• I tried another "less is more" approach by using single tracks on guitar and bass, and only a subtle delay on guitar just for a bit of atmosphere. I panned guitar and bass off center to give room for a center vocal. This is my first attempt to polish a mix. I'm not sure if I like the tone used for the ending solo because I went softer than usual. I used the TD - Jer Can profile for rhythm (SD Pegasus) and lead (SD Custom). Eb tuning.

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    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.

  • Hey, Larry.

    Sounds good overall. In the interest of polishing the mix, here are a couple of things I noticed. I'm in my office studio at the moment, which has reference monitors and acoustic treatment. While it's not my main control room, things usually translate well enough to trust.

    The rhythm guitar level is significantly hotter than bass & drums. It's difficult to tell because of the guitar, but the bass might want to come up just a touch to balance with the drums.

    Bass / low frequencies aren't as directional as higher ones, so I don't think it buys you much in terms of panning it. I've always kept mine dead center. It won't get in the way of your vocals as most humans don't sing in that range (although that would be a neat party trick).

    I think rather than turning up the solo, if you bring down the rhythm you might find it sits in the mix okay.

    Hope this helps. Keep rockin, man.

    Kemper remote -> Powered toaster -> Yamaha DXR-10

  • I tried another "less is more" approach by using single tracks on guitar and bass, and only a subtle delay on guitar just for a bit of atmosphere. I panned guitar and bass off center to give room for a center vocal. This is my first attempt to polish a mix. I'm not sure if I like the tone used for the ending solo because I went softer than usual. I used the TD - Jer Can profile for rhythm (SD Pegasus) and lead (SD Custom). Eb tuning.

    External Content soundcloud.com
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    Hey there. One thing I'd say is that your work on timing has paid huge dividends from tracks not that long ago. There's still work to be done but it's now really beginning to come together in a much more professional sounding way.

    For me I wouldn't par things down too much. Even though many bands have only one guitarist if you pay attention to their studio tracks they'll often pad things out (in the case of Def Leopard a bit more than was feasible to play live till they got Campbell). So check out the tracks of the artists you love and don't be afraid of some studio experimenting.

  • Thanks Per , waraba , and Mats_Nermark !!! I've been playing more relaxed and that helps with timing. I remember early only when I hit the record but I would tense up and get all anal about it. The bass is still being tricky for me but looking forward to figuring that beast out.

    Larry Mar @ Lonegun Studios. Neither one famous yet.