• Everything was said by now, right?
    But not yet by everybody, o well.

    That's a good one, Doc!
    [Blocked Image: http://www.audiosemantics.de/FORUMS/KarlValentin.jpg]

    I have been away for quite a while. A few years ago I sold my KPA and since then played my own small tube amp with a Bad Cat Unleash. Now I am back because the DI-profile that I made from my amp sounds very much convincing to me.

  • I can't belive that the inventor of the profiling amplifier is waisting his time on posting in trollthreads about the undo button.

    My question had a certain intention. Here's the full story:

    When we designed the Profiler, we had many ideas and plans. We have decided to release the Profiler without Performance Mode and Undo/Redo, because we felt that both functions are not that essential at first. You can imagine that we have plans for loads of functionality for the future. Fortunately we don't talk about these plans, as the product would be considered even more beta. :)

    After the release there were many new and specific wishes from the userbase, we were happy to realize many of them with high priority, to make the amp better for you. Many of these wishes were more usefull and interesting, than some of the plans we have, so we rearrange our priority list from time to time. That is a nice product evolution model that is not performed by many hardware manufacturers, but common in the software business.

    Too bad that we have given the Performance Mode a label on the panel. So we had to tell initially what will come. We would have done better if we had left out the labels and buttons for features yet to come.we would not look beta. But from your point of view it's good to have them, once these functions are available.

    However, we have bowed to the pressure a bit, because people care. The Performance Mode is in the works, even though there was other features, that I have considered to be more important.

  • "Too bad that we have given the Performance Mode a label on the panel."

    Yes, but why not - as mentioned - just disable all external Midi stuff when not in performance mode.
    Undo could always 'undo all changes' for the current rig - and we hear the stored rig.
    Redo could play the changed rig again.

    done - a full featured performance mode could come later in fw 2.0 or 3.0

    For me would the antialiasing fix be much more important - because I love the KPA for the great sound.
    ... and then the "play rigs directly from the USB stick" feature.

    (All trademarks are trademarks of their respective owners, which are in no way associated or affiliated with soundside.de)

    Great Profiles --> soundside.de

  • I was unclear the perform mode was a major undertaking. As photos of the Kemper with a graphic of perform mode have been circulated since before the unit was released, I figured it was all but done, maybe some minor tweaks needed. However, if development hasn't even begun and those early photos were faked for marketing purposes, I would agree that several other features would take precedence.

    Perhaps the best way to understand what the majority would prefer is to gather up the most requested features and make a poll in the private forum allowing Kemper owners to vote on what they feel is most important to the unit. That would perhaps provide a better roadmap to your guys and manage expectations for us.

  • My question had a certain intention. Here's the full story:

    When we designed the Profiler, we had many ideas and plans. We have decided to release the Profiler without Performance Mode and Undo/Redo, because we felt that both functions are not that essential at first. You can imagine that we have plans for loads of functionality for the future. Fortunately we don't talk about these plans, as the product would be considered even more beta. :)

    After the release there were many new and specific wishes from the userbase, we were happy to realize many of them with high priority, to make the amp better for you. Many of these wishes were more usefull and interesting, than some of the plans we have, so we rearrange our priority list from time to time. That is a nice product evolution model that is not performed by many hardware manufacturers, but common in the software business.

    Too bad that we have given the Performance Mode a label on the panel. So we had to tell initially what will come. We would have done better if we had left out the labels and buttons for features yet to come.we would not look beta. But from your point of view it's good to have them, once these functions are available.

    However, we have bowed to the pressure a bit, because people care. The Performance Mode is in the works, even though there was other features, that I have considered to be more important.

    THANKYOU! i wouldnt say the kemper looks beta, it IS a finished product, it just lacks a few "mentioned" "promised?" features.
    personally i would say "advertised features are a must" performance mode needs to be finished
    undo/redo should be finished
    dont remember if a footswitch was "advertised" or just me expecting it, but it would be very nice and your design is pretty much spot on
    librarian/editor i would say that would be very nice, but was never mentioned, to my knowledge, so thats up to u guys.
    thats what i recon anyway.

  • However, we have bowed to the pressure a bit, because people care. The Performance Mode is in the works, even though there was other features, that I have considered to be more important.

    I think it's too bad that you've reordered your priorities based on a handful of people who write in all-caps. Or maybe you're bowing to PMs and e-mails, I don't know. Regardless, I would think a poll/survey would be a better way of figuring out what your user base really wants collectively.