PLEASE give us a librarian!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Hi,

    I'm in the middle of a profiling session as I write this and I write this because I'm soooooooo extremely frustrated with tagging my profiles in the KPA. Love the KPA, no mistake! But I equally hate the way I have to tag as it is.

    I have been told that my profiles are of decent quality and I do offer them for free to the Kemper community but I'm seriously thinking of not doing any more profiling until this is resolved. I spend more time tagging than profiling and that to me is seriously wrong and tagging is a hindrance to my workflow. I want less work and more flow!!


    Mats N

  • I think when someone of your level says this CK has to take note. I love your profiles and would hate to see you stop profiling because of this reason. I have to think that even a simple profile tagger cannot be *that* difficult to create with the software talent the kemper team has. It's likely more a question of priorities and I think the KPA itself is so good now that perhaps it's time to make the librarian a priority :).

  • Ha, ha!

    I wrote this post in extreme frustration so I probably won't stop as it's so much fun to profile. I did 8 last night that I want to sink my teeth into and still have to finish my profiles from the Black Goop II session.

    Regarding CK taking note of someone like me, please know that from the discussions I have with CK, I can say that he listens very carefully to everyone as he knows the next good idea could come from anyone, anywhere and at any time.


    Mats N

  • Well this is gonna sound stupid but besides tagging im dreaming of a librarian so i can audition more profiles. This sounds lazy i know, but its just that im not finding the time to sort and find all the jewls that you guys make. Which is why i have been relying more on my own profiles. Id like to be able to do both. Either way i dont like to complain because i have been following the kpa since day one and wondering if it was ever going to do what it says it does and it did deliver! Sure not all my profiles arent 100% accurate (some amps seem easier to profile then others), but they are VERY close and they feel just great to play. The kpa solves so many problems for me.. Which is why the librarian to me is less of a feature request, but a tool to enjoy the unit as it already is even more.
    In the meantime though instead of focusing always in what i DONT have im appreciating the kpa lol still amazed that it actually pulled it off! Then the rest will follow im sure.

    I am still learning my amps more and experimenting with mics but im also looking fwd to sharing what i have once i feel they could make some users happy!


  • Right there with you - I'm playing and recording. :)

    My 20 or so gig rigs are assigned to MIDI program changes.

    When recording, I'm using the 'favorites' view to make it look like there is a practical variety of "go to" sounds specifically for recording.

    If i switch to another view, the other rigs are there in the Kemper (as my realtime library of sounds), in case I feel the need for another flavor when recording music from a different genre/decade.

    For now, it is simpler for me to leave them in the Kemper than remove them, and then have to re-load them onto a USB stick to import them before auditioning sounds for a specific purpose.

  • You're right, doing recording the needs are different. I just play live (actually came back 'bout now from a nice pub gig, new venue, nice audience.)

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I'd love to be able to add user defined tags so that I can added metadata to a rig file. Likewise a star rating of 1 to 5 would be helpful. No need to see these on the KPA as long as you could use the librarian to search them.



  • Mats, do you use the text copy and paste function introduced in firmware 1.5.0 when writing tags during profiling? It's a big time saver. Some info in this thread:…74087#post74087

    DonPetersen, quote from post 7:
    "when you're making a profile and you get to the store stage, you can name the stack, press copy and later, when you have to input the name of the rig, press paste and bingo - stack name entered.
    The copy button potentially holds 10 (Timo, correct me on this if I'm wrong) entries, that you can cycle through with the paste button.
    This means you can put in your studio name, cab & mic info, etc. and if you press copy after each input, the line will be saved and pressing paste will cycle through these entries (up to ten)."

  • You're right, doing recording the needs are different. I just play live (actually came back 'bout now from a nice pub gig, new venue, nice audience.)

    I played Friday a live show Friday night, too. Three guitarists came out specifically to hear the Kemper who had never heard one live, as well as a fourth who heard it once when I first got it. It received many tone compliments from friendly tubeheads :)

  • I feel the same.... wondering if it will ever happen... I may be selling it because of that thing and get something else. I know, i know......

    Thats a little extreme isnt it? Ive wanted the librarian for over a year now lol. I have no intentions of ditching the Kemper over it though. Besides it has been announced one is coming. Have a little patience. :thumbup:

  • Thats a little extreme isnt it? Ive wanted the librarian for over a year now lol. I have no intentions of ditching the Kemper over it though. Besides it has been announced one is coming. Have a little patience. :thumbup:

    Yeah, it is a little extreme... but I should have done my homework before buying... it was definitely a big + for me to have the editor