fcb 1010 ... works almost everything .....

  • fcb 1010 ... works almost everything ..... I wonder it is possible to turn on or off the stomp boxes need to press the pedal twice?? And 'possible to have a Wha pedal and the volume of A to B?? The Wha works well or is a little phony??

    fcb 1010 ... funziona quasi tutto..... mi chiedo è possibile che per accendere o spegnere gli stomp box debba premere due volte il pedale??? E' possibile avere il Wha sul pedale A ed il volume su quello B ??? Il Wha funziona bene o è un pò farlocco??? ....(se qualcuno mi risponde anche in Italiano non mi dispiace)

  • fcb 1010 ... works almost everything ..... I wonder it is possible to turn on or off the stomp boxes need to press the pedal twice?? And 'possible to have a Wha pedal and the volume of A to B?? The Wha works well or is a little phony??

    fcb 1010 ... funziona quasi tutto..... mi chiedo è possibile che per accendere o spegnere gli stomp box debba premere due volte il pedale??? E' possibile avere il Wha sul pedale A ed il volume su quello B ??? Il Wha funziona bene o è un pò farlocco??? ....(se qualcuno mi risponde anche in Italiano non mi dispiace)

    The FCB1010 with its stock chip can send any combination of PC, CC, and note values to anything which can receive MIDI.

  • Ciao Giovanni
    ho la stessa pedaliera e funziona tutto, pedali a wha e b volume, mentre per gli switch se sono on sul kpa devi schiacciarli 2 volte mentre se sono off si accendono al primo colpo...almeno cosi' è sul mio...

  • Can anybody PLEASE make a tutorial on how to program the FCB1010. I tried to assign the patches with MIDI PrgChg in SYSTEM and it just stoped working with the FCB1010.

  • Man if you read my post and the post I linked which contains sample sysex files and still dont understand, I'm not sure anybody's going to be able to help you...

    Nice ;(

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Nice ;(

    I didn't mean it as an insult. Aside from a bit of custom switching with my GSP1101 and the dedicated controller, I've never programmed a MIDI floorboard controller prior to the KPA. The only way to learn it is to try it, MIDI isn't rocket science. If there's some specific issues, then ask specific questions. I mean, I linked to an article with a sysex FCB1010 template mapped for the KPA. There is great documentation on multiple sites out there on how to transfer a sysex to the FCB using the 3+ available editors out there. The article I wrote is a bit generalized as I wanted it to be useful for folks with other controllers other than the FCB. How can someone write a step by step when everyone wants things assigned differently?

  • I didn't mean it as an insult. Aside from a bit of custom switching with my GSP1101 and the dedicated controller, I've never programmed a MIDI floorboard controller prior to the KPA. The only way to learn it is to try it, MIDI isn't rocket science. If there's some specific issues, then ask specific questions. I mean, I linked to an article with a sysex FCB1010 template mapped for the KPA. There is great documentation on multiple sites out there on how to transfer a sysex to the FCB using the 3+ available editors out there. The article I wrote is a bit generalized as I wanted it to be useful for folks with other controllers other than the FCB. How can someone write a step by step when everyone wants things assigned differently?

    I didn't take it as an insult. The thing is I don't have the uno eprom yet so I wasn't even trying to "fully program" the device. I was just assigning rigs to various midi channels and they just stopped communicating. So now my FCB1010 does not work with my Kemper at all. I tried to figure it out for hours but had no luck. I'm ordering UNO eprom tommorow so I hope to have it figgured out soon, but in the meanwhile if someone has an idea I would be very thankfull...
    Thanks again. ;(

  • I didn't take it as an insult. The thing is I don't have the uno eprom yet so I wasn't even trying to "fully program" the device. I was just assigning rigs to various midi channels and they just stopped communicating. So now my FCB1010 does not work with my Kemper at all. I tried to figure it out for hours but had no luck. I'm ordering UNO eprom tommorow so I hope to have it figgured out soon, but in the meanwhile if someone has an idea I would be very thankfull...
    Thanks again. ;(

    In all honesty, the UNO will probably just make things even more complex, the result of the greater flexibility. The FCB dead stock can do almost everything the UNO can do really. You can kind of even do stomp box operation, the leds just won't align. If you don't understand that, having the UNO isn't going to help.

    In the KPA you are not assigning rigs to MIDI channels. A MIDI channel is like a cable. The MIDI protocol allows 16 independent layers of communication over a single cord. If your only hooking up a single device to a floor board (ie KPA and FCB1010) then both devices must be set to the same channel, kinda like the old VCR days when you set the VCR to send a signal to Ch3 or Ch4 and then when you turned the TV to the channel you set the VCR to, you could see the VCR image. Over the MIDI channel, a bunch of information can be sent. In our case we only care about PC (program changes, in the KPA you assign a PC number to a rig) and CC (control change, these control the state and/or value of parameters within a PC such as effect on/of or volume level).

  • In all honesty, the UNO will probably just make things even more complex, the result of the greater flexibility. The FCB dead stock can do almost everything the UNO can do really. You can kind of even do stomp box operation, the leds just won't align. If you don't understand that, having the UNO isn't going to help.

    In the KPA you are not assigning rigs to MIDI channels. A MIDI channel is like a cable. The MIDI protocol allows 16 independent layers of communication over a single cord. If your only hooking up a single device to a floor board (ie KPA and FCB1010) then both devices must be set to the same channel, kinda like the old VCR days when you set the VCR to send a signal to Ch3 or Ch4 and then when you turned the TV to the channel you set the VCR to, you could see the VCR image. Over the MIDI channel, a bunch of information can be sent. In our case we only care about PC (program changes, in the KPA you assign a PC number to a rig) and CC (control change, these control the state and/or value of parameters within a PC such as effect on/of or volume level).

    And that solved it. Thank you very much kind sir... :)