floor kemper)

  • kpa with (podhd500 ) (boss gt 10) formfactor - with only profile player( without profiling ) - and reduced cost ...
    i mean, this thing - kill all line6 ,boss,digitech stuff in the market .....and will be ideal solution for live gigs ..,tours...

  • I had my Kemper on the floor at last rehearsal as I ran direct and didn't think about bringing some sort of stand. I stepped too close on my guitar cable near the jack and unplugged the unit. My heart skipped a beat as for a moment I thought I had broken in the input jack. Maybe I'm a cheap bastard, but a > $1500 device on the floor is too much for my heart to handle. And if your hoping for a Line 6 priced product with Kemper tone, pretty sure your going to have to wait quite a long time for that...

  • I had my Kemper on the floor at last rehearsal as I ran direct and didn't think about bringing some sort of stand. I stepped too close on my guitar cable near the jack and unplugged the unit. My heart skipped a beat as for a moment I thought I had broken in the input jack. Maybe I'm a cheap bastard, but a > $1500 device on the floor is too much for my heart to handle. And if your hoping for a Line 6 priced product with Kemper tone, pretty sure your going to have to wait quite a long time for that...

    I second this- and a "basic verson" Kemper is far off as well IMO.

  • I had my Kemper on the floor at last rehearsal as I ran direct and didn't think about bringing some sort of stand. I stepped too close on my guitar cable near the jack and unplugged the unit. My heart skipped a beat as for a moment I thought I had broken in the input jack. Maybe I'm a cheap bastard, but a > $1500 device on the floor is too much for my heart to handle. And if your hoping for a Line 6 priced product with Kemper tone, pretty sure your going to have to wait quite a long time for that...

    I got my KPA on an IKEA basement shelf in the Band room. The Guitar cable is wrapped around the shelf Foot 3 times and goes with plenty of slack into the KPA input. The reason: I pulled a Laney Head of the cab with the guitar cable, while in "Action". I do not want this to Happen to my toaster, nor will it ever sit next to my 1010 on the floor!

    PS: this autocorrection on the iPad sucks!

  • i didn`t talk about cheap price , main idea is - formfactor and reduced functional ...

    you mentioned reduced cost. what functionality removed, the profiling? Well, you can keep dreaming guess. Would seem strange to ask a product to remove the very feature which makes it unique. My point...I'm not putting a $1,500 electronic device on the floor and stepping on it.

  • kpa with (podhd500 ) (boss gt 10) formfactor - with only profile player( without profiling ) - and reduced cost ...
    i mean, this thing - kill all line6 ,boss,digitech stuff in the market .....and will be ideal solution for live gigs ..,tours...

    + 100 for that :thumbup:

    want a "RIG-PLAYER" too
    not to replace the KPA, but as a 2. (3.,4.) device
    - for practicing (everywhere)
    - to drive a 2. (3.,4.) ampsound parallel (like fanz plase with real tubeamps)

    - small as possible
    - without any edeting, tonestack / volumen (global?) and midi controlable
    - 200 - 300 € 8o (registreted KPA users only ;) )

    Edited once, last by jojo (January 19, 2013 at 1:24 PM).

  • No, thats not a KPA, thats a Kemper without the ability of the profiling process, a KA if you want. One letter less => lower price :P
    Joke aside, a pure Rig/Profile Player isn´t that bad idea, imho. Meanwhile there are a lot of stuff on the Rig Exchange, or the chance to get some from TAF or Soundside. Think about all the younger guys sittin and jamming/playing in their bedrooms;)
    *sry4my bad English*