Kemper Player with Tech 21 MIDI Mongoose

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    Need some help, please. Trying to use a Tech 21 MIDI Mongoose with the Kemper Player. I want to make programs 1-50 correspond with rigs 1-50. For example program 1 is bank 1, rig 1, and program 6 is bank 2, rig 1, etc. The Player manual says this can be done if I'm understanding correctly, but that's about all it says, not how to do it. This is my first time using MIDI, so I'm sure I'm missing something simple. I've seen someone do this on YouTube, and the comments said they just plugged it in and it worked like that without having to program anything.

    I'm using a U2MIDIPro cable to connect the MIDI to the USB A port on the player. Any help is appreciated, thanks.

    • Official Post

    The Player is ready to go out of the box. MIDI program changes are preassigned to all Slots in a linear fashion. If it receives MIDI program change # 1 on any MIDI channel it will load Bank 1 Slot 1. I it receives MIDI program change #6 on any MIDI channel it will load Bank2 Slot 1.

  • Thanks for the reply. So it looks like it is supposed to do what I want it to, but that has not been my experience so far. The Player seems to not be recognizing the MIDI Mongoose, I can hit any of the MIDI programs and the Player doesn't do anything. Any ideas on that?

  • Maybe you already know this, but, you must plug de MIDI IN into de Mongoose.

    Anyway, in case the problem is the cable, there is a USB/MIDI adapter that has been proven to work well with the Kemper Player. It’s the OTraki USB MIDI Cable. I use this one and works like a charm.

  • OK, here's the latest. I tried monitoring with Morningstar MIDI Monitor (web based) and made sure it was the MIDI IN connector that is plugged into the Mongoose. I was able to see the device on the monitor's Devices tab, but had no program changes despite hitting all 5 buttons a few times (see attached pictures). I wouldn't think it would be the cable if it was able to recognize the device. Am I forgetting anything else before I blame the Mongoose?

  • Ok, got this resolved. It was in fact the cable. It is only to be used with PC's. I couldn't find the OTraki USB MIDI Cable anywhere, so I bit the bullet and went with the CME WIDI bud pro and WIDI master.