'E' -- the edit flag paradigm and the rig/snapshot concept

  • When you change any value pertinent to a rig (gain, tone, presence, volume, stomp selection, etc), a little 'E' appears on the screen, near the author's name, to indicate that the current rig has been edited. However, in the current version of the firmware (1.5.1), some modifications fail to be noticed :
    - hold a stomp button (A, B, C, D, X or Mod), select with BROWSE a different effect, push EXIT : you have modified the rig, but the 'E' flag has not been set.
    - hold AMPLIFIER (or EQ, or CABINET), select a different preset, EXIT : then again, the rig is modified, but the 'E' flag has not been set.
    So it would be nice if this could be corrected in a future version of the FW.

    For now, the 'E' flag is just an indicator, and it doesn't prevent you from selecting another rig, and losing immediately all your modifications. I have many times modified a rig, find a tone that I liked, and wanted to compare it with another tone that I remembered... Just to discover that after doing that, all my modifications were definitively lost.

    So, a very nice feature would be, when a rig has been modified, to have a pop-up that displays a message like 'Current rig has been modified - push once again the button (or "turn once more the BROWSE knob") to switch to the new rig, use 'Snapshot' to take a snapshot of the current rig first, or use 'Cancel' to stay with the current rig'.
    Of course, the apparition of this message would be an option, and if you don't select this option, everything works as usual (I don't have to say that I would keep this option checked!).

    So, with this feature, we could be sure to never accidentally lose our modifications, but keep them in snapshot.

    Now, a second question is the relation between a rig and a snapshot. In the current version of the FW, a snapshot contains exactly the same data as a rig, except for the date, which indicates at what date/time the snapshot has been taken. When tweaking a rig, it can be extremely useful to switch quickly from one version of a rig to another. So I propose, when you select a rig for which you have taken snapshots, that the "< PAGE >" buttons become active, and let you switch from a rig to its various time ordered snapshots. Here again, an option could let you decide, when you switch to a new rig, if you prefer to load the initial rig or its last snapshot.

    I really think that the save on edit feature, and the rig/snapshot chain navigation constitute together a coherent improvement to the user interface.

    Best regards.


  • Good write up. I do disagree with the pop up even if you can disable it. Just adds programming time and effort to something that is not really needed. It's always best to save when editing and then delete later if needed as goes for almost anything your are creating on a computer.
    It would be nice to have folders for rigs, being able to easily A-B rigs, and undo/redo. I think this should be the focus of the next firmware update. It would make it working with the KPA soooo much easier.

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