Rig exchange group select rigs download

  • Would it be possible with the rig exchange to make it more easy to download the full page of rigs or group selected rigs on one page as it is time consuming downloading one rig at a time. I download the new rigs that come in evry day or two and then preview before keeping or deleting , this way every day is like Christmas, 10 or 20 new amps to try out and keep, is this amazing or is this amazing!

  • Can't say I agree with you guys, my main and only problem with the KPA is too many rigs and forever auditioning them.
    Downloading on mass will result in nothing accomplished, lots of fun though.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • Can't say I agree with you guys, my main and only problem with the KPA is too many rigs and forever auditioning them.
    Downloading on mass will result in nothing accomplished, lots of fun though.

    For me downloading rigs one by one is very time consuming.
    Reviewing a rig and decifding if it's for me takes only seconds.
    So I would welcome a mass downloader feature here.

  • The real issue with the Rig Exchange is, that it lacks all sorts of potential user interaction. Let me try to explain in more depth:

    It would be nice to not only vote rigs by stars, but to leave comments. This way the users could provide better "thanks" to the creator and give him and other users some detailed feedback. How does the profile work for specific music styles, how does it work with specific guitars, which songs or guitarists come to your mind when listening to the rig sound, how did the users tweak the rig sound and why? Users could even post links to soundcloud clips where they actually use the rig so everybody else can get an idea of what they'll get.

    There could be much more interesting interaction instead of just providing a unpersonal pile of stuff for download. This should be more of a community effort where everybody is allowed to provide useful information for others.

    At least for me, it's always sad to see so many people trying to get free stuff as much and as fast as possible, but very few care about ways to give something back. :)


  • I agree that having a more powerful RE page would make the KPA a more appealing music tool, and attract more customers, specially if they read others' comments.

    Eng. Kemper has stated in the past that they are just using others' services for the RE, so it might be strategic to invest in some proprietary page.

    OTOH I guess something similar is in their list, but way down in the page. Sounds reasonable that other tasks are given the priority at the moment. Hell, you might count the crew's members on your own fingers (well, feet included maybe :whistling:)! :D

  • The real issue with the Rig Exchange is, that it lacks all sorts of potential user interaction. Let me try to explain in more depth:

    It would be nice to not only vote rigs by stars, but to leave comments. This way the users could provide better "thanks" to the creator and give him and other users some detailed feedback. How does the profile work for specific music styles, how does it work with specific guitars, which songs or guitarists come to your mind when listening to the rig sound, how did the users tweak the rig sound and why? Users could even post links to soundcloud clips where they actually use the rig so everybody else can get an idea of what they'll get.

    There could be much more interesting interaction instead of just providing a unpersonal pile of stuff for download. This should be more of a community effort where everybody is allowed to provide useful information for others.

    At least for me, it's always sad to see so many people trying to get free stuff as much and as fast as possible, but very few care about ways to give something back. :)



    I made this suggestion privately that their rig share should be more like an App Store with broader rating/review capabilities as well as more info from the author. Also, would be nice if a user could upload a pack of profiles rather than just one at a time.

  • I don't think I want to read personal reviews on the rig exchange.
    One players favorite tone is some others worst tone, we all like different things.
    Soon it would be - "Oh this profile doesn't sound good at all, it sucks".
    I would also prefer Likes instead of star ratings. Other players 1-5 ratings say nothing to me.

    Better for me would be if more info could be added from the uploader of the profile.
    What guitar & pickup were used when profiling. (very important)
    Mic placement, signal chains.
    Amp settings, tubes.
    optional photo link

    A link with this info from the uploaded profile to a thread on the Kemper forum would be good.

    Regarding group download, that would be very good and I think this has been discussed before.
    There are some plugins for web readers that can download many things at once.

  • Better for me would be if more info could be added from the uploader of the profile.
    What guitar & pickup were used when profiling. (very important)
    Mic placement, signal chains.
    Amp settings, tubes.
    optional photo link

    Hi HappyKemper,

    in my opinion (and based on my looooong online-community administration experience) a community really starts to live as soon as both parts of the show contribute. It's not the best idea to expect all the work done by the content contributor. We can all contribute and make life easier for those who share their rigs. The "You give, I take" approach is a dead end road, imho. :)

    The comments feature should be built (phrased) in a way that supports sharing additional information and/or sound examples ... not a written rating.

    One last comment regarding your post:
    In my opinion, the mic placement, amp settings, tubes, etc. aren't so "very" important anymore. You have a KPA, enjoy the sound and forget about tube models and all the electronics inside these vintage amps. Of course there will be a KPA 2.0 some day in the future that will have an even better audio processing, maybe even able to "play" and mix two rigs at the same time ... but in the end it's all about sound and not technical equipment. This could be a reason for Kemper not sharing info on internal RAM or internal A/D sampling rate and so on. It just doesn't matter if it sounds brilliant.


  • In my opinion, the mic placement, amp settings, tubes, etc. aren't so "very" important anymore. You have a KPA, enjoy the sound and forget about tube models and all the electronics inside these vintage amps.

    I basically agree, with maybe two exceptions:

    • the instrument with which the real amp was set before being profiled, or anyway the instrument the author enjoys the profile most;
    • the cab the profile was monitored\played back through.

    This is very important to me, I believe that most of the "not dug" profiles were just meant for a different guitar or played through a very different cab.
    Knowing that a profile has been meant for a Strato with neck Fralin and played through a Marshall 4x12 would be very helpful IMO.

  • lightbox, what I wrote as very important was: "What guitar & pickup were used when profiling."
    It is very convenient to know this info to quickly find a profile that will fit the users guitar and pickups.
    A profile made with amp settings for a hot humbucker will sound very different when played on a strat.

    Sound samples is also a good optional feature I'd like next to the uploaded profile.
    The rest about tubes, mics, photos etc would just be fun additional info to share. Just like the info in the uploaded forum posts.
    I think it sounds and performs awesome next to real amps so I have no need for any additional KPA 2 audio functionality. For those wanting to play two rigs at once that would be nice though. I'm a one amp guy.

    Ratings are always difficult and individual, I just prefer likes over numbers.
    Nobody will know if a 2 rated profile might be a 5 rating for them before they have played it themselves.

  • I could quote a lot here, but bottom line, the ability to show a profilers choice of guitar and pickups position would go a long way, is it right that some commercial profiles do it this way? Haven't got around to those yet.

    New talent management advice to Laura Cox -

    “Laura want to break the internet? let’s shoot another video of you covering the Nightrain solo in the blue singlet, but this time we’ll crank up the air conditioning”.

  • I could quote a lot here, but bottom line, the ability to show a profilers choice of guitar and pickups position would go a long way, is it right that some commercial profiles do it this way? Haven't got around to those yet.

    Hi Delinquent,

    you're right in some way and you're wrong in some way, imho. :)
    All the requested information is helpful to find a sound that you're looking for. This could easily be solved by creating sections and categories in the Rig Exchange.

    What I tried to say: It's much more important to actually listen to the sound through examples, maybe from different artists, from different styles. It's like watching nice photos on 500px.com ... the actual camera and lens and exposure data is nice to have but far from important. Just enjoy the photos and pick your favorites by watching them. Get inspired by the look of the photo. No image description could replace the actual image. Take this to the world of KPA and you'll see that tech specs are helpful to search but it's still most important to just listen.
    Of course it would be nice if those creating KPA rigs could upload a short audio example ... but even better if all users could provide more and different examples using the profiled rig. Both should be possible and encouraged. :)

    And to get back to the thread topic ... I think this would be much more helpful than any batch downloading feature. There's simply no point in downloading every single bit in one mouse click. You'd have to spend a lifetime testing and managing all these rigs.


  • All the requested information is helpful to find a sound that you're looking for. This could easily be solved by creating sections and categories in the Rig Exchange.

    The point is, that Kemper don't have access to the source code (they are using others' services).
    We'd need a proprietary page for implementing a better UI. I, for one, hope for such a solution :)

  • I found this rig batch download info from user almogaver in this previous thread, also read the last post:

    "As a workaround, it is possible to download several profiles at once by
    using a download manager add-on installed on your Internet browser (e.g.
    Flashgot, for Firefox and Thunderbird)."

  • I use DownThemAll, and it works. the problen is that, AFAIK; no FF plug-in manages downloading from more than a page at once. So you currently have to repeat the process 80 times... At least, DownThemAllOneclick makes things a bit faster.

    I used to use a(n external) DM that scanned all the children pages from a certain url, but can't recall its name. I'll let you know AFAIRI :)