Show Tempo in BPM while Tapping on Performance Screen

  • The Profiler Model referred to in this thread is ...
    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    It's a "standard behaviour" based on my experience with other devices that have tap tempo. I would like to see the BPM I am tapping in big letters over the performance screen while I am tapping, then the screen should return to the standard view after a few seconds.

  • If it’s a known, specific tempo, either have a performance specific for that song, or create a preset for the delay that’s set correctly.
    I do both depending.

    Tap tempo (to me) is for matching other players. Not a specific bpm.

  • If it’s a known, specific tempo, either have a performance specific for that song, or create a preset for the delay that’s set correctly.
    I do both depending.

    Tap tempo (to me) is for matching other players. Not a specific bpm.

    I only keep one performance for the gig. I constantly change it depending on the PA and situation and it's as much as I can handle. If I start running presets per song, levels and all will be all over the place.

    So that said, I wanna tap the tempo and have an eye on what I'm tapping. I understand that it's not a use case you might be familiar with, but it's my reality. For me it makes total sense, despite all arguments against it.

  • What works for you is what works for you.

    This just came to mind......Have you ever tried using the Beat Scanner? Instead of tapping - hold the tap button and strum your tempo. It *will* show the tempo on screen as you're entering that way. I find that WAY better than the traditional tap-tempo. You can set it to mute the signal so your strumming isn't heard.

    The only other suggestion I have would be to use something like this:

  • What works for you is what works for you.

    This just came to mind......Have you ever tried using the Beat Scanner? Instead of tapping - hold the tap button and strum your tempo. It *will* show the tempo on screen as you're entering that way. I find that WAY better than the traditional tap-tempo. You can set it to mute the signal so your strumming isn't heard.

    The only other suggestion I have would be to use something like this:

    Yeah I like beat scanner, but would still like to see the BPM on the screen. That's what my Future Factory delay does, I tap in and I see the BPM on the display. Just old habits. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to develop that kind of thing but maybe it is.

  • Yeah I like beat scanner, but would still like to see the BPM on the screen. That's what my Future Factory delay does, I tap in and I see the BPM on the display. Just old habits. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to develop that kind of thing but maybe it is.

    I doubt it’s difficult but it’s probably very low priority compared to all the other stuff they are working on

  • Yeah I like beat scanner, but would still like to see the BPM on the screen. That's what my Future Factory delay does, I tap in and I see the BPM on the display. Just old habits. I thought it wouldn't be too hard to develop that kind of thing but maybe it is.

    No. Not hard to develop - but Kemper doesn’t have an army of developers, and they generally don’t add stuff when an existing feature does nearly the same thing.
