Ceriatone HRM50- JTM50 Black Flag

  • Hey Sean,

    I'm still waiting for another Black Flag Profile with mixed Sm57 & 121.....Your Profile is still my fav Marshall and I've replaced all my sig rigs with it.....

    still outstanding, so any news ????.. ;)


    Edited once, last by naphta-X (April 30, 2013 at 6:53 PM).

  • Ok, quickly did two profiles again today and uploaded them. There is one with just the R121 in a different room, and one with blend of 121/57 in a different room from the first batch.

    I personally like the 121 profile by itself the best. The blend seems to lose something when the two are put together.
    The overall gain is a bit less on these from the previous one.

    Let me know how they sound to you.

  • Ok, quickly did two profiles again today and uploaded them. There is one with just the R121 in a different room, and one with blend of 121/57 in a different room from the first batch.

    I personally like the 121 profile by itself the best. The blend seems to lose something when the two are put together.
    The overall gain is a bit less on these from the previous one.

    Let me know how they sound to you.

    I like the 121 by itself best as well. Very nice! I haven't tried comparing to the others you have uploaded yet but this one will certainly be a keeper.
    I have made about 10 versions of your previous JTM uploads, mostly the 121 versions of those. They are my favorite rigs right now. I imagine this new one will see lots of use too.
    If you have a variety of speakers or cabinets I'd love to have more of the same amp/mic with what ever variety of cabs/speakers you have available... ;)

  • Yep that's next. Try a few other cabs to see how it sounds. This latest 121 version cleans up better as well with simple volume changes on the guitar which a great feature of the amp.

    More updates to come.

  • Hi Sean,

    well done, I like the 121 - really nice - so much texture. This must be a real great amp. I've tested it with some Les Pauls, awesome. It really cleans nicely with the Guitar Vol Pot.

    The mix with the SM57 is more compressed in the mids and doesn't sound open here like the 121 does. I like this profile with a strat.

    BTW How loud did you profile this amp??? INSAAAAANE????

    again - great job, waiting for all your updates ;) :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup: :thumbup:



    Edited once, last by naphta-X (May 1, 2013 at 2:42 PM).

  • Added three more profiles with different cabs/speakers to the rig exchange.

    1. Marshall 4X12 cab with G12H30 speakers
    2. 2X12 Mojave Cab with Scumback M75LDHC with large dust cover
    3. 2X12 Mojave Cab with Scumback M75 normal model.
    4. The original R121 with 4X12 cab with G12M 25 Watters is still there.

    The LDHC might cut through a mix better, but something about the 4X12s that I like better. The 2X12 cabs are partial open back.
    All using the single R121 mic.

    To me, the original nails the AC/DC type of tones.
    Let me know what you think.

  • Ok, quickly did two profiles again today and uploaded them. There is one with just the R121 in a different room, and one with blend of 121/57 in a different room from the first batch.

    I personally like the 121 profile by itself the best. The blend seems to lose something when the two are put together.
    The overall gain is a bit less on these from the previous one.

    Let me know how they sound to you.

    Man, you have outdone yourself with those two. I like both equally as much. The 121/57 blend has a more pronounced midrange and less top end which can be a good thing for early ZZ Top sounds which don't require much top end but need a honky midrange.

    Both work fantastic for the signature Mark Knopfler Les Paul neck PU sound (as in brothers in arms). Last night I played to "Before Gas and TV" and "Piper to the end" from the "Get lucky" album with the 121 profile and it fitted well. With a bit of headphone space from the output section it sounded like it was part of the recording. With my R8 w/t Throbak It was actually scary how close it was to a real Burst over a real '66 JTM45.

    Mark's JTM45 is one year older than your blackflag and it's a JTM45 not a JTM50 but with the KT66 and tube rectifiing it shouldn't be that different.

    This is the actual amp setup for either one of the two mentioned songs (from the recording diary of Guy Fletcher):
    [Blocked Image: http://www.mk-guitar.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/11/marshall-jtm45.jpg]

    I've loaded that pic up in photoshop to see which settings he used and it seems to be the following:
    presence: 2
    bass: 2
    middle: 8
    treble: 8
    channels bridged and both volumes on 10 (you can see the tiny knob screws which indicate both knobs are on full tilt).

    If I had a free wish I would like to hear how your amp sounds with those settings (although with all those differences and tolerances in old amps it would be a hit or miss thing probably).

    Oh, and another thing:
    If you have a paypal-account let me know and I would gladly sent some bucks your way for all your effort you have already done for the KPA community already!

  • I forgot one thing (as usual):

    For a "money for nothing" sound I took the 121/57 profile, used the bridge PU on my Les Paul and turned tone on my guitar way down - works perfectly.

    The original sound was a different story though. It was the JTM45 (most likely the very same as in the picture in my other post) but according to Neil Dorfsman who recorded it, it was more like an accident. They had set up many different mics and were at the stage of trying them all out. As Neil pulled all faders up that sound was suddenly there. He thinks it was most likely because of much phase cancelling going on with so many mics. They had planned to overdub the guitars in a bigger studio later but could never duplicate that sound as they never hit that lucky combination of mics and phase issues again. Mark Knopfler ended up using a fixed Wahwah for the live performances of that song.

    With your blackflag I could get pretty much in the ballpark for this sound (minus the lucky phase issues of course).

  • Thanks for the feedback, and glad the tones are working.

    Here are the settings I used for both profiles.

    Just used the bright channel, no jumpering.
    Volume max.
    Presence 6
    Bass 1
    Mids 9
    Treble 8

    On my next setup of the JTM50 I'll dial in the settings you mention and see if it changes much.

    the other factor is that I used an attenuator on this last round. So it wasn't brutally loud in the room which took away some of the break up from the speakers.
    I think this profile translated better and using the gain control after the profile was produced could create any lost distortion compared to profiling the amp cranked up really loud.

    It's a HO attenuator who is the original designer of the Ultimate Attenuator.

    More to follow

    Thanks for the offer about Paypal, but I'm a tone freak like the rest of you and want to contribute to the overall KPA community and do it because I like to, not because I'm getting paid :)

  • Hi Sean,

    I built a new track mostly using your JTM50121 for 'the leads' and the Rockett for rhythm.

    Amazing profile , I just had to tweak it on the fly while recording , covered all tracks & styles from clean to hi gain, suits all my guitars.

  • waraba very nice.

    The more I play around with the JTM50 profile the more I like it as well.
    Can clean up nicely and still bring the hammer when you dig in.

    Thanks for sharing. The Tele stuff sounds like you're sitting in the room with the amp.
    KPA is a beast!


  • Yep, plan to add some profiles that bridge both channels. Will use the settings that Garrincha asked about as well from the Knofler sessions.
    Hopefully this week is schedules permit.

    Also itching to profile the 62 copper top AC30 and see how that translates.

  • ok, loaded up a bridged version of the Marshall JTM50 Black Flag using the Mark Knofler settings from Garrincha. They are on the rig exchange now.

    I used a single SM57 for this. Seems to be more direct and clear/clean of a profile than the previous versions which used a R121 and had a lot of room ambience.

    Let me know what you think.

    I also profiled a Mojave Peacemaker and put it on the rig exchange. It's a Plexi-100 clone.

  • I,m bumping up this thread for all new Members who may have missed it.
    These areas sibyl the best intake Marshall amp profiles anywhere.
    The sampling quality is also amount the best here.
    I,ve been away from the forum and playing since March, so this is all new to me
    And I want to give Sean a huge THANK YOU !
    ....can,t wait for the copper top profiles.

  • These areas sibyl the best intake Marshall amp profiles anywhere.

    Amen !!