Editor pétition.

  • just don't understand how a entry level product like the POD x3 can have a AWESOME editor... and not a product like the Kemper. Its a non-sense to me.

    Small company with limited resources focused on getting fundamentals right before adding fluff vs big company with a lot of resources focused on making money, directed at mass market.
    I'd rather have Kemper with no editor than other product with an editor.

    Personally, I could use a librarian at some point. Don't need an editor that much. But I can wait. I had my Kemper for 5 weeks and play maybe 4-5 profiles. My Kemper is not even near computer most of the time.

  • Let's not forget the tools already available for us.

    Kemper profiler renamer.
    Sharing my free tool, Kemper Profile Renamer!!
    Kemper profiler editor.
    Kemper editor!

    A complete editor for a product like the kemper that gets new firmware updates and features every month on average is a lot of work.
    At least they have confirmed they're working on a library feature besides the other things being worked on.
    Something like the Axe fx 2 with a much more complicated and deep menu structure that is more complex to use still doesn't have a functioning working editor and I've waited about a whole year now. I have no problems using the kemper without editor, but the Axe needs it bad.

  • The fact is a $300 to $500 Pod xxx has a great editor, you can send patches to and from, you can send and try a new patch without saving it....making me save patches in my computer, librairian wise would be very useful. Maybe kemper should hire the programmers at Line 6 to teach them how to make an editor.

  • The fact is a $300 to $500 Pod xxx has a great editor, you can send patches to and from, you can send and try a new patch without saving it....making me save patches in my computer, librairian wise would be very useful. Maybe kemper should hire the programmers at Line 6 to teach them how to make an editor.

    There might be a good reason why companies with big money like Line6, fender and others don't release new firmware with feature updates and fixes every month.
    I can imagine editors for products with frequent updates and new features like the kemper demand much more maintenace. The Axe fx editor problem is a very good example. It's had a great editor earlier but it gets frequent FW updates and the editor can't keep up causing major problems for a year now rendering it useless. Fractal even hired more editor staff at the beginning of the year but it takes them a lot of time. I think these more complex gear with frequent updates needs much more demanding editors and that takes time to develop unlike a line 6 editor.

  • CK never said that he would offer an editor capable of editing and tweaking rigs.
    He only said that they will provide a librarian software for rig management. And that really worries me because it can't be to hard to create such a software, even for 2 platforms (Mac/PC). I have no idea what's going on in this regard and I have to wonder why they didn't outsource this task. If there was a documented interface (for example some network protocol) I could have done this already on my own.

    PS: Talking about a real editor to create, edit, tweak rigs ... sure it would be nice to have although this would be a lot more work for Kemper (or a 3rd party development contractor).

  • Small company with limited resources focused on getting fundamentals right before adding fluff vs big company with a lot of resources focused on making money, directed at mass market.
    I'd rather have Kemper with no editor than other product with an editor.

    Personally, I could use a librarian at some point. Don't need an editor that much. But I can wait. I had my Kemper for 5 weeks and play maybe 4-5 profiles. My Kemper is not even near computer most of the time.

    After a year...the editor/librarian will go on top of your wishlist. Believe me. :D

  • There might be a good reason why companies with big money like Line6, fender and others don't release new firmware with feature updates and fixes every month.
    I can imagine editors for products with frequent updates and new features like the kemper demand much more maintenace. The Axe fx editor problem is a very good example. It's had a great editor earlier but it gets frequent FW updates and the editor can't keep up causing major problems for a year now rendering it useless. Fractal even hired more editor staff at the beginning of the year but it takes them a lot of time. I think these more complex gear with frequent updates needs much more demanding editors and that takes time to develop unlike a line 6 editor.

    I'm no so sure Kemper is not big $$$ !!! Line6 has to sell 4 to 5 units more for every Kemper. If Kemper sold for example 4184 units at average $2000 usd, a piece (4184 = how many registered members here ) that is roughly 8.5 million $$$ gross in sales. not too bad for a small company for about a year !!!! and that's not counting the new power rack which is more $$$ or owners that have more than 1 kemper and maybe not everyone registers to be on the forum !!!

    Line6 did many upgrades and there was always a new editor to go with it !!! I dig the sound of the Kemper no doubt, but feature wise it is lacking in the editor dept... i'd like to be able to recall profiles directly from my computer. I could liberate my kemper of profiles much easily. It is a PITA the way it is now with the USB stick honestly !!!

    Edited 2 times, last by kriswylde (August 12, 2013 at 6:45 AM).

  • The companies must be two worlds apart in many ways. Kemper simply can't even be remotely close to Line6 global market product sales numbers competing with their huge selection and range of products and best seller amps in the world. They focus on the biggest 99% of the market in a price range most young people can afford. Kemper focus on the small top % user market that can afford a much more expensive product. Completely different marketing strategies and products with very different sales volumes.
    Line6 don't release frequent firmware with new features or fixes for the pods, I have had all pods and still have an HD bean. They are masters of cashing in by recycling their technology, so providing frequent updates every month is not part of their product plan. That would require more effort and why spend when they can recycle and cash in successfully like they do. Again, look at the problems the Axe fx is having with their non functioning editor for a year now, caused by frequent fw updates. I think an editor for such products require a lot more constant maintenance and work that a line 6 editor.

    Kemper have announced they are working on a library management software, not a full editor, like lightbox said.
    The "renamer" and "editor" softwares available now for us that I linked to earlier are very useful.

  • At this point, I don't think Kemper are really working on a editor or at least a librairian, I mean how long does it take if you really start working on one and you're a programmer and you're main job is, "Make an editor for the Kemper" !!!!!

    It's been what, over a year !!! I think about this Bs everytime I have to load new profiles in my Kemper and it in and enclosed rack and I have to go all the way in the back in the dark to plug my USB stick. We're in 2013 here .That is one of my main gripes with Kemper ..

  • kriswylde, a great tip that several I've seen here on the forum use (and myself) is a simple usb extension chord going from the back to the front so you can plug your usb stick in from the front of a lunchbox kemper. No more usb fumbling in the dark. :)
    Thankfully the usb stick feature allows us to not needing a computer with us to do updates, backups or load profiles and I really don't like bringing an expensive and bulky computer with me to do so.

    Have you tried the two kemper softwares that I linked to earlier that we can use now (editor and renamer)?

  • Actually that is good idea, don't know why I didn't think about it !!!! I will go get one because it is really frustrating getting it in the USB underneath my rack.

    About the software, I tried one but it wasn't communicating midi wise with my computer so I gave up !!!