kemper updates

  • Certainly not "cheap"

    From my perspective it is one of cheapest pieces for hi-quality equipment per year of usage I ever used. Given that KPA completely cured my GAS my Toaster already costs me on average ~$250 per year (clocking 8 years now - this is also known as ~$20 / month) and it is getting cheaper every year while gaining excellent new features every now and then. It requires big one-time investment but in a long run it is dirt cheap, IMHO.

  • Yes, you are right. If kemper announces to stop updating the firmware, I can guarantee that kemper's product sales will immediately fall to the bottom. People will choose to buy them in the second-hand market.

    The thing is, even if updates stopped today forever, the device as it is now is still one of the best values in the market based solely on sound. It would remain relevant for a long time to come. People still buy Access synths new without hesitation and those haven't received an update in...? When I first purchased the toaster, much of today's functionality was not added yet and it was worth every penny in its core function. All the updates and add-ons since then are just extra gravy. I don't think new sales would drop because of a lack of foreseeable expansion, especially when the price isn't that high to begin with.