Some nice Marshall

  • Worked on some nice Marshall amp, and did a quick profile for that. Don´t ask me about that amp, that´s another longer story ..... if you like Marshall sounds, AC/DC style ...... check it out. (Rig Download - AGL SOME MARSHALL) Used just one E906, a Creambacl powered 212 cab, and a Gibson Les Paul Special with Haeussel P90 1956 pickups.

    Some nice Marshall

    Edited once, last by ACY (March 31, 2013 at 1:22 PM).

  • Can you at least disclose what type of Marshall it is? Going by the fat bass it sounds a bit JTM45-like to me.

    I just saw you carry MJT parts at your store. I think I have to drop by and have a look since you are located not too far away from me. I have a MJT strat that was custom painted for me matched to a picture of a '55 I sent them. Their work is fantastic. It's the best strat I've ever played, but the Stauffer (actually Häussel) PUs might play a role as well ;) I'm still contemplating about building a second one and now that you are carrying their stuff this is even more tempting.

    Edited once, last by Garrincha (March 31, 2013 at 7:06 PM).

  • I have scrolled a bit through ACY's Facebook page. He has tons of cool videos showcasing his guitars and pickups. Many of this clips are recorded with his Kemper and his own profiles.

    For example this clip:

    Holy moly, that is Marshall sound how I like it. I really would love to be able to buy a "Marshall pack" by Acy if he ever does one. I wouldn't mind some more free profiles though ;)

  • I have scrolled a bit through ACY's Facebook page. He has tons of cool videos showcasing his guitars and pickups. Many of this clips are recorded with his Kemper and his own profiles.

    For example this clip:

    Holy moly, that is Marshall sound how I like it. I really would love to be able to buy a "Marshall pack" by Acy if he ever does one. I wouldn't mind some more free profiles though ;)

    I've been watching his videos for years, killer stuff.

    Holy sh*te, the tone in that video is just insane...note the guitar he's using. :thumbup:
    Please translate the German for me, what's up in that video, what are those pickups?

    Oh yeah, I would love to see a Marshall pack of Profiles from ACY...I'm first in the queue for those.

  • Holy sh*te, the tone in that video is just insane...note the guitar he's using. :thumbup:
    Please translate the German for me, what's up in that video, what are those pickups?

    The guys are talking and joking about new years eve since Acy recorded it seemingly at that day. The pickups are Häussel 1959 which I believe ACY co-developed with Harry Häussel.

    What I like about ACY's Marshall sounds is that fat midrange that is typical for a certain taste of Marshall. We don't have too much of that flavour for the Kemper, other Marshalls are often a bit polite. For that kind of sound there is only Andy's JCM800 (the one in the rock pack being the best incarnation IMHO) and there is a nice profile which I have forgotten who did it. I only remember it being a JCM800 and profiled with a blonde early 70s cab and a SM7 mic. That is also in the same ballpark.

    Nevertheless I would really like to hear more profiles by ACY.

  • The guys are talking and joking about new years eve since Acy recorded it seemingly at that day. The pickups are Häussel 1959 which I believe ACY co-developed with Harry Häussel.

    What I like about ACY's Marshall sounds is that fat midrange that is typical for a certain taste of Marshall. We don't have too much of that flavour for the Kemper, other Marshalls are often a bit polite. For that kind of sound there is only Andy's JCM800 (the one in the rock pack being the best incarnation IMHO) and there is a nice profile which I have forgotten who did it. I only remember it being a JCM800 and profiled with a blonde early 70s cab and a SM7 mic. That is also in the same ballpark.

    Nevertheless I would really like to hear more profiles by ACY.

    Is the clip in the video recorded with his Kemper?
    C'mon, that's not possible?

    I'll fly to Germany to get that Profile. :D

  • Is the clip in the video recorded with his Kemper?
    C'mon, that's not possible?

    I'll fly to Germany to get that Profile. :D

    In another Facebook comment he was asked what he thinks about the Kemper and he says he used it for all his recent videos on Facebook. So I assume this clip is also done with a Kemper. But maybe ACY can chime in and tell us.

    And yes, I would kill for some of his profiles.

  • I love this profile, tweaked it a bit and it landed directly in my footcontroller. Great stuff! Thanks Acy and please more!!! :thumbup:

    BTW: that from the video is fantastic

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Wow, what a Profile this is. :thumbup:

    Don't you love it when you download a Profile, plug in a Les Paul, and you don't need to tweak one control on the KPA because the Profile is perfect out the box.

    My buddy gigs with a E906 hanging over the cab of his Fender Twin...I sit pretty close to his PA and really hear his guitar tone, I'm always impressed how neutral (with no nasal honk) his tone is.
    Same thing with this Profile, I like the neutral/transparent EQ of the raw Profile.
    I like how cool the Treble Booster sounds when you switch it on.

    Thanks for sharing this Profile/Rig, it's one of the best.

    Edited once, last by Guitartone (April 1, 2013 at 8:29 AM).

  • I've been watching his videos for years, killer stuff.

    Holy sh*te, the tone in that video is just insane...note the guitar he's using. :thumbup:
    Please translate the German for me, what's up in that video, what are those pickups?

    Oh yeah, I would love to see a Marshall pack of Profiles from ACY...I'm first in the queue for those.

    Idem. :thumbup:
    I want to try AGL pickups, i think they are top and afordable. By hoping that the price will not change in the futur.

    Edited 2 times, last by mba (April 1, 2013 at 10:47 AM).