User reviews of commercial rigs

  • This I have bought from Ampfactory, really liked em all

    Vintage & Rare Amp Collection
    Metal Producers Pack
    Blackstar Artisan 15
    Bogner Goldfinger 45
    Bogner Uberschall
    Budda 18 Superdrive
    Diezel Herbert
    Diezel VH4
    Friedman BrownEye
    Fender Bassman Head
    Fender Princeton 65
    Fender Twin
    HiWatt Custom 100
    Marshall 1987x
    Marshall 70 Superlead (Plexi)
    Marshall AFD #2 (Slash)
    Marshall Satriani Signature
    Marshall TSL “Barry clover Mod
    Marshall 1987 JMP HW
    Marshall JMP MKII Mod
    Marshall JTM 45
    Friedman BrownEye
    Mesa Boogie MKII (Mod)
    Mesa Boogie Stiletto
    Mesa Triple Rectifier
    Orange ThunderVerb 200
    Peavey 5150
    Peavey 6505
    Soldano SLO 100
    Splawn StreedRod

    And these from Soundside, also great and alot of profiles for each amp.

    Mesa Boogie Roadster
    Mesa Boogie MKV
    Diezel VH4
    Elmwood Modena M60
    Mesa Boogie Rectifier
    Orange Dark Terror

    LTD WA-600
    Cort Bass
    Roland Quad Capture
    M-Audio BX5a

  • Andy: I've just spent over 1 hour with your Reinhardt BP- (Reinhardt Storm 33). With the new Green Scream for solo and the Spring reverb preset is pure tone heaven! What a gave me goose bump..seriously. Thank you so much! :love: :D

    I agree that the Reinhardt Storm is a very good amp in real life, and Andy has captured it superbly. TAF is always worth a look when adding another rig to one's arsenal.

  • 1fastdog

    As we are speaking of adding profiles ;) :
    Did you ever get around profiling some of your Marshalls? Or maybe some of your friends collection?

    Though we do have some nice Marshalls for the Kemper (many of them by Andy) there are still some missing. I think we only have one Superbass profile, no Style-1 combo with alnicos, heck we don't have a original vintage Bluesbreaker at all, no JTM45/100 and no black flag. And I wouldn't mind a Superlead from each of the years 67, 68 and 69. And some more cabs with 25 Watt Greenbacks wouldn't hurt.

    Have you ever thought about doing your own vintage Marshall pack? I would gladly pay a substantial sum of money for such a thing.

  • I can confirm for my next big bundle the Vintage BluesBreaker, and a 68 JTM45, with Pre-rolla's 25W, so can check those of your wish list :)
    Not got them yet, but on transit!

    That's great news Andy! I'm especially keen on the pre-rola 25s. Currently I think we only have that Siggi Mehl cab and your Trainwreck cab with the 25s, no? The other cabs we have for the Kemper are AFAIK G12H30s.

    But I think they stopped making JTM45s in '66. So maybe it's a JMP/Superlead?

    And to be honest, my wishlist is of course a bit impertinent. A "black flag" or "reverse logo" JTM50 is rarer than hen's teeth, they only made them for a few months or so. They are legendary just because Malcolm Young found one in a pawn shop and used it on early AC/DC stuff (alledgedly he still does and keeps it hidden under the stage). And you also don't come across a JTM45/100 too often. I can't remember seeing a vintage original in Germany at all. There was a pretty nice reissue some years ago, that's the closest I have come to playing one. They sound different to a normal JTM45 and very special but even the reissue costed an arm and a leg so I never took the plunge and bought one... It's the sound of early Cream and Hendrix before both switched to JMP/Superleads with EL34s.

    As for the style 1 combo (before the Bluesbreaker), they are interesting because of the alnicos in them. But they are rare and expensive collectors pieces and I don't think they can be found easily for profiling. But then: You even managed to get your hands on a Trainwreck ;)

    Edited once, last by Garrincha (January 14, 2013 at 11:45 PM).

  • dunno what it is yet, they told me its a 45, 1968, so I assumed its a JTM, will let you know more when I get it..

    It they got the year right, it must be a JMP. Marshall only had two amps then basically, a 50 and a 100, both in Bass or Lead configuration. Bass and Lead together in one head was the "PA". They were all JMPs.

    If it is a 100 Watt Superlead, then it would have a serial number around 12.000. You should be able to identify the sound as well. Those '68 JMPs were a bit more agressive in the mids and that's actually the year of EvHs "brown sound" Plexi. So if it has more gain and more mids and sounds like "Eruption", than you've got a winner ;)

  • 1fastdog

    As we are speaking of adding profiles ;) :
    Did you ever get around profiling some of your Marshalls? Or maybe some of your friends collection?

    Though we do have some nice Marshalls for the Kemper (many of them by Andy) there are still some missing. I think we only have one Superbass profile, no Style-1 combo with alnicos, heck we don't have a original vintage Bluesbreaker at all, no JTM45/100 and no black flag. And I wouldn't mind a Superlead from each of the years 67, 68 and 69. And some more cabs with 25 Watt Greenbacks wouldn't hurt.

    Have you ever thought about doing your own vintage Marshall pack? I would gladly pay a substantial sum of money for such a thing.

    Hopefully when situations coincide and the "stars align". At that point I will post a lst of some of what I can access prior to any profiling sessions.

  • Garrincha,
    Your knowledge on such subjects is truly encyclopedic, pehaps even not of this world.....

    Thanks for the complement Neil. But always take my postings with a grain of salt. I've gathered much of what I know in the pre-internet days - like 25 years ago ;) - and I'm sure I've fallen for one myth or another which is now known as totally wrong. Back then if only enough experienced players or even people from the MI-business told you something, you took it for a fact even if it wasn't. I always try to check back before I post but sometimes I just post what I think I remember and that might be wrong.

    BTW: 1fastdog knows a whole lot more about old Marshalls than I do. In fact I learned a lot just by reading his and his mates' posting on the Les Paul Forum.

  • Thanks for the complement Neil. But always take my postings with a grain of salt. I've gathered much of what I know in the pre-internet days - like 25 years ago ;) - and I'm sure I've fallen for one myth or another which is now known as totally wrong. Back then if only enough experienced players or even people from the MI-business told you something, you took it for a fact even if it wasn't. I always try to check back before I post but sometimes I just post what I think I remember and that might be wrong.

    BTW: 1fastdog knows a whole lot more about old Marshalls than I do. In fact I learned a lot just by reading his and his mates' posting on the Les Paul Forum.

    What a kind thing to say. Some of the best things about our sort of forum is that we all have something to share when the right question comes along. No one is born an expert. No one needs to be an expert to have a riff or two to offer.

  • So i got the amp factory Rock Pack,bit dissapointing really,nothing actually wrong with it but it just seems like the usual amp factory mixture of cleans,crunchs, and 1 nearly hi gain(soldano,nice and smooth). apparently a lot of nice gear was used during the profiling but honestly i cant hear a difference from the regular amp factory stuff.
    i think was expecting something rather more heavily processed and interesting,its all high quality and sounds fine but i wouldnt really recommend it if you already have some amp factory bundles.

  • i think it was a valid thing to do,i can imagine that it took a lot of time and effort but really i think if you did it again you could take a chance and really go for something much more heavily proccessed and "out there". at the moment to my ears its just too similiar to the "regular"packs. maybe just do a smaller pack of about 20 profiles and see if it works for people. to be honest there are so many good "normal"profiles around that something different could do well.

  • Thats a Valid approach too. - I did think about doing a heavy "processed" sound when I did this, and could of done easy, but was too afraid to, in case people would reject it by being too processed, so I did it purely like a normal record chain, how you see many people record in studios today. - for me its different enough from the norm, - but maybe not everyones cup of tea so to speak.

    I mainly work with the community and answer what they want, in terms of amps and styles, (eventually) - so if there is a call for the heavy processed I'd be happy to do it.

  • I recently got the RockPack.

    I appreciate Andy's regular stuff with sometimes drip heavy Hall Reverbs, Stereo Enhancer, Compression, etc, as you can always turn them off if you want. But they are ready to play in headphones.

    But having a simple and elegant selection of more dry profiles is also up my alley for recording. So I think it's a question of what you are doing:
    1 )Playing to yourself in headphones
    2) playing live
    3) recording.

    I do mostly 1) and 3) so I appreciate having both as rig packs and bundles to choose from.

    If I was disappointed, I'd seriously ask for my money back. I've never felt that way about Andy's profiles, and I'm pretty hard to please.

    I like SoundSide, but I like Amp Factory better, all around. That's my amateur impression when I hit presets, I find myself using Andy's 90% of the time.

    Mind you, not ALL of them. I carve out (read: delete) a bunch of pedals Andy uses that I'm not interested in, but the variety allows me to choose which is great, and his profiles currently represent at least 60% of my rigs. SoundSide about 20% Free Exchange about 10%, Kemper originals about 5%and my own profiles about 5%

    Man, I sound like an infomercial! ;)