• Is there anybody among you that would not have bought the the Profiler, if we had not announced the Performance Mode and Undo/Redo?

    I doesnt matter to me....what DOES matter to me, and I really DID think they were included: the OCTAVE FX..The PC/MAC editor...and the lack of a harmoniser. These features I thought WERE included in the product I bought...Still VERY upset after paying so much and not getting what is now STANDARD to guitar units. I love the tones but these are HUGE issues for many users of the KPA :thumbdown:

  • If you don't know what you're buying is just your problem, is like getting a Ferrari F-50 and complaining because it doesn't has leather seats...this is just trolling, sorry.... :thumbdown:

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • Fortunately, we don't have the STANDARD amp emulation of other guitar products and that is why I bought the KPA because, in my opinion, this is more valuable than one million FXs and a plastic amp feeling.

    For me, It's a substitute for my amp and some of my FX, works very well with my other pedals and I cannot say the same about other digital products I have tried.

  • If you don't know what you're buying is just your problem, is like getting a Ferrari F-50 and complaining because it doesn't has leather seats...this is just trolling, sorry.... :thumbdown:

    And by the way...if I were to buy a Ferrari F-50 I would obviously expect leather seats...and a decent stereo for that matter...very bad example.
    :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

  • I doesnt matter to me....what DOES matter to me, and I really DID think they were included: the OCTAVE FX..The PC/MAC editor...and the lack of a harmoniser. These features I thought WERE included in the product I bought...Still VERY upset after paying so much and not getting what is now STANDARD to guitar units. I love the tones but these are HUGE issues for many users of the KPA :thumbdown:

    One suggestion to avoid getting upset when buying gear is to never rely on blind belief and conviction.
    I actually really enjoy reading all I can about the gear I'm about to purchase a long way ahead. Specs facts, manuals, user forums, reviews...
    This way I know about all the available features and compatability and I can't blame anyone else for me being surprised or disappointed.
    I'm aware we all have different consumer behaviour, but it's a good tip.

  • Guitarnet70s comments are interesting. If you take that, and CK's most recent posts about upcoming improvements etc, then I would bet my last paycheck the aliasing will be one of the first things fixed for sure, and that at the core I would think would be one of the biggest priorities from his point of view to get fixed.

  • Yeah what's up with that? Some strange behavior from a few members lately. There's a ton to like about the KPA, but its not without its shortcomings...

    Thanks Will, and that's my point. We are trying to make things even better. Nothing will ever get improved if everyone brown noses and we can't voice honest opinions. ^^ :thumbup:

  • I doesnt matter to me....what DOES matter to me, and I really DID think they were included: the OCTAVE FX..The PC/MAC editor...and the lack of a harmoniser. These features I thought WERE included in the product I bought...Still VERY upset after paying so much and not getting what is now STANDARD to guitar units. I love the tones but these are HUGE issues for many users of the KPA :thumbdown:

    Why would any "user" of the KPA think it came with a PC Editor?

    Did your previous modeller have an Octave FX?
    Did you record anything with it, can you post a clip?

  • Why would any "user" of the KPA think it came with a PC Editor?

    Did your previous modeller have an Octave FX?
    Did you record anything with it, can you post a clip?

    Every multi-fx/modeling unit I've owned beginning with the Digitech RP-1 in the early 90's has included pitch effects. And yes I use them and have recorded tracks with them. I bought the Kemper knowing it did not come with octave effects and as such have made due with supplementary devices.

    Maybe it's because we're happy with our Kempers...what's strange about that?

    Nothing strange with loving something, but needless defensive positioning over gear is always suspect to me. I've loved many different pieces of gear over the years yet have always been able to remain objective when discussing it with other folks...

  • And by the way...if I were to buy a Ferrari F-50 I would obviously expect leather seats...and a decent stereo for that matter...very bad example.
    :sleeping: :sleeping: :sleeping:

    Yeah, decent stereo if you add it in, leather seats quite unlikely....F50
    They are composite...

    "Music is enough for a lifetime, but a lifetime is not enough for music" Serghei Rachmaninoff

  • I want a better product, of course. (Well, in this moment, I want a standard product because my KPA went back to Germany to be repaired three weeks ago, but that's another story.)

    Your post, with IMHO too many capital letters, makes me think that you are angry because you bought a very expensive product with features below the standard guitar unit and that's not true. It lacks some of the FX available in other products but it's amp section is by far, the best one in the market.

    Sorry, but after reading this, I thought you were trolling. Octave FX, Harmoniser, PC/Mac editor = HUGE issues.
    "what DOES matter to me, and I really DID think they were included: the OCTAVE FX..The PC/MAC editor...and the lack of a harmoniser. These features I thought WERE included in the product I bought...Still VERY upset after paying so much and not getting what is now STANDARD to guitar units. I love the tones but these are HUGE issues for many users of the KPA"
