Gain control goes higher when recalling preset

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    ☑️ Profiler Head/Rack

    So I’ve been using the Kemper now for 8+ years and have a new issue. When recalling presets and performances my gain settings, seem to be a little hotter than what had originally been stored. I’ve even lowered them back to where they should be and in the course of, switching between presets when I go back, they will be higher again. Not sure if this is an issue with the actual gain potentiometer being dirty or a software anomaly. Just curious if anyone else has had this happened to them and what it took to get it resolved. Thanks .

  • So I checked to make sure, both sense are set to zero and locked. I went ahead and loaded the latest OS and the most current rig manager. Very gently cleaned the gain pot with a small amount of DeOxide5 from the front of the pot after taking off the knob. Also changed out the battery while I was at it. (I know that had nothing to do with it) So far the problem hasn't reoccurred. Of course it isn't 90 degrees f with 80% humidity in my house so a couple of live gigs outside may tell a different story. I've got a support ticket with Kemper and they have been helping. However they didn't direct me to use the contact cleaner, that was my own doing. Thanks for your suggestions.

  • So I’ve been using the Kemper now for 8+ years and have a new issue. When recalling presets and performances my gain settings, seem to be a little hotter than what had originally been stored. I’ve even lowered them back to where they should be and in the course of, switching between presets when I go back, they will be higher again. Not sure if this is an issue with the actual gain potentiometer being dirty or a software anomaly. Just curious if anyone else has had this happened to them and what it took to get it resolved. Thanks .

    On which os version are you?

    Kemper Support #1 is this an known issue?