypass feature and another switch to turn the Pitch pedal on if I wanted to go from Wah to Pitch Pedal?!?
    It seems the Kemper design team took a week off and let some mid level Microsoft Windows 98 designers write some code!

    How about if I get a midi controller with expression pedal inputs? Can I leave the expression pedal plugged into Pedal 1 for my Wah and get the midi connected expression pedal to be assigned to the Pitch Pedal control all in the same rig with no need to turn effects on and off before going from one pedal to the other?

  • So am I correct in understanding that if I want to have a Wah pedal in a rig then I can't have a Pitch Pedal in the same rig

    Yes. Only one "Wah Wah" pedal plus one volume pedal.

    unless I want he
    same pedal to control both effects?

    I am not shure that it is possible to control more than one single effect at a time with the one expression pedal. You mean that you put a WahWah into slot A and a Pedal Pitch into slot B and then the expression pedal controls both of them at the same time? Should be worth a try.

    But you can certainly assign different effects to this "Wah Wah" pedal in different rigs.

    I have no experience with mixing the two expression pedal connectors at the KPA with some more CC controllers at a MIDI footcontroler.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • ...

    I am not shure that it is possible to control more than one single effect at a time with the one expression pedal. You mean that you put a WahWah into slot A and a Pedal Pitch into slot B and then the expression pedal controls both of them at the same time? Should be worth a try. ...

    I already had a Wah in stomp A, I put the pedal pitch effect in another slot and then the expression pedal in jack 1, that was already controlling the Wah, started controlling both the Wah and the pitch pedal. I wanted to let the expression pedal plugged into jack#2 control the pitch and pedal in jack#1 continue to control the Wah. I don't see how to do that. It looks like the expression pedal plugged into #2 can only control the Volume.

  • It looks like the expression pedal plugged into #2 can only control the Volume.

    Yes. That is what is hidden behind the wording: "Pedal 2 represents the Volume Pedal"

    Quote from Manual page 57

    The PEDAL 1 INPUT is routed to the wah stomp effects, as well as a few others, including the phasers and flangers. Pedal 2 represents the Volume Pedal that can be found in the RIG menu. You can configure both pedal inputs on page 3 of the SYSTEM menu.

    Plus - maybe - these "delay mix" and "reverb mix" things that show up at the end of the dial. I don't have time to check this out and I don't find it explained in the manual.
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • At the moment Wah and Whammy are controlled by the same pedal and on the midi side they share the same CC (#1).

    Wow, I hope they at least free the midi numbers a little bit.

    Simply allowing a choice of Pedal#1 or Pedal#2 on a per rig, per effect, basis would make so much sense. But if not that at least let there be a user definable map where we can assign midi CC#'s of our choice to the different controllable parameters on a global basis!
    I can't be the only KPA user who doesn't use a volume pedal and for us non-volume pedal players the current configuration makes the KPA a one pedal machine!!

  • I can't be the only KPA user who doesn't use a volume pedal and for us non-volume pedal players the current configuration makes the KPA a one pedal machine!!

    I don't use a pedal for volume, too.
    But it's not a 1-pedal machine, I use one pedal for delay mix and the other for wah/whammy.

    + 1 for the freedom to assign though. ;)

  • + 1 for the freedom to assign though. ;)

    Yes! +1!
    Especially directly assign the Gain value (without the workaround of a Wah Pedal Booster).

    And, please, let us create our own curves for each value:

    [Blocked Image:]
    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • CK -
    Unlike a keyboardist with many knobs and sliders at hand, guitarists just have their feet for real time control of effects and program/rig changes.

    With the current pedal1 and pedal2 configuration, we have less real time control than a Yamaha DX7 did. (It had three fixed controls: volume slider, sustain pedal, and a breath controller input)

    Separate Pedal assignment for each individual patch/rig is a standard feature in guitar gear- even with the most inexpensive multi effects pedals.

    If our guitars had the below control layout we would not be asking for more foot control :)

    [Blocked Image:]

  • One last thought on this: the user requests for pitch effects and Performance mode undoubtedly derailed the schedule for previously planned enhancements. If these kind of controller assignment enhancements would further delay the implementation of the things that the Kemper company wants to include in the KPA, I'm more intrigued by those unknown possibilities than the prospect of more CC numbers :)

  • Here is our plan:

    I am not a fan of complex machines as you know. I believe having X possible pedals or CC's controlling Y possible parameters and managing this by a list is very geeky. It might apply to some, but might be troublesome for many.

    I like the idea of having a handful of nodes for expression pedals.
    We have two already, and will have a third soon, by the request of the users:

    Volume Pedal: Can be placed in the signal flow on a rig basis. Can be locked. Responds to CC 7.

    Wah Pedal: Any of our Wah effects will respond to that, whenever engaged. All Wah effects will respond to it simultaneously. Responds to CC 1.

    Pitch Pedal: Our Pedal Pitch responds to that. Responds to CC 4

    In the future we will have a fourth pedal node, that can be assigned to a number of arbitrary parameters. Unfortunately we will start this little project after the lounge of the performance mode etc. as we have get some pressure by a number of users.

    Since a minority of you might want to bring three or four pedals, there will be two global (!) switches to combine the pedal nodes:

    Pitch To Wah Pedal
    Routes the Pitch Pedal (Whammy) to the Wah Pedal.

    Volume To Wah Pedal
    If no Wah effect is active in the current rig, the Wah pedal will be the Volume pedal.
    In difference to the individual Volume pedal the volume will be set to maximum when you change the rig. And the volume will only catch up, after you pushed the pedal to the toe position once, in case that you left the last rig with an arbitrary pedal angle. This prevents unwanted volume jumps.

    By these simple switches you can even decide from gig to gig, how many pedals you are going to bring with you, while your rigs can stay configured as they are.

    Tell me what you think.

  • In the future we will have a fourth pedal node, that can be assigned to a number of arbitrary parameters. Unfortunately we will start this little project after the lounge of the performance mode etc. as we have get some pressure by a number of users.

    I'm looking forward to this. One use I have planned for this is simulating feedback by using Harmonic Pitch for an octave-up harmonizer and using the expression pedal to control the mix between the original note and the octave-up note. See the end of Pink Floyd's Don't Leave Me Now for an example.

  • CK,

    Thank You for responding, and asking for input - I understand that the development of Performance Mode has affected your intended schedule for other enhancements. Since it will likely be a feature unlike any other, I hope the reality of it will remove that pressure, and allow your plans to proceed.

    I really like your "automatic pedal mapping" plan. I agree few people want three of four pedals. Many of us prefer having just one pedal.

    If you also include a "fourth pedal node to wah pedal" function, it would be possible to have one pedal, and use it for any one assignable parameter per rig. If someone prefers two pedals, they could still have their two choices per rig.

    When you assign cc4 to Pitch, please let it continue to be possible to assign multiple pitch effects to one pedal - that currently works very well, in a very musical way.( I posted a pedal steel rig to the Exchange that has two pitch effects, moving in two different directions when the pedal is moved).
