Connecting a Jamman Looper (or a similar device)

  • Hello,

    so far I figured out, that it is not possible at the moment to put the fx loop after the reverb / Delay section.
    When I want to use my Jamman, I have to put the jamman right after the outputs of the kemper - is that right?

    Will it then also be possible to connect the monitor out to one input of the jamman and the main out to the second input (jamman stereo),
    so that I can use a poweramp + Cab on stage and the main out to foh and get my looper working on both?

    Are there any plans to change the position of the fx loop with a firmware upgrade?

    Thx for your help!

    Best regards,

  • Yes, but then you'll have to set the used Main out and the Monitor out to "Main Mono" (Master menu), otherwise you're going to loose half of the repetitions if you use a stereo delay.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi!

    Thanks for your help. I have a KPA here for testing and hooked up both devices and then into my Focusrite 18i6 Device.
    The jamman changes the sound in really negative way when connected after the kpa (loss of dynamics, differerent volume level,...) - compared to connecting the main out directly to the audio interface. This is not
    a problem when putting the jamman into the loop of the kpa. I don't think that putting the looper after the kpa is a good solution.

    Are there any plans to change the order of the fx loop to place it after the reverb and delay block?

  • When I use the Jamman that way, it won't be possible to record a rhythm part without delay and then play a solo to the recorded loop with delay engaged, because the delay would also affect the rhythm part - as far as I know.

  • Yep, fair enough. You could use the Aux In function: the monitor out with cab off in to the Jamman and then in to your guitar cab, the Direct out (set to main mono) in to the other channel of the looper and back in to the Alternative Input (no loop in any module) and then go to the Master menu and raise the Aux In 'till it matches the required volume. Main out to FOH. This should work.....

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi again!

    I followed your advice - do you have any hints howto set the levels? It seems to work somehow, but the sound is altered and the jamman is clipping.

  • Nope, actually is a new fucntion maint to allow to mix a backing track in. If the Jamman is clipping reduce the volume of the direct out and raise the aux in. Is trial and error, this extra has been just introduced with the last FW.

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Hi!

    Well, I tried a lot of settings, but I can't get it work satisfactorily. The sound changes when using the Jamman thru the aux in.
    I will have to wait with my purchase until I am able to really use the fx loop anywhere in the signal chain.

    Anyway - thanks a lot for your help!

  • Acker, the KPA might be a bit inflexible in this regard at the moment.
    Did you think about using a JamMan Delay instead?
    I have one and whenever I feel to use it with my KPA I put it in the Stereo FX slot.
    If I don't want my loop to be delayed I use the JM delay. If it doesn't matter I can use the KPA delay.
    The JM delay is about 90.- more expensive than the normal JM Stereo.

    The KPA is first and foremost about the amp sounds.
    If you like these you might think about changing the periphery a bit.

  • Hi!

    Thx for sharing your idea. I thought about buying a seperate delay pedal, but that would another device, which needs power supply, cable etc.
    I decided to wait unitl kemper releases the announced foot controller - probably with a looper integrated.

    Thx anyway!

  • I stumbled upon the zoom G3. Any experience with this device in the kpas loop? It features a build in looper and a lot of effects - so it would also work as my delay / reverb.

  • I have the original jam man and have always found that it sucks a lot of tone. My boss rc 50 looper is a much much better sounding box and I use that connected to the main outs (via a patch bay) and it works really well.

    However, I have found a good use for the jamman when placed before the's really good for playing a riff/chord into then tweaking the looped sound on the kemper. Like reamping only quicker...

    Suhr Classic Pro, Fender deluxe Strat & Baja Tele, Gibson ES335, Ibanez S Prestige 2170FW, Eastman AR371CE, Variax JTV > KPA > Patch bay inc. Strymons (Mobius, Timeline, Blue Sky), H9 Max, TC Triple Delay, & POD HD500 > Adam A7Xs

  • I bought the KPA last week, then realising that my mono Jamman and Boss RC20XL wouldn't do the job, bought the Jamman Stereo. Connected 2 x XLR-Jack cables from KPA into Jamman Stereo, then 2 x Jack-XLR cables from Jamman Stereo into my Genelec 8040A powered monitors. Superb tone so I must be lucky with either my Jamman Stereo or good quality cables!

    Only downside is that the clarity really highlights the difference between my 335 and the cheaper clones it shares a guitar stand with...

  • Is there a way to put loop on for my JamMan stereo globaly? Basically turning it on for all rigs so I don't have to do this manually for each one.
    I will record a loop with one rig and then play along with another rig.

    Put a loop in the X-slot and lock it.