Kemper Player cant get to any bank other than Bank 1

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    Everytime I push to get to Bank 2 Slot 1 i get sent again to Bank 1 Slot 1, and every other one is the same . Im on Release

    Heres video proof of whats happening. This is the first time i power up my brand new Player.

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    Kemper White

    Apogee Ensemble Thunderbolt

    MOTU Ultralite MK2

    ELAM 251 Handmade

  • Take a look at "system settings" and foot switch function.

    p125/126 of the manual....

    Max Banks
    This limits the maximum bank selectable via foot switches to avoid unintended Rig loads.

     Bank Load
    This preference determines what happens when another bank is selected via Bank Up/Down foot switches:
    • “Slot 1” – automatically loads Slot 1 of selected bank,
    • “Keep Slot” – if the current Slot is 3, Slot 3 of the next selected bank will be loaded automatically.

     Bank Up/Down
    This preference determines what happens at the highest bank and bank 1 when Bank Up/Down is selected via foot switches:
    • “no wrap” – limit at highest bank and bank 1,
    • “wrap on up” – no limit at highest bank; limit at bank 1,
    • “wrap up and down” – no limit at highest bank and bank 1.

  • Thanks for your comments, i changed the setting but i always get back to Slot 1 Bank 1.

    Kemper White

    Apogee Ensemble Thunderbolt

    MOTU Ultralite MK2

    ELAM 251 Handmade

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    I had been able to reproduce one case, where the parameter Bank Up/Down was somehow screwed. It appears as "Wrap On Up" but caused a kind f scrolling and return Bank 1 and Slot 1. CVhanging this setting once and returning to "Wrap On Up" fixed that isse. This might be caused by a left over of an earlier software version. These parameters have been changed recently.