...And so its gone..

  • Well, I got mine on a big "T" repair tour for 10 days 8) for 4 defective Leds on the gain.

    But 3 days after returning I've got now one died Led on Bass. WTF

    I thought they've changed the whole board but I guess they only change single defective Leds at Thomann.
    Or do they send them to Kemper HQ????

    Anyone else ???

    I hate to send it back AGAIN!!!! :cursing:


  • I had some LEDs gone. Shipped my unit back to Thomann.
    The repair took over 1 month.
    All my LEDs are working currently... knock on wood...

    This is why I'm extremely reticent to send my unit off for repair despite the 11 LED's that have now gone. I don't want to be without the unit for that long.

    However, I think that when my 15th LED goes, that'll be when I send it back. I'm also risking it being out of warranty if I wait too long. How long is the warranty by the way? I've had my Kemper since July last year.

    There must be something going wrong somewhere. LED's just don't go at this frequency normally. Is there a poll somewhere showing how many people have had this issue?

  • I have about 10 led's not working. One went some time ago and I sent it back under warranty to get repaired. NOW I have 10 that are gone. I just got used to the idea they will just all die. Don't much care now, it's a shitty built pile of computer crap. It's just a PC, that loads really sloooowwwwwllllyyyyy.

  • Ok, well the first time I sent this in it was the volume knob light that had gone. That was replaced and it came back ok, BUT, now I have three leds on that knob that are not working. So according to you it was replaced with complete LED tree, which about a year later has now three leds not working. But now I have all the others with missing LEDS, no wonder you left them out of the rack version, shoddy...

    Edited once, last by DaveB (May 8, 2015 at 10:42 AM).