Player tap tempo anomaly

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    ☑️ Profiler Player

    Does anyone else find that the player tap-tempo takes its tapped tempo on button-up rather than button down?

    Try this-
    Get a steady (90bpm) beat or metronome running for your reference BPM now tap and release quickly/immediately in time on the down-beat (beats 1 & 3) the indicator appears to flash in time.

    Now tap on the down-beat and release on the up-beat (beats 2 & 4) You see the indicator follows the button up/release movements rather than button down? Or is the LED indicator inverted?

    Obviously, the same thing happens if you tap on each pulse, as you would normally do, but this experiment explains what i mean, you get your LED an 1/8 beat later (on the "&" where you count 1&2&3&4...)

    I am sure many users find it visually reassuring if the led is flashing in time with the pulse but, based on the above, it never will. Perhaps the down-press of the button is related to other functions and that is why it uses the button-release to set the tempo.

    It can be argued that either way the bpm is attainted but it does cause a problem if your button-release is inconsistent on the assumption that your button-down taps are those that set the tapped-tempo. And wouldnt it be nice if the LED flashed on the pulse?

    Perhaps this could be addressed?

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    This might be a consequence of the button not just triggering TAP but also engaging the TUNER.

    If you hold down the button to engage the TUNER, this should not interfere with TAP tempo. So TAP is only triggered if you release the button after a shorter moment. Before the software cannot know, if you intend to trigger TAP or activate Tuner.

    This is a natural "downside" of all these double functions.

  • This might be a consequence of the button not just triggering TAP but also engaging the TUNER.

    If you hold down the button to engage the TUNER, this should not interfere with TAP tempo. So TAP is only triggered if you release the button after a shorter moment. Before the software cannot know, if you intend to trigger TAP or activate Tuner.

    This is a natural "downside" of all these double functions.

    Thanks for confirming that. This is what i suspected to be the case.

    Could it be requested that the LED state is inverted so it follows the down-motion of a regular "up & down" tapped tempo?

  • Im aware the rack (not sure about the stage) has never had a reliable flashing indicator. I dont think this will ever be resolved.

    However, the PLAYER does flash in time but, as mentioned, inverted as if its reading the button-release movements rather than button-down.

    Oops, I didn’t read your post carefully enough. Of course the Player is a different unit from the various Profilers, so it’s a different issue.